Chapter nine:

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I stared out the window as I waited for adam to come get me away from his psycho ex but instead, the door was open and in walked mr fbi wanna be. My sigh echoed in the room and I ignored him, but he grabbed the back of my hair and yanked me out of my spot, making me land hard on my hip on the floor.

I winced in pain and he got on top of me, ripping my shirt open and pulling my skirt up. He fumbled with his belt and I struggled under him, which made him punch me in my jaw. I screamed in pain and he grinned, and finally managed to unbutton his pants and unzip them.

But he didn't get the chance to rape me before adam ran into the room and grabbed the man by his throat.

"Adam! I knew you'd be here. Now, let's go to my room and resume where we left off. And you can start by giving me my ring back and the money from my bank account." Karina said as she came into the doorway.

I sat up and winced in pain, then spit blood onto the carpet. Karinas eyes got wide and her nostrils flared.

"You little bitch! Do you know how expensive that carpet is?" She yelled and stalked towards me, but adam shoved the man away, who was beaten black and blue, and grabbed Karina.

"You're going to stay away from her, Karina." Adam yelled at Karina and I instantly saw her flinch. "She is carrying my child. And no, you will not get the ring or the money. I am done with you. And just so you know, I called the authorities on my way here. You're going to prison for kidnapping and attempted rape."

Her jaw dropped and she reached to touch adams chest. But he smacked her hand away.

"But adam, baby, I love you. I always have. My place is by your side." She begged and fake tears fell from her eyes.

"You had your lover. I know you flew out to see him all the time and spent my money. Buts it's over. I'm with Samantha. And we have a son on the way." He said and went to my side and picked me up bridal style and grabbed my purse at the same time. "Let's take you home, honey."

I nodded and relaxed into his chest. He was warm and stable. But could I trust him with my heart? Was he right and did I just see him and that woman wrong? My mind races with questions as he brought me outside and placed me on the back of an ambulance. The cops went in and brought out Karina in handcuffs. She was furious.

"You will regret this Samantha! When I get out I will get adam back. And you and that baby will be 20 feet under. Yes, I said 20 feet!" She yelled at me and the cop shook his head.

"Now death threats? You're just making your prison sentence longer." He said and his partner just laughed.

I was checked over by the paramedic and then she looked at adam and gave him instructions. It turns out i had a fractured jaw and a badly bruised him. But other than that me and the baby were good to go.

Adam didn't let me walk, so he picked me up and walked to his truck. When I gave him a look he just smiled and put me in the passenger seat.

"Your friend took your truck to your house after I called her and told her what happened. Apparently she had a back up key for your jeep made." He said after he got in the driver seat and started the truck. "She said she was staying for the two weeks. Do you want me to go?"

I thought about it for a minute. "Can I have you both for two weeks?" I asked quietly as I looked at Adam and saw the smile on his face.

"Of course you can." He said and focused on my belly. "Does he move?"

"Yes. He's kicking right now. Would you like to feel him?" I asked and he nodded so I grabbed his hand and placed it on my belly. The look of pure shock as fear was evident in his eyes and it actually made me laugh.

"What's so funny?" He grumbled as he removed his hand and left Karinas driveway and drove to my house.

"Your look." I said and smiled.

"It's weird. I've never felt a pregnant woman's belly before." He said and focused hard, but kept shooting little looks at me and my belly.

"He's your son." I said and smiled.

"Our son." He said and I knew by the end of these two weeks he would have my heart back.

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