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The week has gone on, I've been going to help Harry every other day—he is struggling, but also says I'm helping. Friday is finally upon us and all I want to worry about is where Blake is taking us tonight, and what I'm going to wear and all the girly shit.

It is early for me to be up since my first class doesn't start until about 10, but I'm up and awake at 6:45. I will never understand how my body works and why I can't sleep when I desperately want to or wake up after only a few hours which really only qualifies as a nap at that point.

I walk around the dorm then decide to go for a run. Campus is beautiful in the early morning and I love seeing the morning sun rise over the buildings. As I walk outside and decide my path I feel the chill in the air. As I start running around campus I feel as if I'm being followed. I run in front of a big mirrored wall and see a blonde boy with a huge smirk. I run around the block to see if he is still following me.

As I turn the corner he is closer than I was expected. He grabs me by the waist and pulls me closer, "Why are you up so early love?"

I roll my eyes at his attempt to sound sexy. "You know Niall, you aren't the only one who can get up this early and get a run in. Now if you don't mind I'd like to make it to the library before the sun completely rises."

"Ahhh...a pretty girl with a pretty mind. But really, why are you up this early? I've never seen you out before."

"Well if you're going to be annoying and invasive, let's at least keep heading towards the library," I wiggle loose from his grasp then start running again. "If you must know, I couldn't fall back asleep and I needed to waste some energy and time before class started. And I could say the same about you, I've never seen you out here either, pretty boy."

I look back as he starts to lag; he has a hand on his chest and a hurt expression. "Ahh, man, that hurts. That hurts my feelings. How can you insult me like that? Pretty boy? Pretty boy? Really?"

"Yup," I smirk as I continue to patronize him. "It was either pretty boy or blondie...I preferred pretty boy. Do you normally follow girls running in the morning or is the pleasure solely mine?"

"Well if you must know, it's only you. You not only owe me a rematch at beer pong, but it's a nice view to run behind." He looks at me with that stupid smirk of his and a tilted head waiting for my reaction.

I start running again, then yell over my shoulder, "Enjoy it then. And I won fair and square, no rematch!"

I make it to the library just in time to sit on the big rock. I slowly catch my breath, and admire the sunrise. I feel him sit next to me, but I choose to ignore him.

After I have caught my breath completely, I get up, brush myself off then start running again. I hear the footsteps behind me, but instead of acknowledging them; I start running faster and take the shortcut back to my dorm. As I take the cut through the quad, he yells out, "I better see you tonight, you better look hot, and you better be prepared for another round of beer pong."

I stop dead in my tracks, looking back at his cocky ass and plaster a smile on my face. He returns that with a smile also, but his face contorted when he sees my hand rise and I flip him off.

That night, sure enough Blake has plans to take us back to the house that I met Harry at. We walk up and the music was blaring, just like before, but I'm not as excited. I know who is here and who is expecting me. We walk in, but the house was black, the only light sources are colored strobe lights and glow sticks. I reach out for Blake's hand as we head in.

We work our way to the kitchen behind a new found curtain. When we push passed the curtain, the kitchen light is a shock. As my eyes adjust to the light, I find my way to a chair.

"We are at a party miss! Get up!" Blake pulls me right back up as she reprimands me for my moment of leisure.

"If you sit down you get kicked out. And if someone tells you to sit down, tell them to shut up and then kick them out!" Niall puts his hands on my waist as he purrs into my ear.

I pull away and grab a bottle of Patrón off the counter. As I step over to Blake I pull to top off and take a swig. The warmth hits my tongue, then slides down the back of my throat with a slight sting, landing in a warm spot at my stomach.

Niall raises his eyebrows in question, but before he can do anything about it, Harry finds his way into the kitchen as well. "You are here! I thought I saw you sneak in here! Let's go dance yeah?"

I pull the bottle back from Blake and take another long drink, feeling the warmth in my stomach again. I stick the bottle out in Blake's general area and send a smooch with it. As I walk towards Harry, she takes the bottle and smacks my ass on the way. I let out an exaggerated gasp, and look back at Niall and winked just to irritate him.

Harry and I make it to the makeshift dance floor. The music starts and it is a remix, good for dancing, and having fun. I let loose, it is a habitual problem I have—the music starts and I forget anything that I have wanted to do, or not do.

My body gets dangerously close to Harry's. As much as I liked when we studied and how he was a gentleman most times, I still don't want to be the girl that gets played like a violin. I decide to 'tease it & leave it', I'm going to have fun with Harry; that's all.

He pulls me closer and I allow it, the beat is perfect for swaying which makes him pull on my hips to bring me even closer. As the song winds down, I take control of my body. I turn to face him and he puts his hands on the top of my bum, which again leaves me in his grasp. I'm dancing on his leg and I can tell that he is getting excited. The song ends and I slip away from his grip, heading to the kitchen once again.

I feel a tight grip on my wrist pulling me towards the back instead. I look to see who it is but all I can make out is a snapback in the dark room.

A/N: This is only part 1 of part 4...confusing i know im sorry :/ it was just too long and you had all been so patient i wanted to get something out! (i think i may have switched up tenses a few times, i reread it and fixed what i found...let me know if you find anymore!! (sorry)

comment, vote....idk message me on tumblr!! love you all!!

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