Chapter five:

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Three months later

Adams POV

I stared at the photos on my desk, seeing the woman I am desperately in love with. She has her hands on her rounded stomach and another woman is with her. She has brown hair and blue eyes and is taller than my Samantha.

"Where is she?" I demanded to amanda.

"Outside of Knoxville. She had a house there with lots of acres." Amanda said and then handed me something else. "She changed her name to Samantha Evans."

"I figured. She also changed her phone number." I said and ran my fingers through my hair. Finally we found her. She gained some weight but she was still beautiful, and those curves looked even better. "God I need her."

"You can have me, sir. I'm always willing for you." She said and came over, trying to sit on my lap. But I shoved her off and she landed in a heap on the floor. "What the fuck? I've been throwing myself at you for five months now and you still refuse me?"

"I don't want you. I want Samantha. She is the woman I love and desire." I said and glared at her.

"Forget her. She's happy. Take me." She said and opened her legs, showing me she had no panties on under her skirt. But it disgusted me.

"You're fired amanda. Get the fuck out of my house." I said and stood up.

"What?!" She yelled as she got up and looked at me. "You have got to be kidding me! After all I have done for you? You're FIRING me?!"

"I'm tired of you being a whore. Get out. I'm going to get my woman." I said and grabbed her arm, dragging her upstairs and pushing her out of my house. "If you ever come back here the cops will be called."

I slammed the door shut and locked it before going back downstairs and looking more at the photos. She was radiant, glowing almost. Her eyes were bright, but a sadness was behind them. I shuffled through the papers before I finally found her new address. I was going after my woman.

Samantha's POV

I sat on the park bench and rubbed my belly as my son moved and kicked softly. He was very active lately and it made me smile. Laura came back with our smoothies and sat down next to me and handed me mine.

"Here ya go." She said and I smiled and took a sip. "How's junior?"

I laughed, she's been calling him junior since the day we found out about 5 months ago. "He's fine. Very active, loves kicking mommy." I said and rubbed my belly.

She leaned down and kissed my belly. "Be nice to your mom junior. Or auntie Laura is gonna kick your little butt. Or tickle you. Maybe both." She said to him and laughed.

I settled back against the bench and watched the kids playing around. They seemed so happy. And in four months I would have a little one of my own to hold and love. Lately it's been so hard to much of anything. My back has been killing me.

"Soon, Sammy. Soon you will have junior. Have you decided on a name yet?" She asked and took a drink of her coffee. I missed coffee.

"Not yet. I'm still thinking. I've thought about Damien. Or Lukas." I said and rubbed my belly. A strong kick took my breath away and I covered my belly with my arm.

"I like Lukas." She said and felt a shiver go down my back. It was getting cold. November was a nice month but it made me want to sleep a lot. Since I can't work, I just stay home or go for walks. Even shopping for my son sometimes.

"So I'll probably name his Lukas." I said and then got up, taking another drink of my smoothie. "I think I'm going to head home, Laura. Im tired and my back and feet are killing me."

"That's alright sweetie. Go home and rest." She said and kissed me cheek, rubbed my belly then we went our separate ways. As I got to my jeep I felt myself being watched again and turned around to see someone I hoped I wouldn't see again. Adam.

And he looked pissed.

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