Fallen apart - Ishimondo

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A little background: In this AU, no one kills each other and instead they become great friends.
Summary: Kyoko uncovers a heartbreaking secret

*third person POV*
Kiyotaka Ishimaru had just been executed.
According to Monokuma, the mastermind had gotten bored with the lack of killing, and proposed a deal to the moral compass.
Everyone could leave the school, and the mastermind would leave them all alone. They would be free. All for the price of one life.
Kiyotaka agreed immediately, of course he did. He cared for his friends too much for his own good.
Class 78 stood in the trial room, all of them devastated by their loss.
All except for Mondo.
Mondo and Taka never got along, no matter how hard the others would try. They would always fight about the smallest things. Even at the end of Taka's life, Mondo didn't show any kindness or sympathy to the other boy.
The other ultimates were understandably horrified at the bikers behavior.
"Our friend was just murdered for our sake!" Hina screamed at him. "Don't you feel anything?!"
Mondo didn't respond, he just glared at the swimmer. Only one person noticed the way he shook slightly, the deep breaths he took to steady himself, and the sweat on his forehead.
The mastermind kept her promise. Enoshima was many things, but a liar was never one of them.
The students stepped outside for the first time in almost a year. Kyoko immediately steered them toward the police station. She wanted to let the authorities know what had happened.
When they got to their destination, Takaaki Ishimaru was already there. He ran up to them, hoping to find his son in the crowd. Chihiro and Sayaka burst into tears at the sight of the man.
He looked so much like Taka.
Takaaki broke down when Kyoko explained the situation. It was so bad that one of his colleagues had to drive him home and stay with him for the rest of the day.
The rest of the officers called the remaining friends and family members to come and pick up their kid. The room was filled with happy reunions and countless tears of joy. But despite all of that, there was a thick atmosphere of mourning. A dark haze that prevented them from fully enjoying this moment. Because one child couldn't come home.
After about an hour, there were only a few people left in the station. Mondo and his brother were about to leave, when a certain detective stopped them in their tracks. She took them to an unused room, where Chihiro and Leon already stood.
Kyoko closed the door behind her, and turned to face everyone.
"Before I begin, I would like you all to swear that nothing I'm about to say leaves this room." She says in a calm, yet demanding voice. The others in the room nodded, looking confused.
"I want to discuss something with you in particular." The detective said, pointing to Mondo. The biker straightened his posture and crossed his arms.
"Whaddya want?" He grumbled. Kyoko mimicked his defensive stance.
"You're keeping something from the rest of us." She accused. Mondo laughed once, a sharp sound that seemed out of place in the mostly silent room.
"What the hell are you talkin' about?" He said in a low voice. Kyoko squinted at the man.
"When Kiyotaka was being executed, you didn't even react. Why?" Mondo turned his head away from the detective, scoffing.
"Cause I hate the little bastard. Thought I made that obvious." He tried to make himself sound indifferent, but everyone noticed how his voice shook just so.
"Do you really?" She glared. Mondo grit his teeth. He opened his mouth to say something, but Kyoko interrupted him.
"Don't bother lying to me. You know who I am, it doesn't work." Shit. It was true, she had him backed into a corner. He started silently shifting his weight from one foot to another, shoving his hands in his pants pockets.
"Alright fine. I don't hate him, but we weren't friends like the rest of ya." He spat at the stoic girl in front of him. Kyoko's lips curved up slightly in a superior smirk.
"No. You weren't, we're you." She said knowingly. Mondo's eyes widened and his breath hitched. He felt beads of sweat rolling down his back. There was no way she knew... right?
Daiya stepped up, putting a hand on his brothers shoulder. Mondo jumped a bit, forgetting that he and Kyoko weren't the only people in the room. The older biker glared coldly at the purple haired girl.
"Listen, I don't know what you're tryin' to do, but I'm taking my brother home." He said in a low voice. Kyoko returned the mans glare ten-fold, forcing him to back off.
"Let's get to the point. I know about your relationship with Taka." She sighed, wanting to get this over with.
"You don't know shit." Mondo hissed through clenched teeth. His eyes darted to Leon and Chihiro. They looked incredibly nervous, and Mondo knew that they wouldn't be able to lie if Kyoko asked them about it.
Mondo tried his best to keep his composure, but he was failing miserably. He wanted to fall on his knees and beg the detective not to say anything. She couldn't or else...
Kyoko surprised the others when she pulled what looked like a VHS tape out of her jacket pocket. She held it up for everyone to see.
"Enoshima gave this to me before she let us go." She said, shaking the tape a little.
"She said it was her 'last drop of despair'" Mondo, Chihiro, and Leon all cringed at that word. They'd had enough 'hope vs. despair' nonsense for a lifetime.
"When I watched it, I found that it was from one of the cameras in Taka's room." Kyoko continued. She looked around, waiting patiently for one of them to break.
"Taka told you about the deal before he was killed." She said, fiddling with the tape in her hands.
"Should I explain what I saw? Or are you ready to confess?"
Mondo was beyond furious. Why was she making this out to be some sort of crime? It's true that the biker knew about the deal. He had begged and cried for Taka not to take it, to just forget it and move on. No matter what he said, the moral compass wouldn't listen.
He needed to redirect the conversation, make it seem like it was no big deal. His eyes darted toward the exit, trying to figure out a way to escape as soon as possible.
"Yeah I knew. I told him not to take it, obviously. Can I go now?" The blonde didn't wait for an answer. He started making his way past Kyoko, to the door. Before he could get too far, the detective placed a gloved hand on his chest and shoved him backwards. Mondo stumbled a bit, surprised at how strong the girl really was.
