Highness - TokoMaru

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Summary: Toko meets the Princess
*Toko POV*
"The Royal family is looking for a suitor for their daughter, Princess Komaru." The teacher states. My head snaps up from my notebook, and I'm suddenly paying very close attention.
"As Their Majesties would prefer someone close in age to the Princess, your entire grade has been formally invited to the party they're hosting tonight!" Cheers erupt from the classroom at the news. I just sit in stunned silence, my mind already buzzing with the different ways the night could go. I've had a crush on Princess Komaru for as long as I can remember. She's so beautiful and positive. She always has a smile on her face. Maybe we'll meet, fall in love, and dance into the night like in my stories. I sigh happily and rest my head on my hand. I'm suddenly struck with reality as I realize what will probably end up happening. I'll most likely just sit in the corner by myself, unnoticed by everyone, especially the princess. I frown. I don't even have anything to wear. The only dress that I own is old and plain. It's not like I'd look pretty anyways. I groan quietly and put my head on the desk. Should I even bother going? I suppose I have to. You would have to be insane not to go to a royal ball.
I'll just have to wait it out until I can go back home. Who knows, someone might take pity on me. I return to my notebook, erasing what I have written down so far. A brand new idea just came to mind.

                      ***** Time Skip *****

I look at myself in the mirror with sadness. This dress is supposed to be worn when you go out for coffee with friends, not a Royal event!
It's a very simple, knee length dress with long sleeves. It's been a long time since I've worn it, so it hugs my waist nicely, making me look better than I actually do. At least something's going right. I stare at myself for a while before undoing my braids in an attempt to look decent. I comb my fingers through my purple hair, eventually just letting it sit. I adjust my glasses, drawing attention to my winged eyeliner, and check the time.
"5:15..." I mumble to myself. I need to get to the school now if I don't want to be left behind. I sigh, not looking forward to the insults that will no doubt be thrown at me when I get to the school. I rush out the door, not stopping to say goodbye to my moms. They don't care.
When I get to the school, my classmates immediately start teasing me, as I expected. I just tune them out like I normally do. Not long after that, we all load onto the busses and set off toward the castle. As I sit staring out the bus window, I find myself disassociating. I have this ability to get completely enamored with the made up scenarios in my head. It allows me to imagine everything I want to see in extremely vivid detail. It's part of the reason I'm such a good writer. Before I know it, the bus comes to a stop, forcing me out of my trance. I groan under my breath as I stand up, preparing myself for a long night.

