Honesty with a side of coffee

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He walked towards Itziar with a big smile on her face. He greeted and hugged her.

"You are in a good mood today. Thought you will be grumpy because you still have hangover.", Itziar noticed as they broke their hug and walked towards their dressing rooms. "By the way, sorry for this morning, our call was cut off. I forgot to charge my phone."

"Ahh, and I was thinking you got kidnapped or something.", Alvaro joked and they laughed. "Itziar, can I talk to you for a second?", he asked, hoping to have an alone time with her. She looked at him and said ,"Sure, what is it?"

He looked around, nervous. As they are in the hallway, he can see people passing by them. "Can we talk somewhere more private?", he said, so Itziar invited him inside her dressing room.

They went in and sat down in the couch. Itziar turned to him. Visibly curious on what he is about to say. He was about to start when out of the blue, the doors opened and the makeup artist, Emilia came in.

"Oh finally you're here! I have so many things to tell you", Emilia exclaimed as she saw her and then she noticed Alvaro sitting in the couch. "Oh, did I interrupt something? Should I go out?"

"No.no.No. It's okay. You can stay. I also have to prepare for my scene too.", Alvaro said, hurriedly. He looked at Itziar and said ,"I will talk to you later Itzi. See ya!" and then left, leaving Itziar dumbfounded.

Emilia looked at Itziar and asked,"What just happened?".

"I don't know. He just told me he wants to talk to me about something and then you arrived.", Itziar said, sitting down in the makeup chair ready to be prepped.

"I am pretty sure, he is gonna confess", Emilia said, as she took her materials and put it in the table. Itziar looked at her in the mirror. "Well, you know he likes you right? I mean he treats you differently than others"

"Stop saying that Emilia. He is just being a good friend.", Itziar answered. Indeed, for the past two years Alvaro has been a really good friend to her. He is always there whenever she needs someone to talk to and he is very caring as well. That day when he asked her to spend holidays with his family is probably the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for her. Even her exboyfriend has never introduced her to his parents and they dated for years!

She has never thought about it but can Alvaro be feeling something more than friendship?

She just shrugged off last night's drunk alvaro episode as jsut him being drunk but before he got drunk, he held her hand and told her "I will never let go of this hand", what did he meant by that?

"See, you are thinking about it.", Emilia broke her musings with a smirk. "I am telling you this as a friend Itzi, that man is in love with you. And that video from last night just confirms that."

"I don't know Emi. I just got off a relationship. I am not sure if I am ready for a new one.", Itzi answered. " And stop putting these ideas in my head!" she added with a slight chuckle.


"Ahh the viral man is here!", Jesus exclaimed as he Alvaro. They are about to film a scene in the hangar. "Care to explain what happened last night?"

"Well, you saw the video, Jesus.", Alvaro said clearly uncomfortable on the topic. "I got drunk and shouted like a crazy guy."

"Crazy in love?", Jesus teased, making Alvaro blush. "Alvaro, as a director, I actually don't care what happens offcamera as long as it doesn't affect the show. As a friend, make a move already! We've been waiting for this!", he added, patting Alvaro in the back. Alvaro chuckled and nodded, thankful that he has Jesus' support.


Alvaro was taking a break in the studio's cafeteria when she noticed Itziar walked in. She was still in her outfitRaquel. She went to get coffee and was about to go out when she noticed Alvaro sitting in the corner. He smiled at her and she decided to join him.

"Can I join you?", she asked and he nodded. "How's your day so far?"

"Tiring.", he answered. He just finished a two hour scene and good thing Jesus gave him a break. It was physically tiring but when he saw her smile, feels like he got the energy back again. "But I just got energized."

Itziar laughed. "Coffee can really make it all better right?", she said, smiling at him. He is looking at her with such intensity that is making her blush.

"Yes, coffee." he said, sipping his coffee hoping that i will give him the courage to say his next words. "And your smile too."

"Ahh Alvaro. You and your words.", she shook her head, trying to hide her blush. "You should stop doing that or else I'll fall for your charm"

"Then why don't you?", Alvaro said, staring intently at her. She looked at him, speechless. He then took her hand. "Itziar, I don't know how to say this but I like you. I know you just got off a relationship and I am not asking you to like me back. It's just that I can't stop what I am feeling and if I won't let it out, I feel like I am going to burst. So, I am just letting this out in the open and say it."

"I don't know what to say", she started, clearly taken aback by the confession. She never expected this.

"Itzi, you don't have to say anything. Just let me like you. If that's okay.", he said stroking her ha nd with his thumb. She looked at her clasped hands. She felt conflicted. Deep inside, she know that there is a part of her that likes him back but the logical side of her brain is saying that it is too early to jump off into a relationship.

She smiled and looked at their joined hands. He is still looking at her. She looked at him and said ", Truth is I feel it too, Alvaro.". He smiled. "But, I feel like it is too early for me to be in a new relationship." She added. She saw his smile slightly falter but he nodded.

"I understand Itzi.", he said and was about to withdraw his hand when she squeezed his hand. He looked at her. She wants to tell him that she likes him too but she doesn't have the courage. He smiled, squeezed her hand back and said "I will continue liking you until you are ready. I am willing to wait."

She laughed. "This is so ridiculous. We are acting as if we are teenagers and not 40 year olds".

"Well, they say love can make you do crazy things right?", he answered back.They continued talking about random stuff when Itziar opened up about the viral video from last night. She kept on teasing him about it on how drunk he was. She even took out his phone and showed him some of the memes about it. He was laughing out loud and clearly having fun. She was checking her phone on some memes to show him when he took his phone and asked her to pose. Still in silly mode, she made a funny face and he took a picture of it. He then uploaded it on his Instagram. 


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