Love Hotel Series - Kyoko Kirigiri

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Summary: Kyoko's romantic fantasy

*Makoto POV*

I open my eyes to find myself in the Love Hotel.
I slowly sit up, and immediately notice the silver handcuffs around my wrists.
I fiddle with them a little, lamenting at how uncomfortable they are, before looking around the room.
Kyoko stands across from the bed with her arms crossed, a stern expression on her features.
Ah, so that explains the handcuffs.
We stay quiet for a while, staring at each other in slightly uncomfortable silence.
"I'm sorry about this." She says abruptly. I jump a little, startled.
"H-huh?" Is all that comes out of my mouth. Kyoko squeezes her eyes shut and sighs deeply.
"I'm sorry." She repeats. "I never meant for this to happen."
I'm at a loss for words, and we sink back into silence.
I shift uncomfortably, turning my gaze to my hands. It seems that I got arrested, and Kyoko's not very happy about it.
I think hard about what to say, but come up blank. It's not as if I've ever been arrested before.
Kyoko shifts her weight to her other foot.
"I know you're innocent, if that makes you feel any better." She mumbles.
My head snaps up, and my eyes meet hers.
"You do? How?" I ask before I can even think. Kyoko's arms tighten around herself.
"I can't really explain it. All of the evidence I've found so far has led to you, but I just..." her gloved hands clutch at the fabric of her sleeves.
"I just know you're innocent."
She seems so frustrated, it makes me feel bad for some strange reason. I smile reassuringly at her.
"Thank you. That really does make me feel better, knowing that you're behind me." I say.
Kyoko stares at be for a while before sitting beside me on the bed with a huff.
"I've been a detective for years. Never once did I think you'd be my prime suspect in a double murder." She sighs.
I feel myself tense. It's really that serious huh?
She leans on my arm a bit.
"I technically shouldn't even be on this case." She says. That surprises me, and I turn to see her better.
"Wait really? How come?" I ask. Kyoko laughs once, leaning on me a little more.
"Detectives aren't allowed to investigate people they have a close relationship with." She moves away, and looks into my eyes with a slightly amused expression.
"I think childhood friends counts as 'close' don't you?" She jokes.
I see. I can't imagine how hard this must be for her, having to arrest her best friend.
I try to reach out and hold her hand, when I'm reminded of the cuffs. Kyoko seems to notice, and lightly places her hand on top of mine.
"I'm glad that I got assigned to you." She whispers, placing her head on my shoulder.
I feel my cheeks heat up at that, and I repress the urge to cover my face.
I lean my head against hers, and took her hand in both of mine.
"Yeah... me too." I mumble back. She's silent for a while, and I can tell that there's something else on her mind.
She hugs my arms, slightly nuzzling her face into my shoulder. I've never seen her this affectionate, she's oddly cute when she wants to be.
"What if I can't find any more evidence?" The sudden question snaps me back to reality.
Or, at least, what she thinks is reality.
My body tenses, and a dark feeling grows in my chest. I can't think of anything to say that would make her feel any better.
"What if you get convicted? What if I can't save you?" She pulls away from me entirely. When she looks at me, I see her lavender eyes filled to the brim with fear.
"What if I fail?"
I need to calm her down, say something to reassure her. I tighten my grip on her hands, and, despite the pure dread I'm feeling, I find my words.
"Please don't think like that. You said that you know I'm innocent, so trust your gut!" I say, forcing positivity into my voice.
I unconsciously lean closer to her, our faces just inches apart.
"And if you can't trust yourself," my voice is a bit louder than a whisper now.
"Then I'll trust you enough for both of us."
Kyoko gazes at me with childlike wonder. As if that was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to her.
Neither of us move, and I can feel her breath on my lips.
Slowly, her normal confidence returns. Before I realize it, her lips are on mine.
Her lips are so soft, it's a stark contrast to how hard she kisses me. It feels as if this is something she's wanted to do for so long.
My face heats up, and it feels like my stomach is having a firework show.
Despite this, I try my best to match her eagerness. One of her hands reaches up to cup my cheek, holding my face to hers.
After a few seconds of what felt like eternity, she pulls away.
She gasps quietly as she rests her forehead against mine.
I find that I can't open my eyes after the kiss, so I simply lean into her touch.
We stay like this for a while, basking in each other's company.
Her hand shifts from my cheek to my hair. She moves even closer, to where she's almost sitting on my lap, and places a kiss right where my nose meets my cheek.
My heartbeat explodes, and I almost get the wind knocked out of me.
My eyelids flutter open when she moves away. I look up to see her staring at me, a newfound fire in her purple eyes.
She grips both of my hands tightly, urging me to listen, to pay attention.
"I'm going to get you out of this." She declares.
She speaks with such certainty, such passion, that the dark feeling in my chest completely disappears. I smile at her, bigger than I'd ever smiled before.

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