Love Hotel Series - Yasuhiro Hagakure

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A/N: I'm not dead I swear I just have low motivation

Summary: Yasuhiro's romantic fantasy

*Makoto Naegi POV*

I slowly open my eyes, and immediately recognize the plush bed of the Love Hotel. I rub the sleep from my eyes, and sit up with a sigh.
I'm prepared for someone to kick down the door, or do something really unexpected to throw me off, but for once the room seems to be peaceful.
But the longer the peace wears on, the more and more anxious I get. It's almost been a full minute without any sign of someone coming in.
Perhaps something happened to them, or maybe I was put in here for a different reason.
Just as I reach the peak of my nervousness, the door opens gently.
Yasuhiro pokes his face through the crack in the door, eyes searching the room before landing on me. Upon noticing me sitting on the bed, Hiro smiles brightly and swings the door open.
"Hey, you!" he exclaims. "Sorry I'm late, I kinda forgot that we were meeting today."
All the tension in my body dissolves, and I let out the breath I've been holding. So Hiro is my partner this time? I can only wonder what his fantasy would look like.
I smile back at him, adjusting so that I was sitting criss-cross as he closes the door behind him and walks toward me.
"You're fine! I wasn't waiting for too long," I respond. Hiro stops at the foot of the bed, staring at me with furrowed brows. His smile has faded, and he crosses his arms. I fidget slightly, feeling as though I were being analyzed.
"What's wrong?" he asks suddenly. My eyes widen and I lean back in surprise.
"Uhm, what do you mean?" Hiro huffs and sits down across from me, mimicking my crossed legs.
"You're aura's going crazy, man," he says seriously.
"Why're you so freaked?"
I'm at a complete loss for words. Sure, I'm still a little shaken up about earlier, but I didn't think it was showing that much.
Hiro seems to take my silence as hesitation, and his features soften drastically as he puts his hands up by his head.
"Hey, you really don't gotta tell me if you don't want to," he says, "Let's just get started, yeah?"
Started? Am I meant to be a client in this fantasy? No, he's being way too familiar for that. But, if not that, then what? Regardless, I force a nonchalant smile onto my face.
"Sure! What's on the agenda for today?" I say. Hiro tilts his head to the side, still looking at me warily.
He thinks for a while before finally responding.
"Hmm... since you're stressed, how about we focus on meditation today?" he offers.
I try desperately not to let my confusion show as I nod in agreement. Hiro smiles his lazy smile again, and scoots a little closer to me on the bed.
"Okay, so when people talk about meditation, they normally say that you have to clear your mind," he says. I nod, signaling that I'm following along.
"That's all bullshit." My nodding comes to a halt as he waves his index finger in front of my face.
"It's impossible to completely clear out your head, so don't bother trying," Hiro explains, lightly poking my forehead.
"Meditation isn't about not thinking, it's about letting your thoughts flow. Don't identify any of them as 'good' or 'bad', don't suppress them or try to force them out."
I've never seen him like this. He's always been more or less clueless when Kyoko or Byakuya investigate. But now Hiro is the teacher, now he knows better. Yet he's the farthest thing from smug about it. He keeps his voice gentle and smooth, but maintains the instructive authority.
I never realized how calming his voice could really be.
"So just relax, and keep your mind open not clear. Got that?" he finishes. I nod, because I really do understand.
Hiro smiles, before straightening his posture and closing his eyes. I follow suit, keeping what he said in mind.
Everything's okay for a while. It was peaceful, sitting there, thinking about everything and nothing. But it isn't long before my thoughts start to drift to our current situation, to the killing game.
I shift uncomfortably. I keep reminding myself not to push the thoughts away, but the urge to distract myself with something else is intense.
All my thoughts come to a halt, however when I feel a foreign weight in my hand. My eyes snap open to find that Hiro is holding my hand gently, relaxed as ever. I feel my face warm, and my entire body freezes as i fluster.
"Uh... Hiro?" I splutter. Hiro hums inquisitively, before opening his eyes suddenly. He seems to realize what he's doing, and yanks his hand out of mine.
"Oh. Crap. Sorry," he mumbles, scratching the back of his neck. "That's what my ma always did, when I was getting restless."
I try to suppress my smile, and look away in order to hide my blush. It's so sweet, in an odd way, that he wanted to help me calm down.
And, hey, I guess it did technically work.
"Well... I don't mind if you hold my hand. I-If you want to, of course!" I ramble, trying desperately to get the point across.
Hiro looks at me with wide eyes, a grin slowly making its way onto his features. I can't help but smile back at him as I offer my hand. He takes it without hesitation, and the comfortable silence returns.
The unpleasant thoughts don't disappear immediately. The uncertainty of the entire situation isn't easy to forget. However, I find my mind drifting naturally to the boy in front of me.
He's such a soothing presence. I don't know how I didn't notice it before. Feeling his hand in mine is enough to force the uneasiness from my mind. Each second that passes, my muscles relax.
After what feels like only a few minutes, Hiro squeezes my hand to get my attention.
"Alright! You did great!" He exclaims with a smile. "Whatever was bothering you, I hope you figured it out. 'Cause I won't be there to help you out once you start taking clients like me!" He uses his other hand to pinch my nose playfully.
I see now. I must be a fellow 'seer' that Hiro is training. I beam at the praise, now that I know just what's going on. Hiro returns my smile, and, unfortunately, removes his hand from mine in order to stretch his arms.
"Okay, time for the main event!" He says. I tilt my head to the side slightly as Hiro rubs his chin, seemingly deep in thought.
