The Dinner

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After a tiring hike back to his car and a  quick lunch, Alvaro decided to drop off Itzi at her home. He stopped his car in the front of her building. 

"You wanna come up?", she asked as she took off the seatbelt. She looked at him. He is still radiating from happiness and looks absolutely cute. She felt the same too. He leaned in, took her chin and give her a deep kiss. 

"As much as I want to, love. I have some things to do.", he said. She felt disappointed, she thought they are gonna spend the whole day together. 

"Oh okay. That's fine.", she said. She wants to know what are the things that he has to do but she doesn't wanna sound like a crazy girlfriend. So she bade him goodbye and went inside her house as he sped off. 


She went inside her flat, still feeling the disappointment from earlier. 

"Well, looks like it will just be me today", she said as she walked towards her bedroom. When she entered, she immediately noticed a box in her bed. She opened the box and checked what's inside. It was a dress, a strapless bodycon type of dress. She picked it up and a card fell. The card says: 

"Hola mi amor,  Will you go out on a date with me at 7pm in the  the Avalon? 

from your 15 year old lover,


 She smiled and shook her head. This guy really is full of surprises. She was about to send him a message when her phone started ringing. It was Alvaro.

"You don't like it? Is it too sexy? I knew it. I should have chosen another one..", he started rambling and she cut him off.

"Love, calm down. I just opened the box and was about to call you.", she said. He was silent as if asking her to continue," and i like it! I hope I will look good on it though."

"You look good in anything", he said. Or nothing, he muttered to himself. 

"So I will see you later? I will pick you up around 6:30.", he said and she agreed. She looked at the time. It is still 1PM. She still have time for a nap before she gets ready. And so she did. 


3 Minutes before 6:30pm, she got a call from Alvaro.

"Hola," she answered.

"Inspectora, what are you wearing?", he said with a deep husky tone. She smiled. Of course, he wouldn't miss the opportunity to use that line every time. 

"Oh some tiny strapless dress my boyfriend got for me.", she answered nonchalantly. 

"Boyfriend? Oh lucky guy. He got to see you in that dress", he answered, already getting out of the car. 

"Maybe. but if he gets here on time, he might get to see me out of this dress later. ", she said. That comment made him stop on his track. His imagination already working. \

"Well Inspectora, he must really be a lucky guy coz he is already outside.", he answered. As soon as he said that, Itziar opened his door and walked out of her flat. She was then gifted by one of the sexiest view in her life. Alvaro was leaning on his black audi in a dark suit, a bouquet of flowers in his left hand. His right hand still holding his phone to his ear.  He smiled sexily at her. She walked towards him and said, "Who are you in a call with?".

"I was talking to inspectora," he said as he give her the followers, leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Mi inspectora de alma" he whispered on her ear. 

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