Chapter 1

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I remember wind ruffling my hair as I watched the wintery night sky. The moon was bright and full, just in time for December. I slipped out of my shoes and crawled into my bed. I pulled the covers over my head and rested my head on my pillow. It was soft but umcomfortable. I tossed around, trying to find a good way to sleep.

The wind blew against my window. I had gazed outside. I could hear the wolves howling deep in the forest and snow. I snapped my eyes shut and tried to fall asleep. Eventually I did, because I dreamt I was a wolf. 

It was a crazy dream, really. I dreamt that I turned into a black wolf and joined a pack of wolves.

But in real life, it wasn't a dream.

It all started when I woke up that December morning. I stretched and got down. But something was different. Very different. I looked down at my feet. But something else was there. Paws! Big, black paws met my sight. I screamed and backed up. I bumped my tail against the bed. I started hitting myself in the head, telling myself it was a dream and I ought to wake up. I hit my head, but it did nothing but give me a headache.

Then someone opened my door slowly. I looked around for a place to hide, but it was useless. My older brother opened the door and said something I couldn't understand. Since I was a dog now, I g my uess they can't understand human speech.

My brother looked at me and his jaw litterally dropped. He backed up and pointed at me in horror. I took a step forward, trying to tell him it was okay and it was me, his brother Jay. But he only screamed something and reached for something in the closet. Something long and metal. A shotgun.

He lifted it to his eye and screamed something at me. Taking the hint, I flattened my ears and backed up. I looked around frantically, then spotted the window. I looked at him, ready to fire at my useless head, then jumped out the window. It shattered and I fell two stories. I landed clumsily but regained my feet- er, paws- and ran to the woods. I had nothing else to do. If I went up to my family, they would shoot me not knowing it was me inside this furry black coat. I stared at my house, hoping they would see I was gone from my bed and that I was a dog.

My father burst through the back door. He pointed the gun and looked around. When he saw me, he shouted and pointed at me heart. I turned around and ran into the forest. But I had enough time to feel the pain of the bullet against my tail before I fled.

I ran into the forest, blinded by fear. I ran over bushes and ferns, trampling them to the ground. Vines tangled me and I finally had to stop. I untangled most of them by snapping them with my teeth. The others I shook off.

I stared around at there I was. It was all so sudden. First I woke, then I got chased through a window, then I'm here. Here in this vast forest. I sniffed the air, thinking I might as well use my dog senses while I have them. Then I scented something. It was surprising. It was just like I scented the smell of chicken at Christmas time, or a candle. It came naturally.

I scented others dogs. No, wolves. They were wolves and ready to defend their territory against a pitiful dog.

I was right. Three full grown wolves burst into the clearing where I stood. Their yellow eyes were narrowed and their teeth bared. They cirlced me and I tried to look at them.

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