J And Naomi

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I look back and see J. I smile and he smiles back. He looks so adorable in his blue sweater and black sweats. His hair has that messy I just woke up look.

"Can I join you?" he asked walking closer.

"Yeah," I smile and pat the spot tight next to me. He sits and doesn't say anything. "So..." I say to break the silence. "How long have you been at Camp Half-blood?" I stay looking over at the lake.

"Um, a week actually. Not very long." he pulls his knees to his chest. "You'll like it. Trust me."


I look over at Naomi and see her smile. I'm surprised she isn't sleeping and that I actually am able to talk to her. Then again we are going the rest of the way by a train because Will thinks that Nico and Naomi have shadow traveled enough. He keeps mumbling something like turning into a puddle of darkness? And no one ever cares about doctors orders? I don't know but he seems serious about the shadow traveling ending for the rest of the trip. I'm okay with that it'll give me more time to get to know Naomi.

"You know I don't know anything about you really. So it's strange that I'm asking you to trust me when, well, we are like strangers to each other in a way." I say looking over. Her smile falters but she regains it. And turns so she is facing me.

"Do you really want to get to know me? Because there's nothing interesting about me." she says with a shrug.

"I doubt that. I'm pretty sure that you have the most interesting life in the world but don't feel like bragging about it." she laughs at my comment. I like her laugh. It's a rich sweet laugh that makes me want to kiss her. Her smile and laugh can probably light up the world. I can't believe she is the daughter of Hades. Naomi just seems so alive and happy, but she does have the same dark sense in clothing as Nico. I realized that she is always wearing black. It may not be all black but she has to have black on.

"Honestly my life is boring. Well until you guys showed up." she says pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Well I want to hear all about your boring life then." I say jokingly. She smiles. I realize that she smiles a lot. She then turns her head towards the lake. I sigh. "Fine. I guess I can go first. You know brag about me." I smile at her but she doesn't notice.

"Well of course my name is J. I'm 16 and actually grew up here in Ohio. Never been here at this lake but yeah I grew up here. My mom died in birth." she looks over at me with sad eyes. "I never met her. I'm okay. I grew up with two great parents though. I was adopted when I was 6." She didn't say anything. She looked like she was struggling for words.

"My dad is an alcoholic. He..." she looks away with a mix of anger and sadness look.

"Has he ever-"

"My dad is a different subject. I shouldn't have said anything about him. Just ask me something you want to know and I'll answer." she says looking down. I see her putting up defensive walls. I suddenly get the urge to wrap her in my arms. She seems like she really needs a hug but I'm afraid she'll push me away, so I hold back.

"Sorry," she says. "um. I grew up in California and have a big family. That I guess just got bigger. I also move school to school. Like I said nothing special." I was about to say something then I heard a slithering.

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