Chpt. 5

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Audrey's POV

After leaving Kennedy to go on her mission, I change my course to Anakin's quarters to go see if he was okay. 

As I pass the gym, lost in thought, I didn't watch where I was going and bumped into someone, "Woah!" I stumble, looking up, "Oh, hey Anakin!"

Anakin smiles at me, "Hey Audrey."

"So, whatcha doing here?" I gesture to the gym. I purposely leave out the fact that our twin bond was flooding with annoyance and anger from his end.

"Just thought I might work off some negative energy with some sparring." He responds smiling at me, "Want to join me?"

I nod, "Sure!" I hadn't duelled with him for a while.

We both take off our cloaks and pull out our lightsabers. We ignite our lightsabers in unison and take a few steps back. Anakin comes at me in a blur, taking the offence like always, I parry his attacks with ease and use a few of the more advanced moves that Master Windu had taught me right before I was made a Jedi Knight. I find an opening, and switch from defence to offence, swinging my sabers in my usual form of  Ataru, but Anakin knew that move well and attempted to disarm one of my sabers. Luckily, I knew his move well and twisted around before he could disarm me. I grin to myself. We knew each other too well.

As our duel continues on, I frown when I feel waves of anger and frustration rolling off Anakin. He was angry about something but what? Eventually, I start to get a bit tired, so I let him disarm me, ending the duel.

As I use the force to retrieve my lightsabers, I glance at Anakin, concerned, "So, what's wrong?"

He avoids eye contact with me, "Nothing."

I raise an eyebrow and give him a hard stare, "Is it the Council? I'm sure they'll make you a Master soon. Or is it something else?"

He sighs and sits down beside me. "Partly. The other is..." He hesitates and I wait for him to continue, "The Council has given me an assignment."

"Already?" I was surprised.

"Yes. But, the thing is. I don't agree with it." Anakin frowns

I nudge him, "What's the assignment?"

He pauses before speaking, "The Council wants me to spy on the Chancellor." He gazes at me pleadingly, knowing that the Chancellor was not my favourite person. "Audrey, you know Palpatine has been kind for me ever since I got here, he's been a kind mentor and a good friend. I can't just spy on him because the Council insists!"

I carefully put up my mental shields so that Anakin can't tell that I personally agree with the Council about Palpatine. I just didn't trust him. "What are you going to do?" I ask him gently.

Anakin sighs, "I don't know. But for now, I'm going to go on with my normal business unless the Chancellor does anything suspicious." The look on his face said because he won't.

I nod, doing my best to look supportive, "Look, we haven't been able to hang out for a while, wanna go to Dex's and grab a bite?"

He smiles at the thought, "Yeah, let's d-"

He was cut off by the beeping of his com. He frowns when he reads the message on it and sighs, "Then Chancellor wants to see me. Sorry, maybe another time."

I nod in understanding although I felt a bit suspicious, "It's fine. I'll see you around!"

Anakin waves goodbye and rushes out of the gym leaving me alone. I sigh, confused on how events changed so quickly. Glancing out the window, I notice that it was starting to get dark and decide to go to bed. I slowly walk down the hall, lost in thought. Once I reach the door I was surprised to see that my feet had brought me to Padme's apartment. Shaking my head to myself, I think. Might as well visit Padme.

I knock on the door and Padme opens it, looking a bit surprised, "Audrey! How are you?" She smiles at me warmly and invites me to come in.

I walk into her apartment and we settle on the couch. "Congratulations on becoming a Jedi Master." She tells me.

"Thanks." I force a smile at her.

"Now what's wrong?" She asks seeing my not convincing smile.

I sigh, "It's about Anakin. He's been kinda- off lately. I was wondering if you knew what was wrong."

Padme frowns, "Well, he came back here today after the Council meeting to tell me the news, but then said something about needing to work off some energy." 

"Did he say anything else to you?" I persist, "Did he talk about anything bothering him?"

Padme looks baffled. Or tries to look baffled, "Why would he talk to me about his work and personal business?"

I raise one eyebrow at her and she looks uncomfortable, "What?"

"Padme, neither of you are very good at hiding your feelings," I state bluntly.

She blushes, "What do you mean?"

Sighing, I roll my eyes, "It's okay, you don't have to pretend. I know that you and Anakin are married. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me."

Padme sighs, "There's no way of keeping secrets from you, Audrey."

I grin slightly, "I'm here if you need me, you know." I tell her softly.

She nods and gives me a hug, "I know. Thanks." She glances outside where it was now completely dark except for the steady light of speeders, "You should get some rest."

I nod, getting up, "Bye."

*~The Next Day~*

I had just finished my morning meditation and was heading to the Archives for some reading time. 

Just as I turn the corner to the Archives, I hear a voice behind me, "Audrey!"

Obi-wan walks over to me, gesturing for me to come with him. I follow him with no question, and he takes me to a secluded area in the Temple.

Turning to face him I ask, "What is it?"

He grimaces, "We have located General Grevious."

"And you have been sent to go capture, or in other words destroy him." I finish.

He smiles ruefully at me, "Exactly."

I sigh stepping closer, leaning in for a kiss. Our lips meet and I enjoy the feeling for a while, "May the Force be with you." I whisper.

"May the Force be with you too." He gives me a peck on the cheek, "You stay out of trouble while I'm gone." He orders sternly.

"Yes, Master." I roll my eyes.

He turns around, ready to leave, "Be careful!" I warn, feeling scared for him.

Obi-wan glances back, "Don't worry, I will be." His eyes were gentle and full of love for me.

Just a short filler chapter! Hope you enjoyed!

Next chapter will have Order 66 in it so stay tuned!!!


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