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Sunday I woke to an empty bed.  I was a little concerned of Harry’s whereabouts but not enough to get out of bed yet.  I lazily lied in bed for another twenty minutes trying to fully wake up, and it took me another ten before I considered myself presentable to leave.  I went down stairs but the house was completely empty.  They had left me alone.

I had never been in the position of being in a foreign place alone before so I was uneasy to make myself food or clean up or much of anything really.  There was hot water already boiled so I took the liberty of making myself a cup of mint and lavender tea.  I took my cup and walked towards the back door trying to see of the garden had any seating.

Instead of finding seating, I found Harry’s sister.  I was momentarily paralyzed staring through the screen of the door.  I didn’t know if I should try to make a relationship with her or avoid her.  Apart of my brain said walk away, go back to the room and drink your tea alone—but the other part of my brain, the less smart part, said walk up to her, join her ask questions.  Unfortunately my mind was made up when she glanced up as she moved her hair behind her ear and saw me watching her. 

I swayed out of her view, away from the door—like a child that had been caught.  I knew that if I walked away know it would be seen as weird, strange, odd even, but then again me being here at all that plus more.  Still I couldn’t justify leaving her out there after I knew she had seen me, so I did what everyone wants.

I made food.

I brought her toast and eggs on a plate identical to mine, and a bowl of fruit to share.  I don’t know much about the Styles’ family, but what I do know is that everyone loves food.  Gemma is sitting in the garden, at a little patio set soaking up the morning sun and the cool air when I set down all the food.

“So,” she started, “Is this a peace offering?”  She doesn’t seem irritated or upset just curious.  I watch her as she pulls strawberries out of the bowl and pops them into her mouth.

“Honestly? You’re the only one home right now.  And I wouldn’t want to be rude and not make you food when I made myself some.” She scoffs as I explain my reasoning.  I know she doesn’t like me so I don’t know why I try.  With a sigh I start again, “but sure I can be a peace offering.”

“Blake, I don’t want this to come off rude…but why are you here?”  She asked this in the most nonchalant accusation I had ever heard.

I didn’t know how to respond, I fumbled around in my brain for a decent answer to her, “I—well…Harry asked me to come?”

“I understand he brought you.  But I mean why?” she pushed around her eggs with her fork before she stabbed another strawberry and popped it in her mouth. “I just don’t understand why he brought you?”

Between bites of my toast I tried to find an answer, an excuse, some explanation.  Honestly is the best policy right?   “I have no fucking clue,” laughter started half way through my answer and just grew as I finished. 

The smirk that grew across her face reminded me that this was Harry’s sister sitting across from me.  She was someone he had grown up with.  I could use this to my advantage.  “You look a lot like your grandmother,” with caution I complimented Gemma.  I knew this conversation I was having with her would define our relationship, and I was hoping it would shape it for the better.  “I know I haven’t said this to you, but I really am sorry she’s gone.  If you are anything like your brother, I assume you were close as well.”

“Yeah well you know what they say about assuming…” she doesn’t look at me as she speaks.  All I can do though is look at her, analyze her every move, her intensions, everything she is doing at the moment; I can’t talk or respond.  I know that I just made a fool of myself.  In the split second since she finished saying that I know that our “could-be” relationship is gone. 

Then she surprises me more than she has all morning—she starts laughing.  Laughs that consume her, take her breath and force her to fight for more air.  I try to smile, but I know that it looks like I just killed a cat and I’m trying not to cry.  She starts to calm down as she talks. “Wow.  You really are scared of me aren’t you!” this throws her into another fit of laughter, and instead of just staring at her I join in.

We sit out in the sun, until the light morning air become hot and muggy, sticking to us and our clothes.  We fell into a comfortable silence and I don’t know if I should talk yet, but for once being quite paid off.

“Listen, Harry is a...” I watch as Gemma struggles for the right word to describe her brother, “a jigsaw puzzle that has been being put together by a blind person for the last 20 years.  He doesn’t know what the hell he is doing.  And honestly probably never will.”   Listening to her talk about Harry makes me smile.  Behind all the sarcasm and rough exterior I know she loves her brother.  And it’s cute to watch her try to express that.

“I just want you to know, he won’t treat you how he should,” she warns.  “He still acts like he is nine, and even though he is in college and living his life, he is absolutely clueless.  Just remember that.”  When she is done talking she give me a small smile, then excuses herself away. 

As I clean up the dishes to take them inside I reply everything that happened that morning.  Harry has a great family, truly amazing. 

As I walk into the kitchen Harry is staring at me.  I came across a young, doe eyed like boy sipping a juice box, looking as innocent as can be, and I can’t help but laugh.  I know that Gemma was right about her brother, but this is just an example of why.

“What have you been up to? Haven’t seen you all morning,” I casually start as I put the dishes in the sink before I turn to look at him.

“Well I was out with my mom, but for the last 45 minutes or so I’ve been watching you with Gemma.  Waiting and hoping she wouldn’t bite your head off.”

“She is not that bad!” I protest.

“Fine, she’s worse,” he giggles.  “We need to pack up though, we shouldn’t miss anymore classes.”

yeah i know...six months later and you finally get an update.  the ending of this chapter is awkward and i might come back and change it but im not sure yet.

as always come and comment, like, tell your friends!!! if you see mistakes comment and tell me please!! (:  love you all xx. 

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