***** Time Skip *****

*Komaru POV*
I walk gracefully through the crowd, smoothing down the skirt of my emerald green ball gown. The party's been going on for an hour now and no one's caught my eye. My night so far has been filled with boring business men and sleazy teenagers who are only in it for the fame and power. I stop by a group of young men and decide to talk to them.
"Hello gentlemen." I give a small bow of my head. They jump in surprise and rush to bow deeply. I fight back a wince as I smell the gallons of axe body spray they put on before this.
"How wonderful to meet you Your Highness." The boy in front greets. I plaster on a smile, trying not to roll my eyes at his smug expression.
"The pleasure is mine, sir." I respond.
"May I have your names?" I flutter my eyelashes. There's no point in this party if I'm not going to at least try to find someone. The other boys are about to speak up before the one in front cuts them off very rudely.
"My name is Akihiko Goro, Your Highness!" He takes my arm, rather forcefully, and leads me away from the others, waving them off nonchalantly.
"No need to acknowledge those nuisances. You've already found your future husband." He says proudly, making my face twist slightly in disgust. He isn't even that attractive. Blonde hair and blue eyes, full of himself like every teenage boy I've seen tonight. Akihiko keeps dribbling on about how great he is as he parades me around like a prize he's just won. All the while I keep on a pleasant smile, tuning him out. We're approaching the snack table, when she catches my eye.
She has long, wavy, purple hair that falls to her knees. She's wearing large, round glasses that frame her shimmering gray eyes. Her dress is a deep purple, fitting her waist beautifully. She looks very casual considering the event, but somehow it makes her look even more radiant.
'She is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.' I think to myself. I place my hand gently, but commandingly, on Akihiko's arm, removing it from mine.
"I'm terribly sorry sir, but I must talk with the other guests." I say, fake sweetness in my voice.
"I hope you understand." I smile, walking away before he has a chance to object. I take a deep breath, straightening my perfect posture, and walk toward the girl. She's standing by herself with a sad expression on her face. I wonder if she's been alone this whole time. Nervous butterflies flutter in my stomach as she looks at me, startled. I lift the skirt of my gown and give a graceful curtesy. She quickly does the same, though it's not quite as smooth as mine.
"May I have your name my dear?" A heavy blush spreads across her cheeks at the nickname.
"M-my name is T-Toko F-Fukawa, Your H-Highness." She stutters cutely, curtsying again. I giggle and offer her my arm, a smile playing on my lips. She scrambles to take it and we start to weave through the crowd. The silence is awkward as we walk, both of us trying to think of something to talk about.
"I really like your dress." I murmur, pink dusting my cheeks. Toko turns scarlet as she stutters a thank you.
"Y-yours is m-much prettier though." I smile and look down at my ball gown. The sleeves go off my shoulders, leading down to the green silk waist. It's adorned with just the right amount of dark green jewels, making my torso sparkle underneath the ballroom lights. The skirt is made from tulle. Varying shades of green fold over each other, creating a gorgeous gown. I sigh happily and look back to Toko.
"Thank you very much! I actually designed this one myself." I state proudly, holding my head a bit higher. Toko raises her eyebrows in surprise.
"W-Well you're very t-talented!" I giggle and push a strand of hair behind my ear.
"Thank you." I sigh happily, staring into her misty grey eyes. Toko blushes again, she flusters very easily.
Just then, my stomach growls and I'm reminded that I've barely eaten today. I place a delicate hand on my stomach and look at the violet haired girl next to me.
"I'm terribly sorry. I've had nothing but a small lunch today." I smile apologetically. Toko raises her eyebrows in a surprised expression.
"Really? W-well then l-let's go back t-to the snack t-table." Toko starts to steer us back the way we came. Once we stop at the large table, I grab a plate and start piling on several fruits and cheeses. I hold my plate in one arm and offer the other to the grey eyed girl. She takes it once more and I lead us to a table out of the way of all the party goers. I set my plate down and gracefully settle into the cushioned seat. Toko does the same across from me and folds her hands in her lap nervously. I place a strawberry in my mouth, trying to think of a conversation starter.
"I'd really like to get to know you better my dear." I say after swallowing the strawberry. Toko looks up at me through her long eyelashes, blushing again at the nickname.
"W-what do you w-want t-to know?" She picks at her fingernails. I place a finger to my cheek, thinking. I look back to Toko with a smile.
"What's your favorite color?" I ask cheerfully. Toko smiles a little, her hands moving to play with a strand of purple hair.
"I l-like r-red..." She says timidly. "W-what about you?" I eat a few pieces of fruit before giving my answer.
"I really can't decide! Either yellow or green. Both are very pretty." I eat a bit more, thinking of another question. Toko smiles a bit wider as she fidgets with the sleeve of her dress.
"Tell me about your family." I eventually say. Toko's smile drops and she looks down at the floor. My chest tightens nervously. Did I just mess up? Toko finally looks back at me.
"W-with all due r-respect Y-Your H-Highness. I d-don't like t-talking about my family." She mumbles. I nod in understanding and place a comforting hand on hers.
"I completely understand. I apologize for bringing up a sensitive subject." Toko shakes her head a smiles at me again.
"Would you t-tell me about yours i-instead?" I grin and lean back slightly in my seat, keeping my hand on hers.
"Well you already know so much about them, it's hard to find a place to start." I chuckle. Toko giggles with me and my smile grows. I really like this girl. I lean forward as I remember something.
"Have you heard of the Togami corporation?" I ask her, my voice lowered to almost a whisper. Toko leans closer so she can hear me better and nods.
"I think Makoto has something going on with the heir!" I whisper squeal, gesturing to my brother who is sitting politely on his throne next to our parents. Toko gasps in surprise, beaming at me.
That smile... looks awfully familiar.
"I'm sorry but I can't shake the feeling that I know you from somewhere." I say, popping a few slices of cheese in my mouth. Toko's face goes a fiery scarlet as she begins to stutter even worse than normal.
"W-well I-I'm a w-writer b-but I d-doubt y-you k-know me." She sputters, retracting her hand from mine. I almost hear a clicking sound in my brain and my face lights up.
"You wrote 'So Lingers the Ocean' right? I love that book!" I exclaim. Her grey eyes sparkle at the compliment.
"Y-you do?" I nod enthusiastically and take a bite of kiwi. Toko looks down at her lap, her smile growing.
"The P-Princess l-likes my b-book..." She mumbles to herself. I giggle a little and take her hand back in mine. She looks at our hands and her face suddenly drops. I squeeze her hand, concerned about her change in mood.
"Is something wrong my dear?" I ask comfortingly. She once again slips her hand away from mine.
"W-why are you spending s-so m-much time with m-me?" She mutters, so low I can hardly hear her over the party.
"What do you mean?" I cock my head to the side, confused. Toko wrings her hands together.
"I-I mean, I'm n-not interesting o-or cool... I'm n-not even p-pretty! S-so why d-do you keep t-talking to me?" She says, sadness filling every syllable. I gasp and place a hand on my chest. How could she think that about herself? I make a snap decision, raising from my seat and walking around the tables with purpose. I offer my hands to her and, after a confused look at me, takes them. I pull her from her seat and place my hand gently on her cheek. Toko turns an unholy scarlet. I set my jaw, looking her straight in her grey eyes.
"My dear you are by far the most interesting and cool person I've met all evening." I say in a serious tone. Toko looks down, embarrassed. I lift her chin with my finger and continue.
"Not to mention how positively gorgeous you are!" She turns even redder.
"And because of how wonderful you are, I'm going to do this." I murmur before walking swiftly to the thrones, leaving her confused. I stand in front of my family and gaze at the party goers. I grab everyone's attention instantly and quickly begin speaking.
"Firstly, I'd like to thank all of you for attending this party!" The guests smile and a few nod their heads.
"As you all know, my mother and father put together this event in an attempt to find me a spouse." I state confidently. I hear Makoto gasp behind me, and I can almost hear his beaming smile.
"Well I want you to know that I have made my decision!" Gasps echo around the room and the guests burst into chatter. I hold up my hand, effectively silencing them.
"I would like Lady Toko Fukawa to join me." I call out. A few moments of silence go by before I see her. She's walking timidly toward me, the crowd parting for her. She eventually reaches the thrones, looking at the ground the whole way. I take both of her hands as she looks up at me, her face brighter than I've seen it all night. I smile encouragingly at her.
"Toko Fukawa..." I get down on one knee.
"Will you do me the extraordinary honor of allowing me to court you?" My emerald eyes sparkle as I wait for her answer. A smile slowly spreads across her beautiful face, so big that it almost looks painful.

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