The Giant

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Sorry for the late update! Been distracted lately.


I was back on the mountain but J was with me this time. He looked as confused as I felt.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Maybe you somehow brought me in your dream?" he replied shrugging his shoulders. I decide to think about it later. I still need to find out where this place was. I couldn't look at my family, they might not be able to take much more.

"Man, they don't look so good." says J. I glare at him.

"Really? I didn't notice." I say sarcastically. "Help me look for something to give us any indication of where this place is." he nods.

We look around for any clue of where this mountain is. I instantly start looking for the pamphlet I saw the other night.

"Hey I think I found something." yelled out J. I ran over to him and saw that he was holding the pamphlet.

"Giant Mountain, nice to see he is original." I say. On the pamphlet was a picture of the mountain and the name and location of it.

I then woke up. I was laying in bed and a pair of strong yet comforting arms around me. I look up and see J.

"Were you...?" I ask and he nodded.

"Giant Mountain in New York." he said.

"What?" it was Nico he was on the other bed looking at us confused.

"We know where the Giant is."


We shadow traveled to the mountain. I wasn't exactly sure where on the mountain he was so we just have to hike along.

It wasn't so bad. The weather wasn't that warm. Actually it felt good. The sky was cloudy and there was a breeze and the smell of rain in the air. I love the rain but I'm not sure it will be so easy to hike in mud. So I am, for once, hoping it doesn't rain.


"Can't believe we didn't find anything!" I say angrily stabbing a stick in the ground. We hiked all day and nothing! So we decided to camp for the night.

"There's always tomorrow." says J putting his hand on mine.

"All we have is tomorrow." I say.

"Well we should rest up if we are facing a giant tomorrow." it was Nico. He looked ready to pass out. Completely wiped from the hike. He fell asleep as soon as he hit the ground.

"Don't worry we'll find them." said J. I nodded.

"You should get some rest. I'll take first watch."

"You sure? Because I don't mind-"

"Positive. You have been taking most of the shifts on this quest. Get some sleep." I say. He nods and lays down.

I poke at the ground for a few moments and then start looking around for any indication of where they could be.


"What if the dream was wrong?" I ask edgy. It's already six in the evening! We have hiked all day again.

"No, they have to be here." J seemed determined. I was going to say something when we heard a roar and a bolder being thrown. The three of us duck.

"I think we found them." said Nico. I nod and we start making our way towards the roar very cautiously.

"Where is she? I thought she cared about her family! Well you three are useless!" yelled the Giant. He still looked sickly pale. I looked over at my family and almost let out a sob. They looked like they are barely hanging on. They are on the verge of consciousness.

J grabs my hand. I look over at him and Nico and put on my most determined look.

"Well it's clear he wants me. So what I think is that Nico, shadow travel over to my family and try to cut them free. J you are going to sneak up behind the Giant and I am going to distract it. Got it?" I ask once I finish explaining my plan. They nod. "Okay good." I get up and walk away from the cover of the bolder and into plain sight. I can feel myself shaking. Not just fear but also anger.

"Hey!" I yell at the Giant that had its back facing me. He turned around to look at me. I gulped. "Um, hi." I say and clear my throat and start again. "I believe I am the girl you have been looking for,and I believe that is my family you have locked up." I say more confident.

"You? You are the girl that has Zeus all worried? I do not see much." the Giant says smugly. I glare at him and clench my jaw.

"Why did you want me?" I ask. The Giant smirks.

"Blood of a demigod is a very powerful thing." he says. I look at him confused. "I am not very well if you cannot tell. I was going to drink the blood of a demigod so I can be powerful again."

My mind is racing. "Why me?" I ask.

"You shouldn't have been born. No one wants you alive. I thought it would be easy to have you." he says it like it was no big deal that he wanted to drink my blood! I look at my family and see Nico there. And then I see J. He swings his sword at the Giants leg.

"AAAGGGRRRR!" The Giant yells. He turns and swings his hand at J. J goes flying through the air. A Boulder stopped him from going down the mountain. He didn't look good but he was alive. He was still conscious. The Giant then noticed Nico. He grabs toward Nico but Nico moves out of the way.

I pull out my spear. Well plan didn't work. Oh well. I charge and so does Nico. The Giant blocked me but being that Nico and I came from different directions, Nico's sword made contact with its thigh. He yelled in pain.

He moved to smack Nico but Nico jumped out of harms way. I ran up and jabbed. He yelled in pain as we as anger. The sky above roaring as well. A light rain starting.

The Giant picked up a club and started swinging it at us. J was back on his feet and came towards the Giant ready to fight. When mud/ rock dwarfs appeared.

"What the-?" I said. Two went for Nico and the other two went for J. That left me alone to fight the Giant.

"Just you and me. I may not be in my best shape but I am still enough to defeat you half-blood." said the Giant.

"You talk a lot for someone who has to send other people to fulfill a job. And who needs me to survive." I say with a smirk. Blocking his swing. I dive away and slice at his leg. He roars. I dive, jump and slide out of the way of his club. I jab and slice at him. Hitting his stomach leg or thigh.

The rain now was coming down harder. I got the Giant down. He was laying down with gold blood leaking from his body. I ran to my family so I can free them. Then a pair of strong arms grabbed me and pulled me back.


Lightning struck. It hit the pool of water that surrounded my family. I heard a scream and realize that the scream came from me. Tears swelling in my eyes. Lump in my throat. I look at where my family is tied up. Singed burned and.... Dead. I felt it. I knew in my heart that they were gone. Not only my heart but I knew they were gone. An advantage of being a child of Hades.

"They are dead! Zeus killed them! Why do you want to stay alive and help the gods? They are evil and no good! They don't care about your life or your families life." yelled the Giant from behind me.

I turn around and shake J's grip off. He steps away. Inside I felt broken. I felt like something just snapped and can not be fixed. I glared at the Giant.

"You are the evil one." I say. Then I let my anger and grief take over. I feel the energy leave me. I train the death mist to make a straight line to the Giant. I see the darkness. It surrounds the Giant. I hear him choking and coughing. Gasping for air. He tries to step out of it but I wrap it tighter around him. Then he is quiet. And my energy was almost gone. My knees buckle but before I hit the ground J catches me.

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