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I woke up, once again the frat house. Do these boys not know what the hell curtains are?! I was frustrated and the damn sun was hot helping my mood-again, actually it never does.

 I sat up looking around.  I had managed to keep the vomit off of me that was the highlight of the night.  As I rubbed my eyes I realized I still had makeup on, what the fuck.  Of course, this is just peachy. It was the makings of a good morning.  I managed to get over to the sink to find another sticky note, this one though was green. It was in Harry’s writing: When you find this, I’m sorry in advance. –Harry

 I held onto the sink expecting to find my face draw over with markers or paint or anything; to my thankful surprise all that was in the reflection was me.  I turned the faucet on to hear the water run.  I put my hand under as it warmed up and splashed water on my face.

 As I looked back in the mirror, staring at myself thinking about the events, I let my head hang.  I voices in my head scrutinizing me, I knew better-I know I do. I didn’t want this life, I don’t.  But it’s hard to remember that at times.

 I heard stirring in the bedroom, then tripping “Shit!” a girl breathed out.  I was appalled, as I looked back in the mirror at myself, I was embarrassed and disappointed.  As she got closer I caught sight of another sticky note, I turned around and tour it off the shower curtain. It was in my hand when I heard a sharp gasp, -Who the hell are you?-

 All I could do was laugh at the situation: here I was in the bathroom of some kid I hardly knew and to make it better it was frat house—the same house,remember, that I had fucked another boy in like a week ago.  I looked her dead in the eye and spoke the truth, -No one who should be here. Hope you had fun last night- I knelt down and picked up my underwear then stood up and walked past her.  As I was leaving the Niall rolled over and watched me with that damn cocky smile of his.

 Walking down the hallway I remembered that I still had the note from Harry.  I opened it up to read it,Bad idea love. Come to my room instead you can clean up there. –Harry He was sweet which was confusing as fuck for me.

 I walked into his room quietly not wanting to bother him. As I was sneaking in though, I noticed that his bed was empty and the bathroom door was closed.  Walking over to the door I could hear he was in the shower, I listened for a few seconds to make sure he was alone, and he was. Instead of hearing giggling and moans I heard the soft tone while he was singing. 

 I listened for a few moments before I heard a door in the hallway swing open. I did not plan on being seen in his room in the state I was. I jumped up as fast as I could and ran to the door.  I swung it closed as fast I could which backfired because instead of it being quite it was a loud as freakin’ possible.  The singing I had heard was replaced by the sounds of a confused boy, -What the HELL?!- the door popped open enough for his head, -WHO THE HE—oh- he blushed –Hi Layla.  I thought you were someone else.-

 I laughed at his face, -oh trust me I can tell.-I started talking too fast for my own good -I got your note, but you were in the bathroom and I didn’t want to bother you, so I was just sitting here then I heard other people get up and I didn’t want them to talk, well anymore any way, and wow, my head hurts and I’m talking to muchand too fast, sorry.- My turn to blush as I made my way back to desk to sit down.

 He laughed, -No worries, I’ll be done soon.  If Shayna comes back up let her in to please.- he closed the door before I could comprehend everything that he had said.  As I realized what he was saying another girl walked into the room, as surprised at my presence as I was hers. She kind of paused as she walked in, but finished closing the door.  She gave me a smirk and all of a sudden I knew exactly who she was.

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