09. holidays

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having mulled over both her sisters words, hermione sat in her room with only the light from her computer screen illuminating her face. doubts filled her mind once again as the blonde girl's dms with her german crush laid open on her screen.

how was she supposed to return to niki? she couldn't just say 'hi, how have you been since i pushed you away because of my growing feelings for you', that'd be ridiculous. of course she wasn't going to say that.

though hermione had no idea what to say. sure the two girls were really close less than a month ago and never had any trouble starting up conversations with each other, but that was before she blanked niki. now she had no idea how to make amends, despite knowing that there would be repercussions.

eventually it all seemed too much to bear; so hermione closed the tab holding their dm's open, (not before sending niki a quick message) and shut down her pc before heading to bed earlier than she normally would ─ thoughts of niki rampaging effortlessly throughout her head.


niki had come to terms with the lack of messages from hermione. granted, she never expected them to lose contact ─ nor even return to talking.

but when the german girl woke up one chilly morning in december, she definitely didn't expect the notification about a dm from hermione lighting up her homescreen.


niki read the dm, feeling anger bubble up inside her at the short message.

after the period of time hermione hadn't messaged niki, she comes back only to say 'hey'?

niki was mad. no, infuriated. how could hermione do this?

'hey?' she messaged back, 'you dropped all contact with me and you just say hey?'

a message returned quickly, well as quickly as it could've been early on a monday morning.

'sorry, that wasn't the best message to contact you again with... how've you been, niki?'

'it really wasn't! why would you drop all form of contact with me and only me? am i not a good friend? am i not good enough for you?'

niki felt like she wanted to cry, she'd always feared that she'd never be good enough for someone as a friend ─ the fear doubling, no quadrupling in size at the mere thought of her not being good enough as a partner (especially to hermione).


an increasing amount of days rolled by as the two girls began to chat more, niki's anger quickly subsiding the more they talked. she didn't know why it had disappeared so quickly, but even then, she had no interest in figuring out why and merely pushed it to the back of her mind.

hermione made her happy, and that was all niki could care about. granted, the german girl had other friends that made her happy, but none could give her the same amount of happiness that hermione provided her.

not even wilbur, one of her best friends could provide her that level of happiness.


"white carnations?"

"yeah! they symbolise good luck!"

"and pure love,"

"i guess my love for you is pure too!"


p a i n

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