Letting Him Go

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"I can't leave my mom is here!" I say as they grab my arm and start pulling me away from the market. They look at me with understanding.

"Okay we will go talk to your mom and explain to her. I'm sure she'll understand." said Nico. I nodded and lead them back into the fair. We walked for a few minutes mostly taking so long because of the crowd.

"Are you sure you know where you are going?" asked J. I rolled my eyes. I can always find my mom. I can't understand it but lately I can sense her like I'm being pulled towards her somehow.

"Yes." was my only reply. I stopped when I saw my mom on the other side of a booth. She was an inch taller than me and had a lighter skin completion with light brown hair while I had dark drown hair. We didn't look much alike. "There she is." I said pointing towards her.

"Alright I'm the satyr so I'll talk to her. You guys stick together right here until I call you." said Hedge before walking off. The guys were looking around nervously and I didn't want to watch my mom's and Hedge conversation so I turned around. I almost bumped into my boyfriend Fabian. Wait Fabian?

Okay Fabian and I have a long distance relationship and I have been wanting to end it but wanted to do it in person so seeing him now especially since I didn't know he was here shocked me. He was with his parents and little brother.

"Hey." said Fabian smiling. I look back and see that the guys were on high alert for most likely monsters and didn't even notice me so I stepped a bit away from them so they don't hear my conversation.

"Hey." I reply to all of them with a fake smile. "What are you doing here?"

"With my family." he replied. "Hey do you want to go walk and-" before he could finish J calls my name. I silently curse. Then looked over Fabians mom.

"Right here. Just stay there I need to talk to them." I replied and without waiting an answer I turn back towards Fabian and his family. His parents look angry and Fabian confused.


Who is that guy she is talking to? Could just be a friend because he can't possibly be a boyfriend he doesn't seem her type. Well I don't know her but he doesn't seem her type.

She's beautiful. With her shoulder length brown wavy hair. Sparkling brown eyes. Natural spark of beauty in her. Snap out of it! I just met her. Plus she must have a boyfriend.


"Who's that?" asked Fabian.

"J. Look I have to speak with you privately." I say looking at his parents.

"I want to know what you are going to say to my son." said his mom angrily. I don't understand her anger.

"I-" I start but Fabian interrupted.

"Just tell me." his brown eyes full of curiosity.

"I'm moving to New York." it was true but not exactly what I was going to say. I look at him and see hurt in his eyes. Even though we didn't go to the same school we were only an hour away by car.

"Why?" he asked. "Did you family-"

"No just me. I'm moving there not my family." he didn't seem to get it so I went on. Looking down at my shoes. "I am going to live in New York. And won't be able to speak with anyone from over here. So I guess what I'm saying is that..." I couldn't finish. Even though I've been wanting to break up for a few days now it was still hard to break someone's heart.

"break up?" he asked. I can hear the hurt in his voice. I nod. And I hear a deep breath. Before he says anything I look over and see Hedge with my mom.

"I have to go. I'm sorry." I say rushing off. I don't look back. I feel awful! What kind of person says they want to break up and just runs off? A horrible person that's who! Ugh.

I walk over and stand next to J as Hedge and my mom walks up.

Well something of her past life. Now she is going to have to go through being a demigod. What kind of stuff will she have to do? Hades broke the oath! How will Zeus or Poseidon react?

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