Hangovers and Viral Videos

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Alvaro woke up with one of the biggest hangover he had ever experienced. He opened his eyes and prayed that he is in his room. He looked around and took a sigh of relief. Thank God he got home safe. He deduced that it must be Pedro who helped him. He closed his eyes again hoping it will help to ease the hangover.

"Hey, don't go back to sleep!", it was Pedro, with a glass of water and some hangover pill in hand. "Here drink this. It will help. You have lots of explaining to do today, hermanito."

Alvaro sat up and took the drink Pedro offered. He looked at his friend confused.

"What do you mean? Did i do something wrong last night?", Alvaro asked after drinking the pill. Trying to remember last night's events is making him more dizzy.

"And of course, you don't remember.", Pedro commented, shaking his head. "I think you should go check your phone right now"

And as if on queue, his phone started ringing. He looked at the caller ID and it's Mayte, his manager. He took his phone and was about to say hello when his manager beat him to it.

"Alvaro! Finally, you answered. Can you please explain to me what the hell happened last night?", Mayte asked, exasperated. Alvaro looked at Pedro, as if asking for help but Pedro just shook his head.

"Ah eh Mayte! How are you?", he said with fake enthusiasm. "The thing is, last night, well, last night, I got drunk, I think?"

"I know and you remember what you did?", she asked. She has a feeling that Alvaro doesn't even know what's happening. "You don't remember, do you?"

"Yeah. Sorry Mayte. I really have to call you back. You really are the best manager in the world. Bye. ", Alvaro said, disconnecting the call. He needs to know what the hell happened and the only way is to ask Pedro. He turned to Pedro who is eating toast and drinking coffee.

"I know you know what happened. So you better just tell me.", he said looking straight at Pedro, who is obviously enjoying his distress.

"Why me? Why not ask Itziar?", answered Pedro, prolonging the "r". Alvaro got more distressed. The last thing he remembered was drinking while Itziar and that Mario guy was dancing. Anything after that was a blur.

"What did I do with her? Did I do something stupid?", he asked, visibly stressed out. It must have been something big as his manager is calling him early in the morning. "Pedro tell me!"

"Well, you said some things to her.", Pedro answered.

"Like what? Did i confess?", Alvaro asked, obviously agitated.

"Uh. yes you did." admitted Pedro.

"Oh damnit! I did? While drunk?", Alvaro covered his mouth his hands, internally scolding himself for being such an asshole. "But wait, why would my manager be mad about this?"

"Because Hermanito, you just didn't tell her. You told the whole world too. ", Pedro said as he stood up, browsed something on his phone and showed Alvaro a video.

Alvaro took the phone and viewed the video. It was a video of him last night, drunk and shouting I love you's to Itziar over and over again. He even kneeled and hugged Itziar in the waist when she tried to bring him up. Thankfully, Pedro helped her and they dragged him towards the car. Loud cheers from the crowd that formed can be heard in the background.

He saw the comments under the videos too.

"Pedro, what have I done?", Alvaro uttered, looking at Pedro

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"Pedro, what have I done?", Alvaro uttered, looking at Pedro. He ran his fingers through his hair, thinking of the next course of action. "How about Itziar? How did she take it?"

"Well as you can see in the video, she didn't have time to react. So we just dragged you all the way to the car. Thankfully, you slept all the way. We didn't have the chance to talk. I just dropped her off and then went straight here.", Pedro answered and put his hands on Alvaro's shoulder. "Don't worry hermanito. It's not that bad and I saw Itziar actually smiled for a minute there"

Alvaro looked up and smiled back at Pedro. Well, at least that's alright. As long as Itziar is fine then he is fine but he needs to call her first to make sure. He was about to call her when Matye called again. He can't do anything but to answer. He will call Itziar after.

After explaining last night's events with Matye, he decided to call Itziar. Pedro already left, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

So what should he do now? How should he approach her? Is she mad at him? He was still formulating his action plan when his phone rang again. He was about to just let it ring thinking that it is just Mayte again when he noticed the caller ID. It's Itziar and on the third rings, he answered.

"Hey Itziar", he answered, still unsure how to act around her.

"Hola, drunk guy", Itziar answered back and laughed, making fun of him. And he breathed a sigh of relief. Thank God, Itziar is unlike most girls. "You must be feeling shitty today. I mean with your hangover".

He laughed and nodded. "Itziar, about last night, I am really sorry.", he started but Itziar cut him off.

"Alvaro, it's okay. You were drunk. I know you didnt meant anything.", she said. Deep inside, Alvaro is confused. He actually meant what he said last night. He loves her. He was about to tell her that he actually meant it when Itziar suddenly dropped the call. He tried calling back but it's already out of reach. That got him more confused. What the hall happened? He decided to take a shower instead. It's already 11am and he has a taping at 2pm.


He took an uber on the way to the studio as his car is still at the bar. While in the car, he was scrolling on Instagram and saw the posts about his drunken outbursts. There were even memes about it and truth be told, those are actually funny.

"Excuse me sir, but you are Alvaro Morte, right?", asked the driver, looking at Alvaro through the dashboard mirror. Alvaro nodded, smiling. "I am a big fan, sir.", he added. Alvaro said thanks.

"I don't mean to be a gossip but were you really drunk last night?", the driver asked again. Normally, Alvaro will just stay silent as Mayte told him to not comment about last night's incident to anyone but he is actually having a good mood today and the driver doesn't actually look like someone who gossips.

"Yeah. I was completely wasted last night. Didn't even know what I was saying or rather shouting last night", he answered with a smile on his face looking outside, They are almost inside the studio. The driver just nodded and continued driving.

When they arrived, Alvaro thanked the driver. He was about to go out when the driver said,"Well sir, they say a drunk mind speaks a sober heart right?" and looked outside. Alvaro followed his gaze and saw Itziar standing at the studio's entrance, looking as pretty as ever. Alvaro smiled at that sight and he heard the driver said, "Enjoy your day sir!". Alvaro thanked him again and the drive drove off.

Itziar then noticed Alvaro's viral and smiled at him. That smile again. That same damn smile that makes his heart beat faster. He remembered what the driver said "a drunk mind speaks a sober heart". Alvaro realized that drunk or not, this woman is in his heart and he will make sure today that she knows that. 

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