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"Mr. Ace, we found this lady hiding into the cabinet," a bulky man said while holding my arm firmly. I hissed when he tightens his grip against my arm.

"My, my. It's you." His face is as evil as his dignity. "So, you followed your sweetheart, eh? How sweet of you." I shook my head when he tried to touch my face.

"Let him go," I said while darting my eyes on his. He laughed sarcastically.

"Go back to your position. I can handle this," he said to the bulky man.

I twitched my face when he carelessly let go my arm. I secretly looked at Captain and he's now unlocking Cannor's arms from the chain.

The plan is working, huh?


"Our main purpose is to free the kid and catch the suspect. There are two doors to get inside that cabin. One is on the left," he pointed a door behind me, "...and the other is on the right. I will go to the opposite direction and unchain Cannor. But, in order to do that, you'll go to the latter and distract them," he explained.

"Wait... So, you want to act as a bait?" I asked.

"Sort of," sagot niya. I just sighed. I watched him picked up a twig and he started to draw on the ground. "Assuming that this is the right door you'll gonna enter," he pointed the tip of a twig on a rectangular shape he drew. "There is Ace's bodyguard on this position and he's 10 meters away from the door," he marked "X" on the the ground that a little far from the door he drew. "When you get in to that door, there is a wooden cabinet on the left. So, get inside of it to hide probably, then do something to get him caught you."

"Bakit hindi na lang ako magpapahuli sa kaniya pagkapasok ko? Why do I have to hide inside the cabinet? Baka marami pang alikabok do'n," reklamo ko sabay ngiwi.

"So that your movements are not suspicious. 'Wag kang maarte, Lieutenant," he said while his orbs looked at mine with seriousness. I just mouthed "Okay" to him and motioned my hand to tell him to continue the discussion. "When you talk to Ace, distract him with whatever-word-you'll-say while I'm freeing Cannor."

"Okay. But, what will happen next?"

"That is for us to decide. Did you get that?"


End of flashback

"You look awful but why are you still so attractive?" His tone is full of libido same goes in his eyes. "Why don't you drop the act, darling?"

Wait. Did he know that this is just an act?

I want to furrowed my brows, but I have to remain my composure—po-faced.

"You have to stop this, Ace. Cops are on their way and any minute now you're going to be locked on our hands," I said. He just laughed so sarcastically. Geez. I wanna punch his face.

"Really? How? You called them? Don't joke around. I won't buy it."

"You haven't figured it out, have you?" His mischievous smirk turned into parallel with twitched on his forehead. "I putted a tracking device on you. You're not the only one holding an ace here, Ace." This time I am the one who smirked.

He froze with his mouth half-opened. "How?"

I stepped closer to him and put my hand on his torso while still looking at his orbs. He jerked and a I saw him swallowed the lump.

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