The Argument

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Hey guys I'm changing it to 2 weeks instead of 3. I just felt like 3 weeks was too much.
Sorry the beginning might be slow.

We arrived in Austin Texas. Naomi grabbed a newspaper and after ten minutes of three dyslexic kids trying to read a section with a blury picture of a lion or large cat on it. We finally found out where it was last spotted last.

Bay City Texas. Which is at least 3 hours away. So we headed out. We made good progress we had 2 weeks minus the three days we spent getting here. Now we just need to Bay City.

I'm actually a bit jittery. Three demigods, two children of Hades, and not one monster attack. I'm not sure if I should be happy about that or worried because that could mean bad news for the future.

We walked through town and by evening we stopped at a restaurant to eat. Once the food arrived we dived in. No one said a word till we finished.

"Does anyone find it odd that we haven't ran into a single monster lately?" asked Naomi. As if right on cue a very attractive woman shows up with are check.

"I'm Kelli and don't worry. I handled the check. You three should follow me." she said sweetly smiling. I immediately get up but Nico pulls me down.

"Where are you taking us?" he asked looking at her suspiciously and squint as if trying to make out her image. I feel a spark of anger and annoyance. This woman paid our check and why does Nico act in charge?

"I'll go." I say and follow her before I can be stopped. Naomi and Nico then hurries after me.

Kelli leads us to an alleyway behind the restaurant. Where the dumpster was located. There was another girl waiting for her. The were both equally hot. The waiter in a cheerleader sort of way and her friend in a punk rock kind of way.

"Demigods, always so easily tricked." sneared the waiter. Something didn't seem right. Wait- she said demigods!

Naomi and Nico got out their weapons and attacked the punk rock lady who came between this cheerleader and I.

I was too slow. Kelli leaped and tried to bite my neck off with her fangs. Fangs? I then saw her for what she was. Waist up she looked normal but below there was definitely something wrong. She had one donkey leg and one bronze. Empousa.
I'm such an idiot!

I manage to throw her off of me and pull out my sword. She opens her mouth and spits fire. I dodge to my left. I roll and am now on one knee and run my sword to her leg.

Wrong freakin' leg! I hit her bronze leg and she looks down at me with absolute distaste. Kelli grabs me by my shirt and throws me. My head hits the dumpster and I start seeing spots. I blink to get my vision to focus and see that Naomi and Nico killed their empousa. They were now moving towards Kelli. I stood and ran to their side.

We stand side by side with our weapons pointing towards her, daring her to try anything. She then does the strangest thing. She smiles.

"I will see you three again. And it will not be a happy visit." she says and then bursts into flames and disappears.

The three of us look at where she had just been for a second. Then Naomi turns to me angrily.

"What the Hades were you thinking!?" Naomi screams at me. I'm taken aback. I also feel bad and angry with myself. Was I the only one who was tricked by her? "Well?" Naomi snaps waiting for an answer.

"Well, um.." I clear my throat. "I got a little, um, hypnotized by her." I say not meeting their eyes. How come I was only effected?

I look up and see Naomi's face contorted with rage. Nico then speaks up.

"Empousas have that effect on all men. It's what they do." Naomi takes a deep breath and it seems like she was trying to control her anger. That's when the cops show up.

"What happened? What was that noise?" two cops, guns drawn, came barging through the door. They took one look at us and our weapons and pointed their guns towards taking a cautious step forward.

We had cuts and bruises. We were also covered in ash and dirt. And to top it off we each had a sword or spear in our hands.

"Put your weapons down. Put your hands behind your back and come with us. No need for any trouble."

"Officer, we can explain." said Naomi putting her spear down slowly next to her.

"You can explain to us downtown."

I guess Naomi didn't like that answer because she grabbed mine and Nico's hand and we shadow traveled out of there.

We landed in some empty Park in Texas.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"A park in Bay City." grumbled Naomi.

"What's your problem?" I ask annoyed. Which I probably shouldn't have because now she looks like she wants to run her spear threw me.

"What's wrong with me?" vibrating with anger. "I'll tell you what's wrong! We were going through everything just fine! No monsters no police nothing! But you just had to follow a pretty girl into a dark alley! That was just so smart of you. The police are probably filing a report right now about three adolescent kids running ransom!"

"Well if we stayed and explained the the police-"

"Guys I thi-" Nico said trying to break up the argument but Naomi interrupted.

"What would we have said? We don't have the time to waste. Three days have passed and we still haven't gotten a single thing! My family-"

"Yeah well maybe we wouldn't be in this situation if we shadow traveled here or rode a plane!" I yell back.

"You agreed we shouldn't shadow travel and you know why we can't go in a plane-"

"Yeah because Zeus wants to kill you. Well maybe if you weren't here neither one of us would be in this situation and your family wouldn't be held by Giants!" I regret what I say as soon as it leaves my mouth. I put a hand over my mouth.

I see tears starting to form in Naomi's eyes. She no longer looks angry just hurt. But something else. It almost seems like I just said something that she has been thinking herself. I open my mouth to apologize but Naomi was already gone.

Naomi POV

I shadow travel out of there. Not far, just the other end of the park. Nothing here but trees. I stumble upon a boulder and and sit with my back leaning against it. I then let the tears I was holding back for so long fall.

He's right. Says a voice in my head. I'd you weren't around if you weren't born none of this would be happening. The big three wouldn't be arguing whether you should live or not. J and Nico wouldn't be in this mess. And your poor dear family wouldn't be suffering. It's all your fault Naomi..

"SHUT UP!" I scream at the top of my lungs putting my hands to my ears. The voice in my head keeps repeating it's all your fault. It's all your fault.

I let out an ear perching scream and feel nothing but pure energy of death and darkness escape me. I can feel the park dying around me. The trees the grass the plants the creatures. Nothing surviving. I then pass out. Feeling as if I was falling into an endless dark pit in the ground.

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