Chapter 13: Hollyfrost

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  Hollyfrost and Hawkfeather's kits had opened their eyes a few days after their birth. The she-kit had beautiful jade green eyes so they decided to name her Jadekit. Quietkit still hadn't made a sound so Earthpoppy's theory was probably right. He has tried to meow, but it has come out in quiet croaks.

Hollyfrost watched as Crosswind's kits played with her's. Foxkit leaped at Deerkit, causing them both to roll. Deerkit growled reluctantly.

"I dare you Foxkit to try and take me on! I doubt you could even move a muscle once I have you pinned to the ground!" Jadekit growled boldly, her head held high.

"Jadekit! Watch the attitude!" Hollyfrost flicked Jadekit's head with her tail.

"She's got quite the personality already," Crosswind laughed.

"Yeah," Hollyfrost lowered her voice. "I'm worried about her..."

"What do you mean? She'll be fine!"

"No, I mean...I'm worried that Hawkfeather isn't actually Jadekit's father...," her voice was barely audible.

"You mean...? No... He has to be... That's impossible! Is it...?"

"I don't know. She doesn't really look like Hawkfeather... And...remember what happened that night...," Hollyfrost looked away. She couldn't imagine how heartbroken Hawkfeather would be if Jadekit wasn't his.

"I think it's just a matter of luck that she looks like that. There's nothing to worry about," Crosswind tried to reassure her, but Hollyfrost wasn't convinced. She's got his looks...his sand colored ear...a mix of both of our personalities.....

Hollyfrost was jerked from her thoughts by the sounds of screeching. Jadekit was squirming around on the ground, trying to free herself from Foxkit, who had her pinned to the ground.

"Who's the one who can't move a muscle 'cause I pinned you to the ground now?" Foxkit sneered. Deerkit laughed at Jadekit from behind them, next to Quietkit and Heatherkit. Quietkit has always been the outcast between all of the kits. He wouldn't really participate in any of their little battles, just sit behind and watch.

"Are you okay?" Hollyfrost asked concerningly. Quietkit just nodded without even looking at her.

"Whatever is on your mind, you can always tell me. In your thoughts," Hollyfrost sent a message to her son. He jumped and looked at his mother with surprise in his yellow-green eyes. Hollyfrost just laughed.

"What?" Crosswind laughed with them.

"I talked to him, through thoughts," Hollyfrost smiled lovingly.

Crosswind gasped, then smiled. "That's sweet. I never thought of that."

Hollyfrost reached over to Quietkit and licked his head then whispered in his ear, "I'll always be here for you; you can always talk to me."

Just then, Hawkfeather and Thunderstorm walked together into the nursery. All the kits shouted "Father!" and ran to their fathers, except for Quietkit, who stayed by his mother. Hawkfeather and Thunderstorm both greeted their kits before walking over to their mates.

"I almost can't tell you two apart!" Hawkfeather laughed to Hollyfrost and Quietkit.

"Oh, come on, I'm not that small!" Hollyfrost joked.

"I mean looks, not size."

"But still, we have very different eyes."

"Alright, Hollyfrost, I'm just joking," he looked down at Quietkit and whispered in his ear, "you are secretly my favorite kit." which made Quietkit smile.

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