Finding The Truth

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This is my first story. I apologize if the beginning isn't so great. But please give it a shot. I promise that it'll get better.

Man it's bright out here. Why did my mom and her friend, Diana, want to come to the Flea Market anyways? I guess it's better than being home. My mom and dad aren't doing so well so being out with my siblings and "cousin" isn't that bad.

"What do you think of this shirt, Naomi?" asked my mom. I looked at the shirt and one thought came to mind. Horrible! Bright pink and floral! Really? Does she not understand that I don't wear floral or pink unless it's for like breast cancer awareness?!

"Uh, not me." I reply. I really appreciate her trying.

I'm Naomi Moreno. 15 years old and suffer from dyslexia and ADHD. Worst combination ever! My dyslexia has gotten under control these past few years. My ADHD worse.

I decided to wonder away from my family and check out other areas. I didn't even realize that I was at the edge of the market. There was a park nearby so I decided to just go over there. It isn't a park with a slide and swings. It was more of nature like a hiking Park I guess you can call it.

As I got on the trail I heard distant running. I didn't think anything of it until a group of guys came running over being chased by.... A monster!

I shook my head and rubbed my eyes thinking this must be a hallucination. Wouldn't be the first time. I always tend to see things that weren't right. But this time it just made the monster clearer. A bull man with huge horns. I've seen a picture of something like that called, um, I think a minotaur?

The minotaur was chasing three teen guys and an older guy. The older guy running with a spring in his steps almost like an animal run. The four of them ran closer and seemed to be shouting something. Probably something like "move before you get killed!" but I was frozen in fear. Once they reached me and the minotaur was right on their heels I panicked. I screamed and put my hands right in front of my and felt a tug at my stomach. The ground opened up and swallowed the minotaur. As the ground closed my knees buckled and I would have fallen if not for a pair of strong arms catching me. I looked up and was mesmerized by what I saw. A guy with Pitch black hair with sky blue eyes that held what I believe was thankfulness and shock. He was tan and from what I can tell a skater boy built.

"Um. I think I can stand. Thanks though." I said because he was still holding on to me. I hope I wasn't blushing. Man would that be embarrassing especially since I don't even know this guy.

"Right." he replied letting go and took a step back. I realized that all the guys were staring at me. There was a tall tan blonde hair guy whom seemed to shine a bit like a sun. There was another guy next to him that wore dark clothing, was a bit pale, and had pitch black hair with a shadow feel around him. Then the older guy who was dressed as a coach and held a bat. They all had the same look on their face... Dumbfounded.

"Y-you are a child of..." stuttered pale guy who seemed about 14.

"Hades?" finished the blonde for him. Realization arose and then fear.

"Hades? What like the Greek myth God?" I asked. This has to be some kind of dream. No way this could be real. They all looked at each other then back at me. Then the chaperone took a deep breath and stepped forward. At least I assumed he was a chaperone.

"Hey kid. My names Hedge." he started. That name. It sounds... Familiar? "This here is Nico di Angelo," points to the pale kid. "This is Will Solace," points to the blonde next to Nico. "And-"

"I'm J. Jaydon Felix is my full name, but I prefer J." finished the guy who caught me. Okay this is a dream. All those names are from well a fictional story! I think I am still sleeping. Well maybe sense this is a dream I should just play along.

"I-I'm Naomi Moreno." I manage to say. Then I get a boost of confidence remembering that this has to be a dream. "Was that thing a minotaur? And who did that whole open the ground trick?" I asked. They looked at me like I was crazy.

"You did. Because it definitely was not me. I don't have enough energy for it." replied Nico.

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