Chapter three:

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I woke up alone, in a large bed to the smell of bacon. My stomach growled and I softly chuckled to myself. I slowly got up and stretched, my legs aching slightly and my pussy throbbing.

Adam had barely let me slept as he had his way with me. He was so frustrated over the incident with Karina that he made love to me until we both literally passed out from exhaustion.

I walked over to the closet and pulled on one of Adams shirts and smiled. It ended mid thigh and smelled of his cologne. My heart started racing at the smell of it and I wandered out of the bedroom and up to the kitchen where a shirtless adam was cooking.

"Mmm. Smells good." I said as I came up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He stiffened at first but when he realized it was me he relaxed and spun me around so that I was in front of him and he laid a soft kiss on my lips.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked as he handed me a plate with blueberry pancakes, bacon, eggs and hash browns. My tummy growled again and I blushed at how loud it was.

"Yes I did. Thank you." I said and ate hungrily, and then blushed when adam chuckled.

"Don't be shy. I love that I made you hungry." He said and grinned. Then his smile dropped when the doorbell rang. "Who the hell could that be?"

I watched him get up and answer the door, then I heard a woman squeal and drag him downstairs. I followed and stopped when I saw her strip in front of him and him kiss her, running his hands on his body. My gasp shocked him as I ran to the other room and threw on the clothes I had in the guest room, then grabbed my purse and shoes and ran upstairs and out of the house while he fucked another girl. After all, I was just his mistress.

As I disappeared from his life, I left a piece of my heart behind. But I couldn't come back, I needed to do what was right for me.

2 months later

I collapsed onto my bed and sighed. Work was killer and I felt so sick. How can this be possible? I must have gotten the flu. My phone rang and I went over to answer it. My friends name popped up. Laura.

"Hello?" I asked as I looked around my room. It needed to be rearranged.

"Hey. Where are you? I went by your apartment and you weren't there." She said and I heard the desperation in her voice.

"I moved." I said as I got up and slipped my feet into slippers. I found a house that I could afford and loved it. It was on the outskirts of town and had lots of bedrooms. And it was somewhere adam couldn't find me since I changed my last name.

"Where? Why did no one tell me?" She complained and I heard that she was on the verge of tears.

"It was an emergency. I had to get away from someone." I said and felt my stomach turn. "Hang on."

I dropped my phone and ran for the bathroom, making it to the toilet in time to throw up my lunch. It felt like I couldn't keep anything down these past few weeks.

As I came back I grabbed my phone and realized Laura was screaming my name.

"Laura. I'm back. Calm down." I said and held the phone away from my ear.

"Give me your address. I need girl time." She begged.

"I'll text you the address but give it to anyone and I will hunt you down and kill you." I said then listened to her squeal in pleasure. She was so easy to please.

"I promise I won't. But why did you drop the phone? I heard you throwing up? Are you alright?" She asked and I heard the concern lacing her voice. "Have you had your period?"

I looked at the calendar and realized I was late. By two months. I groaned and hesitated before answering Laura.

"No. I'm late. By two months." I whispered and heard her scream.

"I'll pick up a pregnancy test on my way there. Drink lots of juice. I want to know the results as soon as we can." She said then hung up and I texted her the address and could basically feel her squealing through the text line.

I took off my work clothes and pulled on my college sweatshirt and a pair of yoga pants. As I made my way downstairs I remembered adam, the way he smells, the way he made my heart flutter in my chest. The way he made me feel loved. What if I am pregnant? What if I am carrying a country music stars baby? He would never believe me if i told him. So I guess I'll be a single mom. Because I refuse so abort it.

My hand settled on my lower stomach and I felt instantly calm. I grabbed some juice from my fridge and drank a few glasses, hoping Laura would get here before my bladder exploded. Just as I was about to go use the bathroom, my doorbell rang and in came a bouncy Laura, holding a plastic bag with three pregnancy tests inside.

"Go take these." She demanded and pushed me into the downstairs bathroom. After reading the instructions, I did exactly as it said, then replaced the cap and set them on the counter. I wandered out to the living room where Laura was lounged back on my couch. "So?"

"Still waiting for the results." I said and paced back and forth until I heard little dings. My eyes widened as I walked back into the bathroom and nearly fainted at what the test said.


I'm pregnant with Adams baby.

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