"No you may not." She said, annoyed. Mondo clenched his hands into fists, shaking with rage. Kyoko sighed as if she were the only competent person in the room.
"Let me tell you what I think is happening." The detective said. She placed the tape back in her pocket and crossed her arms once more. Mondo was barely listening, panic flooding his entire body, making his veins run cold.
How he wished Kiyotaka was there with him. That he would take Mondo's hand in his and tell him that everything would be okay. The moral compass always knew exactly what to say to make the other man feel better... Mondo waited for Kyoko to continue, trying to control his breathing.
"You and Taka were in a romantic relationship." She said in a matter-of-fact tone.
"Taka, with his aspiration to become prime minister, suggested that you keep your relationship a secret from the rest of us." She glared around the room, eyes focusing on Chihiro and Leon before snapping back to the panicking biker.
"You weren't very happy with that, and you two got into an argument-"
"No that's wrong!" A timid voice cut the detective off. Mondo whirled around to face Chihiro, who looked just as shocked by his own actions as everyone else.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" Mondo hissed at the small boy. Chihiro cringed at his harsh tone.
"I-I'm sorry! I just...I..." He trailed off, looking down to the floor. Leon placed a gentle hand on the small boys shoulder.
"We can't just stand here and let her say something like that man." The redhead mumbled, looking everywhere except for Mondo, who almost had smoke coming from his ears.
Kyoko was standing behind him with her arms crossed, a triumphant smirk on her face.
"If I'm so wrong," She said smugly. "Then tell me what really happened."
Chihiro opened his mouth to say more, before a certain biker came storming in his direction. Daiya was absolutely fuming, getting right up in the other boys face.
"Don't you fuckin say a word, he's having a panic attack over there!" He growled. Both Chihiro and Leon flinched, their courage wilting under the older Owada's gaze.
"Daiya..." A somber voice called out. The man turned around to face Mondo. The blondes shoulders were slumped and he looked down at the floor. He looked resigned, like he'd given up.
"Ya don't gotta do that." He muttered, not taking his eyes from the floor. He shifted his gaze to his friends for a moment.
"Go ahead and tell her. She already knows the important shit anyways..." He sighed. Daiya walked over to his brother, putting an arm around his shoulders. Chihiro and Leon perked up Mondo's words, and the programmer immediately launched into his explanation.
"Mondo was the one who wanted to keep it a secret, not Taka!" Chihiro crossed his arms. The boy was annoyed that Kyoko would accuse Mondo of being so petty.
"He knew that being associated with the leader of the Crazy Diamonds would damage Taka's reputation." He said, his anger dissipating to sadness as he thought of the events that lead them to this moment. Leon sensed this, and took over.
"Taka only agreed to it because Mondo was insisting." The red head explained. He put his arm around the smaller boys shoulders.
"He wanted to tell us since we were his closest friends and all. But other than us, no one knew about it." Leon finished. He could feel hot tears welling up in his eyes, and did his best to force them down. This wasn't about him.
Kyoko nodded along to the story, a look of deep concentration on her features. She had already known the basics, of course. She was relying on the others to fill in the blanks for her. The detective snapped out of her thoughts when she heard a shaky sigh.
Mondo was looking down at the ground, his trembling hands balled into fists. He had to keep it together. He felt like he had been split open and laid down for everyone to see. But he couldn't break.
He slowly looked up at the detective, controlling every movement carefully.
"Why?" His deep voice was thick with unshed tears.
"If you knew why I was keeping it a secret, then why would you say anything?" He demanded. The biker honestly couldn't tell if he was angry or sad, or a hellish combination of both.
Kyoko sighed, she was never very good with handling other people's emotions.
"Because you deserve to mourn properly." She told the boy.
"You're surrounded with people you trust. You need to let yourself be human." Mondo's breath hitched. She was right. She was always right. And it pissed him off.
He thought for a while. The building was empty except for the people in this room. No one would know.
His shoulders tensed and his legs shook. It felt like as if someone had ripped a hole through his chest where his heart should be. Daiya, Chihiro, and Leon all went up to him as Kyoko silently left the room. For some reason he couldn't explain, Mondo was still fighting against the pain and the heartbreak. He bit his tongue to contain the sobs that were so desperate to come out.
Mondo felt a a tug on his arm, and looked down. Chihiro was looking up at him with wide, distressed eyes. A silent plea to let go. To trust them.
They stared at each other for a long time. Mondo didn't even realize the tears streaming down his cheeks. When he finally did, it pushed him over the edge.
His shaking legs gave out, and he collapsed to the floor. His hands tangled through his blonde hair, undoing his pompadour as he let out a choked cry. His body rocked with the power of his sobs.
It was as if he had lost his other half. Taka was the only person he could be himself with, next to Daiya. The two understood each other in ways that no one else could. Almost like they could read each other's minds. They helped each other forget their pasts, to start fresh. To have all of that ripped away from him so suddenly.... it was almost too much to bear.
Daiya hugged his little brother close, rubbing soothing circles on his back. He tried to think straight. To ignore Mondo's wails that echoed through the empty police station.
This boy, Taka, meant so much to Mondo. He would've been family. He would've been Daiya's brother. The realization left him heartbroken. He lost a brother today.
They lost  Kiyotaka Ishimaru today.

Holy buttcheek on a stick that took way longer than it should've. Sorry the end is a little rushed, I was trying to get this out ASAP. Anyway, I promise that the next chapter will be out a lot sooner!!

THH Oneshots حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن