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Sorry writers block ugh! I have like the idea but just actually forming it is difficult. I just couldn't find the right words. Anyways hope you like the chapter.

"Okay first we can't look at her. Only her reflection. Or one person can distract her while someone else sneaks up beh-" I started but J interrupted.

"Yeah okay I'll distract her."

"I have a silent stride. I'll get her head." said Nico.

"Okay, I'll help J." we nod and split up.  J and I together while Nico goes in the opposite direction.

We found Medusa in the garden. I picked up a rock and threw it at her. "Hey snake lady!" J pulled me behind a statue right when she turned around screaming in anger.

J threw another rock and it skidded to the left. She turned that way. Nico has a clear shot. Wait where is Nico? I was starting to get worried. I might need to change the plan a little.


I looked up and saw a headless body stumbling around and the detached head rolling on the floor, with Nico standing over it. I was so distracted with trying to think of another way, I didn't notice Nico appeared. I run over to Nico and the head, J right behind me. The body turning to ash as we arrive.

"Ah." J says rubbing his mouth. "It went in my mouth, gross!" I laugh and Nico couldn't help but crack a smile. Pretty soon even J smiles. I finally control myself. It feels good to laugh. Just natural and just by doing it it lifted my spirits a little. But I need to focus so snap out of it Naomi.

"Anyone have a way we can carry it?" I ask. No one says anything. The head was leaking blood so neither one of us wants that in our bags. "Okay wait here I'm going to look in her office, see if she has an extra bag or something." I turn around to leave.

"I'll go with you!" J runs up next to me. He smiles and I just roll my eyes. He's acting like this little walk to the office is a bonding trip or something.

We exit the garden. "I'm not mad at you. Just so you know." I say. It's true I have nothing against him or what he said. He keeps jumping at every opportunity to be alone with me and I keep seeing him struggle for words to say.

"I just want you to know that I'm sorry. What I said was out of line." he just looks down. I bump him slightly with my arm. When he looks up I give him a smile.

"Don't worry about. But if you feel so guilty about it you wanna know a way to make it up?" I ask with hopefully a sweet smile. He gives me a questioning glare then nods.

"You can hold Medusa's head and do the honor of making sure that it will only turn the Hydra to stone."

"I know no greater honor. Thank you for the chance." he says mocking my royal voice. We both smile and continue looking for the office. As we entered we searched for a bag. It wasn't hard. For a very old monster she has a lot of purses. I found a perfect sized bag. It was black and lacey with a gold rope handle. I handed it to J trying to hold back my smile but failing. He looks at it with wide eyes.

"No way am I wearing a purse!"

"Come on just think of I as a satchel." the look on his face was priceless. "You did say you'd carry the head, and this bag is the only perfect size for it." I say. He glances around the room for any other bags. When he looks back at me still unsure I give him my best puppy eyes look and he caves.

"Fine. I'll carry the purse."

"Satchel." I say satisfied handing him the bag. He rolls his eyes and takes it putting it over his shoulder. Completely out of place with his grey flannel and blue slightly torn jeans.

"Yeah that bag is totally for you."

"You think?" he says with a smile than start doing different poses with the purse. I laugh and start pretending to have a camera and tell him different poses. We both end up laughing.

"You have an amazing laugh, Naomi." he says. I smile I have no clue what to say to that.

"Thanks, um we should get back before Nico starts to worry." I tuck my hair behind my ear nervously and walk out.


"Hey, watch it!" we shadow traveled to Washington DC and apparently got in some guys way.  He shoved us to the side and continued walking.

"How rude can a person be!?" I say loud enough for him to hear me. Which I probably shouldn't have done.

"Excuse me?!" he says turning around. "You are the one that got in my way!" he glared at me and I was going to say something back but J stepped up.

"I'm sorry about her. She's just a little emotional. You know... Girls." I can hear the smirk in his voice. The guy looks at me and I glare back. He just huffs and walks away mumbling.

"Well looks like he is a peach." I grumble.

"Yeah and you are great with people." mumbled Nico. I Cracked a smile that didn't last very long.


That was followed by a crowd of people running down the road away from a stream of fire. A car alarm goes off followed by crushing metal.

"Hate to say it but we might need to go towards the roar and flames." I say with a sigh. I look at them and nod. We run forward dodging flying objects and spit of fire. I was able to see a giant beast with six heads thrashing through the streets.

"Okay so here's the plan-" I wasn't able to finish the sentence because I had to jump out of the fire that came towards us. Nico and I to the left and J to the right.

I stand only to get hit by the hydras tail. I wrap my arms around its tail to hold on. The tail swings drastically. I felt like my body was going to detach from my arms. The world was spinning and my stomach couldn't seem to handle any of this. Uh-oh. I was slipping to the end of the tail.

"No no no no no." I whisper to myself holding on tightly. It did nothing. One last whip of the tail and I was soaring the sky. I hear a scream escape my lips.

But I wasn't going towards the ground or a wall. Instead I was going towards a hydra neck. I brace myself for the collusion and grab hold of its neck. I slid down the neck onto the ground. I pulled out my spear. One head snapped at me and my spear sliced through the neck before I could stop myself.

"No!" I turn and see J. He was covered in burn marks. I saw Nico down the street trying to get people away from danger. Two heads already growing back.

"The head! Her head! Where is it?" I ask J dodging another head. He points to the opposite side of the beast. Apparently he dropped it sometime when I was being whipped around.

"We have to get it!" I yell back. He nods and we make our way to the bag. Dodging and jumping over objects to get through.

"Ah!" I look down at my left leg. My back bottom leg was burned. I winced in pain as I put my hand against it. I stand and continue to limp over to the bag. J had already made it there and just needed to get the hydras attention.

"Hey!" I yell and throw a rock at the only head not looking in my direction. It turns to me and I motion for J to hurry. I jump out of the way as all heads breathe flames. I feel the heat shoot pass me then hear a strange noise. As I look up I see the hydra was slowly turning to stone.


I run over to Naomi dropping Medusas head. When I reach her she wraps her arms around me and I wince. My back is full of burns. She notices and let's go. Nico runs up to us with worry in his eyes.

"We need to get out of here. Now!"

Naomi and I look at each other confused until we hear sirens and lots of them. I help Naomi up but instead of following Nico and I she pulls out her spear and runs to the hydra. She swings and her spear connects with the hydra and it crumbles then turns to ash.

Nico runs to her grabs her hand and then mine and shadow travels us out of there.

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