Saying Goodbye To My Old Life

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Sorry for not updating for a while. Busy with school. Anyways I'll get to the story because I'm sure that's what you are waiting for.

"Hey mo-" the rest was lost in the tight embrace she put me in. When she pulled away there were tears in her eyes that she was trying hard to hide, but failed in doing so.

"I know you probably have many questions. That I should have answered long ago but I just... Couldn't say. If you knew you'd attract more monsters and I wasn't ready to let go."

"Its okay, mom." I didn't want her to cry or feel bad.

"Its not okay. You need to go with them." she didn't meet my gaze. I'm not good with comfort so I just said, "Don't worry about me. Everything should be fine." I gave her a weak smile when she looked up. She didn't look convinced. It looked like she was trying to take in every little thing about me like this would be the last time she'd see me. It made me extremely uncomfortable.


I was watching the whole mother daughter goodbyes when I noticed Naomi fidgeting.

"Um, sorry for intruding, but we should get going. Four demigods, two kids of Hades, we could attract a lot of monsters." when I finished I looked over at Naomi and saw how grateful she looked. I smiled at her and she smiled back. Butterflies erupted in my stomach. I feel myself blush and quickly look away before she notices.

Naomi POV

Is he blushing? Doubt it.

"That's right, cupcakes. Let's get out of here." said Hedge. I look at my mom one last time and give her a hug then follow the guys through the crowd.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we pushed through the crowd.

"We have to find somewhere to shadow travel." replied Nico heading towards the trees.

We finally reached the trees. I faced the group. "Can I try shadow traveling?" I blurt out before I even process the question in my mind. I realize what I said and started to feel stupid. I've never shadow traveled before what makes me think I can now? I look up and see many questiony glares. Then Nico spoke up. "If you think you can." I smile. He didn't shoot me down. He actually has a glimmer of belief in me. I nod my head and they grab on to me. I close my eyes and think of a place then I step into the shadows and feel myself fade into the shadows.

I hope you guys like the story so far. If you guys have any comments you can send me a message. Also I could use new characters. If you want you can send a name godly parent (no big 3) and a description of yourself. Thanks :) have a great day!

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