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The fucking sun, OH MON DIEU! I swear it needs to find a different angle to shine in other than my eyes in the morning.  I was groggy but as I looked around I had no idea where I was.  I became anxious, trying to sit up only to be restrained by an arm.  I realized that it was just Harry, and the panic washed away.  He grumbled about something, but I couldn’t hear, I laid back down and tried to relax a bit.  I rolled over with my back now facing him as I tried to place myself.  It wasn’t his room and it wasn’t mine, but it also wasn’t a hotel.  It looked like a room in someone’s home, it had been lived it and was well loved.  The hardwood floors were worn in areas the house owner had walked in frequently.  The wall opposing the window had a sun-washed spot in the paint, with posters hanging near it.  The dresser was distressed and half open with a tee-shirt hanging out of it; the cream colored paint was chipping away at the corners and around the knob.

I turned back over and looked at the wall with the window best as I could.  I could see the outline of picture frames and a desk but none of the contents because of the glare in my eyes. Harry rolled over, finally freeing me from his grip.  I quickly got up and pulled a pillow into the position I had just been in.  As I stretch I realized I was slightly sore and wasn’t wearing any bottoms; just an oversized tee-shirt.  I looked around the room for my clothes, which were neatly folded and placed in the nook of a self.  I pulled out my jeans and pulled them on quickly, tucking the shirt in to the front and letting the back hang out.

Being as curious as I am, I walked to the wall with the pictures and looked at them.  All the faces were unfamiliar, but as I was looking at another frame I connected the same curly haired gray women that Harry had a picture of in his room, this time though she was a little younger and had hair darker than Harry’s and a exuberant smile on her face as she took care of a young child.

“Th-that’s my grandmum,” he coughed startling me.  He just looked at the picture then smiled wryly.

“She’s gorgeous Harry.  You look a lot like her.”

“She was your right,” his voice was burdened, but I didn’t want to push him.  Instead I sat on the edge of the bed and rested my upper body on his, running my hands down his back as soothingly as I could.  “Last night I has no idea where I wanted to go, but I knew I had to leave campus, which by the way I’m sorry if I ruined any plans of yours—I had to answer your phone because your roommate called nonstop for a half hour, so I let her know that you were okay,” he checked with me to make sure that was okay before continuing.  “I kept driving and driving for probably three almost four full hours directionless until I recognized a bed and breakfast, then a petrol station, then a house on a corner.  I realized I was had driven all the way home.

“Remember when we had breakfast with Niall the morning after the party?  I had gotten a phone call that morning while I was making breakfast that she wasn’t doing well, and probably wouldn’t make it too much longer.  But I told my dad that I couldn’t come until this weekend because of my French test.  On Tuesday after I sent you home, I was trying to study myself, but just got irritated because I really needed your help and I made you leave.  My phone rang and I was going to ignore it, but it was my mum.  The first thing she said was ‘I’m sorry love’.  That’s all it took though, once she said that I knew my nan had died.

“The worst part was that I couldn’t stop the tears.  I didn’t know how, and when I tried they came heavier.  I laid in bed contemplating my choices, and still decided that I needed to try and pass the exam.  That was a bust—I mean I know you saw it! So then I retreated to my car not wanted to be around anyone, but you called and I felt guilty. And now we are here.”

He stopped talking and took a deep breath, I could see it had been a rough few days for him, honestly I think the whole world could see that. “I think you left out a few parts,” I chuckled, “but that’s okay.  I’m sorry about your ‘nan.  I can tell that you really did love her; your test is a clear indication of that.  You wrote ‘Ça ne fait rein! Elle est morte, je voudrais a avec elle maintenant’ on every line then erased all of the answers, except the essay that you wrote an ways to die, even though the prompt was “Explique pourquoi le roi utilisait une faimine dans le livre.” The professor and I both had no idea what was going on, and from the way you looked, I thought the worst.

He sat up and pulled me into a hug, “Thank you for being worried about me…and for being there for me.”  The thoughts of last night in his car flooded back with his contact on me, I smiled into his hug thinking about it, but the smile was quickly dismissed as I thought about the consequence of our actions.

I followed him down the stairs hesitantly.  I had never been the girl to walk down the parents stairs in the morning, especially after a family loss.  He led me into the kitchen where, a shorter woman was at the stove preparing a delicious smelling meal.  He walked up and kissed her cheek, saying good morning.  She started talking as she flipped the sausage and eggs, “Your father told me you got in late last night.  We still haven’t her—” her voice was lost when she saw me standing in her kitchen awkwardly. “Oh, I’m terribly sorry,” she stepped over to Harry and swatted his stomach as she continued, “Where are your manner Harold?!”  After the introduction to his mom I set the table feeling useless and in the way, but also to give Harry and his mum a moment alone. 

As I set up, I noticed the houses appeal as a home.  Just like Harry’s room it has spots in the floor that were worn and boards that creaked and moaned no matter how you stepped on them.  It was so much different than the house I had grown up in but I preferred it. The love his family shared could be seen throughout it as well as felt by the inhabitants.  When I was finished I looked at the cabinet in the dining room, filled with little knick-knacks and better plates then most others.  In the middle of the top shelf was a family portrait with Harry’s grandmum in a chair surrounded by Harry himself, his sister, and their parents. She was going to be missed at that was obvious, but the process of grief is different for everyone and I had no idea how they were going to handle it with a guest in the house.

As if an answer to my questioning Harry and his mother popped through the door, carrying serving plates filled food and a pitcher of milk, with huge smiles on their faces and laughing at something said before entering the dining room.

A/N: I feel like shit because its been so long since I updated…this year has been a little crazy but it will settle down in a little while promise!! I will try to update a lot sooner than I am now!! Please comment or message me (:  AGAIN IM SO SORRY GUYS PLEASE DON’T HATE ME!

French Translations:

·         OH MON DIEU”  OH MY GAWD!

·         Ça ne fait rein! Elle est morte, je voudrais a avec elle maintenant.  It doesn’t matter ! She is dead, I want to be with her at the moment.

·         “Explique pourquoi le roi utilisait une faimine dans le livre.” Explain why the king uses a famine in the book.

Let me know if you find any mistakes please! (:

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