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It was uncomfortable sitting there.

Point blank nothing else to describe it, the unsettling feeling I had put together with sitting in a kitchen at an unfamiliar house with two boys who were completely different but at the same time so much alike, in boxers and a t-shirt.  Niall had decided to join us after Harry served my plate.

The snarky remarks that Niall usually made were gone; his mood was slightly somber for his usual self and even Harry picked up on it.  But when he asked about Niall perked up right away and played it off on fatigue. The looks that he snuck my way revealed the real reason for his sulk.

I knew he felt bad also, but the looks he gave weren’t of regret as much as of longing.  I tried to be my normal self too; with quick comebacks and comments to set Niall in a spiral, but it was clear that I was lacking.

When I had finished my food, I watched as they kept talking; trying to keep my interactions only between Harry.  I decided to clean up, seeing as Harry made breakfast, twice, it was the least I could do.  As I started clearing the stove of the pans and utensils, Niall came over with the plates they had eaten on; which led to a painful interaction.

“What is with the two of you? I mean I know what you did, it’s not like you need to be so embarrassed about it.” Harry finally spoke up.  I turned my head and gaped at him; which caused a full stomached laugh to spurt out of his lungs and diaphragm.  For a split second I swapped a look at Niall which caused him to join in the laughter. 

I was the only one completely mortified by the conversation, as I stared at Harry again I babbled out, “How did you know?” which was accompanied by a face fully blushed.  As I waited for a response I stole another look at Niall.

“Babe, who left you a note in his bathroom?” When the words escaped his mouth a huge sigh came out with it, but from my mouth instead of his.  I started to smile as made sure to give another look to Niall daring him to say more. 

Studying with Harry was distracting to say the least.  Half the time I was thinking about his French, then his lips, then his body, then remembering the sinful acts I had  committed less than six feet away from his bead where we were now sitting.

-Qu’est-ce que tu as pensé mademoiselle?- Harry broke my thoughts, looking at me questioningly. I knew I had a terrible poker face, but Harry seemed to notice more than others.

-Rien.-I answered quickly.  I didn’t want to talk about it so I swiftly changed the subject. -Tu as une examen cette semaine, penses-tu que tu es prête?- His expression changed and he looked truly anxious, he started rubbing his lip as he thought about it.  His body language changed and he just sat there for a bit.

Finally a noise escaped from his lips, a simple sigh of frustration.  I looked over as he slouched onto his bed. –Qui est le problème monsieur?- He moved his head enough so look at me, but again no words came forth.  He just looked completely worried.

-Rien.-he replied.  I knew that he was lying but I wasn’t going to push it.  I sat there, but watching him lay there on his bed watching the ceiling got boring.  I started to search the room again, looking for something to preoccupy my attention. 

I found the picture of Harry and a woman again.  I got up to look at it closer and smiled as I saw his face.  He was completely content and looked so blissful. I picked it up to question him about it, but I barley had it in my hands before he snapped at me, -Put that back now-he snarled.

I was surprised but listened to his demand.  I leaned on his bookshelf and watched him looking at me.  Finally I puffed out a breath and went back to the bed.  I used a sticky note to write down the lessons I wanted him to go over and work to have completed by Monday.  Then I went into the bathroom and gathered my clothes, and left the house, with no fight from him.

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