Chapter 11:

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I don't know how long I was out for but when I woke up my stomach was burning and there was a pain all over my body. It was hard to move, it was as if my body was tied to the bed. How did I get on a bed? I remember the fight with Adam, then collapsing from pain. Oh god! Where's Lukas?

My eyes fluttered open and I was instantly blinded by the bright lights. I scanned the room and my gaze settled on a tired looking Laura chatting with someone.

"Sammy?" She asked as she turned to me and then tears filled her eyes. "Oh god, Sammy. I'm so glad you're okay. When I saw you unconscious on your bedroom floor, without Adam there, I thought it was him. I called him. But he refuses to show up. What happened?"

I shook my head and just sobbed then I realized my belly was flat.

"Laura! What happened to Lukas?!" I almost yelled as a doctor came in and I focused on her. "Where is my son?"

"He's in the NICU ma'am. He almost didn't survive being three months premature. But he's a little fighter." She said and checked my vitals. "But you were pretty touch and go there for a while, Samantha. We weren't sure if you were going to make it. But like mother like son."

I nodded and closed my eyes. Thankfully my son was alright. Then something hit me.

"Can I see my son?" I asked and looked up to the doctor.

"Yes. I'll take you to see him. But I'm afraid you will have to be cleaned and everything. He's very fragile and any little germ can hurt him." She said and left then returned with some scrubs and a wheelchair.

Laura's friend left and then she came over and helped me change before helping me sit in the wheelchair. She handed me my phone and wheeled me out into the hallway.

"I want to see him too. But I won't go in the room." Laura said and the nurse nodded and led us the elevators. She hit the call button and soon the metal doors opened. We entered and the doctor pressed floor under 5 and soon I was wheeled into a room and Laura stood staring into the windows. My son was making some noises and laid alone in his little incubator.

"This is your son. Your friend Laura told us his name is Lukas Leland. He's quite a strong little man. And quite the looker. But who's his father? We need it for his birth certificate." The doctor said as she pulled my son out of the incubator and took my phone before placing him in my arms. His bright eyes stared up at me and I teared up before the doctor took my photo. "Beautiful picture. Want me to take a couple of just him?"

"Yes." I said and adjusted him and she took the photos. then she gave me my phone back and left, indicating to a red call button when I needed something. As I just stared at him and just missed Adam. He looked just like him. So I unlocked my phone and dialed Adam. He picked up on the second ring.

"What do you want, Sammy?" He asked, out of breath and I heard moans in the background.

"I was going to ask if you wanted me to send pictures of our son. But never mind. I won't. Have fun with your slut. I wanted to give you a chance, to be a family with me. But I don't want you around him if you're going to have a whore on the side." I said and heard the moans stop and a woman complaining.

"What? But he wasn't due for three months. What happened, love?" He asked and I heard clothes being put on.

"Our argument triggered my labor." I said and leaned back in the chair, cradling Lukas to my chest. "I don't want you here. I'll send you a photo. Goodbye, Adam."

I hung up before he could argue and sent one of the photos of Lukas to him. Then let the tears fall.

Adams POV:

I stared at the phone and sighed. My baby was born. I stared down at Becca, and my heart broke. It was hard having sex with her when the one I really wanted was in the hospital, with my premature son.

"Come back to bed, baby. Who cares about that slut?" She said and batted her eyes, trying to look seductive.

"Fuck you, Becca. Get your ass out. I'm done with you. You don't have any right to call the mother of my child a slut. You're the goddamn slut!" I yelled and threw her clothes at her. My temper flared and then my phone buzzed and i opened the phot, looking at my son. He was so small, and I knew it was Sammy holding him.

"No. You need me. You're still so hard, Adam." Becca purred as she came over to me and removed my phone, which made me flip. I slapped her and took my phone back. Her hand went up and cradled her cheek as her nostrils flared. "How dare you?!"

"Get out, Becca. I won't tell you again. And if I see you here again, I will call the police. The only woman I am hard for is Samantha. The mother of my son." I said and snatched her dress off the floor and put it against her chest before shoving her out of my hotel room.

I slammed the door just as she was about to say something. But I didn't care. As I walked to the shower I knew I had to get Samantha back. Her and our son needed me. And if I have to give up my music career to stay with her I would. I'd do anything for Samantha and our son.

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