Chapter 8:

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I sat in the suv, rubbing my belly as fear sat heavy on my chest. What did these men want? Who in the hell are they. Soon enough we pulled up in front of a large blue house and they helped me out, but stayed at my sides so that I couldn't run.

"Where the fuck did you take me?" I yelled as I stayed still, but one of the men grabbed me, none too gently and dragged me into the house. The woman stood at the top of the stairs and I instantly saw who it was.

"Hello there, home wrecker." She said and snarled. Venom laced her words and I knew she wanted revenge. "Oh my, and look how big you're getting."

"What do you want from me Karina?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around my belly. Adam would come find me, wouldn't he?

"I want what you have." She said as she came closer.

"And what's that?" I asked. "I have nothing of yours."

"I want that baby. I want to tell adam I had him." She said and reached out To touch my belly but I pushed her hand away. "You are going to give me that baby, or I will make sure you regret ever getting with my fiancée."

"This baby isn't adams." I said and rolled me eyes.

"It's not? Then why was he at the hospital?" She asked as she paced back and forth.

"No. I never slept with adam. I was his assistant. I was engaged." I said and reached around to rub my lower back.

She came over and slapped me, hard. "Do you really think I believe that?" She hissed and dragged me up the stairs and tossed me into a room, then slammed the door shut. But she didn't take my purse from me.

I text adams phone.

Me: help. Your crazy ex fiancee took me from hospital. At her house. Locked in bedroom upstairs.

As I waited I looked around the room and out the window. I was on the second floor and the back yard had guards wandering around with dogs. Vicious looking dogs.

My phone buzzed and I rushed to grab it.

Adam: on my way. Is junior okay?

My heart wrenched.

Me: he's not moving much, but yes. Lukas is okay. Please hurry, adam.

Adam: baby, I'll be there soon. I'll take you home. And if you want me to leave after that, then I will.

I started to cry. My heart belonged to adam. But could I deal with this crazy ex bullshit? I mean, kidnapping a pregnant woman is some serious shit. Adam was going to flip shit when he got here.

Me: you can stay to take care of me for the two weeks. We will decide where it goes from there. Now get me out of here!

I stared at my phone and watched as it said he read it. Then I locked the screen and went to use the adjoining bathroom. Adam would be here soon, and he would save me. We needed to talk when we got home. I needed to know how he really feels about me.

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