Chapter six:

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I stared in disbelief at the cowboy walking towards me and I instinctively covered my belly. My son was safe, Adam didn't need to know about Lukas. He would take him away from me.

"I finally found you." He said and a look of relief crossed his face, then it was quickly replaced by anger. "Why the hell did you leave me, Sammy?"

"I go by Samantha now, Adam." I said and turned to unlock my jeep. "I'm sorry but I need to go. I have things to do."

"You're not leaving me again." He said and grabbed my arm. That's when Laura came running up and just stared at adam.

"You're Adam Rayne." She said and then looked at me. "Sammy! It's Lukas's father. Why don't you invite him over?"

"Shut up Laura!" I yelled and watched her realize her mistake. Then she whispered sorry and came to my side. "Look, Adam, I need to go."

"Who's Lukas?" He asked and then looked at my belly.

"No one. She's not thinking clearly." I said and went to get in my jeep, but again, Adam stopped me.

"Are you pregnant?" He asked and I saw the hope in his eyes.

"No." I said and looked up at him. "I gained weight."

"You're lying. Who's the father?" He demanded and I ignored him, staring at Laura.

"She is. Laura is the father." I said and Laura snorted before starting to laugh.

"Is it mine?" He asked and stared me down.

"No." I lied and kept looking at Laura. Trying to get her to get me out of here.

"I said is it mine?!" Adam yelled and caught the gaze of a few parents at the park.

"Yes! Yes, you're the father!" I yelled and a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Why did you leave me?" He asked and I knew he was hurting.

"You were about to get into bed with that woman." I whispered and looked at my swollen belly. "I followed you guys after she dragged you downstairs. And you didn't even stop her when she did! Then she stripped for you and you didn't stop her. And you didn't seem to mind touching her body, and kissing her. Knowing I was there! You broke my heart. Now I want nothing to do with you! Why don't you just leave me alone?!" I ended up yelling.

A strong pain settled in my back and I leaned heavily against the jeep, trying to take deep breaths.

"Are you okay?" Adam asked as he tried to come closer but Laura stopped him. She was so small compared to him.

"Don't. Haven't you hurt her enough?" She asked and looked up at him. "Just leave her be if you care for her and that little boy at all."

"I'm not going anywhere." He growled at her before pushing her away and picking me up bridal style. The pain got worse and I screamed in pain, tears falling freely.

He raced me to his truck and put me in the passenger seat and buckled the seat belt before running around and climbing into the driver seat then peeling out and racing to the hospital where he jumped out, picked me up again and ran into the er.

When a nurse saw us she came running and led us to a room, where a doctor instantly came in to examine me. I was whimpering and crying and the pain hadn't stopped.

"How far along are you ma'am?" The doctor asked as she lifted up my skirt and pushed my panties aside.

"5 months." I whispered as the pain increased.

"Well your body is trying to have this baby. But it's too early. There would be lots of risks if it is born now." The doctor said then said something to the nurse and she returned with a needle and a little bottle. "Okay, ms Evans. You will be admitted and we will give you medication to stop the contractions. I don't want you up unless you need to use the restroom. You need to be on bedrest. And sir, no stress."

Adam nodded his head and the nurse helped me sit up and gave me the shot in my spine but i gripped Adams hand so hard that he winced and tried to get it free. Good, he deserved to hurt like he hurt me.

"Is the baby okay though?" I asked when the pain started to recede.

"Yes, the baby is fine. Do you know what you're having?" The doctor asked as he took off his gloves and a nurse returned with a wristband with my info and a wheelchair. She already knew who I was.

"A boy." I said and smiled as I rubbed my belly.

"Have you picked out a name?" He asked as he jotted something down on his clipboard.

"Lukas LeLand." I said and didn't look at Adam. He had no say in my sons name. My eyes started to feel heavy as I was picked up and felt adam walking while i faintly heard him talking to the doctor. My head was fuzzy and I soon slipped into the comfortable darkness.

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