Chapter seven:

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I woke up in a bed that was not my own and my back instantly seized up and I groaned in pain. As I struggled to sit up, two arms wrapped around me and helped me into a sitting position.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" Adam asked as he gently kissed the top of my head.

"Go away." I said and shoved at his chest.

"What did I ever do to you?" He demanded as he let me go and took a step back and just looked at me.

"You fucked another woman." I hissed as my son kicked me, deciding to push his foot up into my ribs. I rubbed it, and he relaxed.

"I never fucked her, Sammy." He said and ran his fingers through his hair, making it stand up and oddly, he looked really sexy. Bad, Samantha. He's not the man I loved.

"I don't believe you." I said as a nurse walked in and looked at me.

"How are you feeling today ms. Evans?" She asked as she took my blood pressure and wrote down stuff that was on the monitors.

"I feel fine. Can I go home?" I asked as I realized my iv drip was empty.

"Yes, you can. And you need someone to be taking care of you. You need to be on bedrest for at least two weeks. If you come back before that two weeks, then you will be on bed rest until your little boy is born." She said and removed the iv and all the other wires and turned to leave. "I will bring your discharge paperwork. You can get changed while you wait."

After she left I got up and glared at adam.

"Out. I need to get dressed." I said and shoved at his hard chest, but feeling how warm his skin was made me remember our heated nights.

"I'm not going anywhere. You need to be taken care of, Sammy." He said and grabbed my clothes and went to untie my hospital gown.

"I said I've got it. Now go!" I yelled and he shot me a glare before leaving. Once the door was shut I pulled off the gown and pulled on my own clothes and sat back down to relax. When the nurse returned I signed the papers and she handed me the paper work and said I could go.

I slowly walked out of the room and saw that adam was gone. I dug around in my purse and found my phone and realized Laura had just called me so I instantly called her back.

"Hey! Are you okay?" She asked as soon as she answered.

"Yes. I just got released. Where's my jeep?" I asked as I got down to the entrance of the hospital and took a seat to relieve my throbbing feet. A man approached me but I focused on my phone at my ear.

"It's outside. I put the keys in your purse. Are you going back to your house?" She asked and I silently chuckled. She's such a wonderful friend.

"Thanks Laura. You're a lifesaver. And yes, any chance you can stay with me for like two weeks? I have to be on bedrest." I said and got up slowly but a man stopped me. "Laura, I'll call you back. Meet me at home."

I hung up my phone and looked up at the man. He wore all black and had dark sunglasses on.

"Ms. Evans? You're coming with us." He said and grabbed my arm, dragging me outside and picking me up and putting me in the back of a black suv.

My heart sped up.

Was I going to die?

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