"Now... whose future should I predict?" I hum in understanding, and look off to the side as I try to think.
I suppose that, because I'm his apprentice, I should be able to ask any question and have it answered. How's my chance to understand him better.
"Well, is there anything stopping you - us, I mean - from looking into our own futures?" I ask hesitantly. Hiro's eyes snap to me, wide and surprised. His mouth opens, but no sound can come out before he closes it again.
Yellow eyes stare through me for a moment. I seem to have genuinely caught him off guard, and I can only wonder at what's going on in his head now. Hiro begins picking at his fingernails.
"Um... I don't think I've ever tried that..." He sounds embarrassed, which is ludicrous to me. Not knowing one small thing is way better than not knowing anything. I smile kindly at him, hoping to calm his nerves.
"There's always a first time for everything, I guess!" I say cheerfully. Hiro returns my smile, and I don't miss how his shoulders relax.
"Right you are, young padawan! Let's learn something together this time, yeah?" He says, and I have to fight a giggle at his enthusiasm.
Hiro's eyes close once again. He takes a deep breath as he relaxes his muscles, just like when he was meditating. As if on instinct, my hand reaches out to lightly squeeze his. Hiro smiles fondly, only for a moment, before his expression returns to seamless focus.
After a few seconds, Hiro's eyes open once more. It's strange, seeing him like this. He seems to be looking at me, but his eyes are clouded, hazy. They languidly move from side to side, up and down, as if he's closely examining something that only he can see. The expressions on his face change frequently, but they're always mild and distant.
Confusion, then focus, then happiness.
His eyes refocus when he blinks a few times. He settles his gaze on me, and smiles wordlessly. I smile back, squeezing his hand again.
"So, what did you see?" I prompt him. Hiro's grin widens, his cheeks and ears turning pink.
"I saw a school, I think. A fancy one," he replies calmly. "There were people in uniforms sitting around me. Reading, listening to music, that sort of thing."
I'm completely entranced, eyes wide and jaw slack. Could he be seeing Hope's Peak? Is he seeing what will happen to us after this whole mess is over? My thoughts are slowed when Hiro looks away from me, raising his free hand to scratch the back of his neck nervously.
"But, I think the most important thing is... I saw you." My breath catches in my throat as my entire body freezes. What I now recognize as a blush settles over my face in a near uncomfortable warmth.
"M-Me?" Is all I manage to stumble out. There are so many other question I want to ask, yet I can't find the words to articulate any of them.
"Mhm. You were with me, right where you are now. You were holding my hand there, too," Hiro beams. He doesn't seem to notice just how badly his words fluster me.
Hiro shakes his head, grinning awkwardly as he plays with my hand in his.
"Anyway, what about you? You feel up to looking into your future?" He asks. The question snaps me out of my embarrassed trance, and I smile softly at the boy in front of me.
"You know what? I don't think I need to," I say. Hiro tilts his head in confusion, opening his mouth to say something. I continue before he makes a sound.
"Because, if I'm in your future, then you must be in mine." Hiro's mouth snaps shut, and his ears turn crimson. I take both of his hands now, rubbing the backs with my thumbs fondly.
"That's all I need to know, I think."
Hiro is speechless for a minute. He's frozen in place like a deer in headlights, even his expression is stock still. Until, very slowly, a grin overtakes his features, and he comes undone.
He won't look at me straight on, but his grip on my hands stays firm. He bites the inside of his bottom lip awkwardly.
"So, here's the thing," he says, "What you said just now, it really made me wanna kiss you." I can't help the smile that comes to me. A warm feeling that makes me repress a giggle rises in my chest.
"So... can I do that?" He asks. My smile grows ten times wider, and I really, truly mean it when I nod my head.
Hiro beams at me for a moment, laughing breathlessly. He squeezes my hands tightly as he leans in slowly. My eyes close automatically when I feel his breath over my lips.
The kiss is sweet, gentle. His lips move against mine as if he's afraid of scaring me off, or trying to keep me from disappearing. I disentangle one of my hands from his, raising it to hold him by the back of his neck.
I can feel his pulse under the heel of my hand, thrumming so fast I wonder if it hurts. It takes me a few moments to realize that mine is beating just as frantically.
Hiro pulls away far too soon, in my opinion. Our eyes open at the same time, and we gaze at each other in silence for a few moments. His eyes are golden, I note, and very pretty.
It's Hiro's giggling that breaks me from my trance. He's laughing as though in relief. The sound is horribly contagious, I find, and it isn't long before I'm giggling right along with him. He rests his forehead against mine, content.
"You know, we don't really have to sit like this while we meditate," he says suddenly. I hum in acknowledgment, barely registering his words in my euphoria.
He shifts so that he's sitting right beside me, leaning against the headboard. I gasp in surprise as Hiro takes my legs and drapes them comfortably over his lap, pulling me to his chest. He wraps his arms around my waist and buries his face in my hair. I remain still, in shock.
A position like this should fluster me beyond belief. I should be stuttering and freaking out as if the world was ending. And yet, I stay strangely calm. Something about this - about him - just feels familiar. It's comfortable, correct, like we've been doing this our whole lives.
I sigh contentedly as I fully relax into Hiro's hold, tucking my face into the crook of his neck. We stay like that for quite a long time, until I eventually succumb to sleep.

THH Oneshots Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang