Let Me Help - Celesgiri

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Summary: Kyoko needs to learn how to be taken care of

*third person POV*

Kyoko stumbled to her dorm room, clumsy from exhaustion. She had been investigating a growing drug cartel when she came face to face with one of the members. Kyoko of course managed to apprehend the criminal, but came out severely wounded.
To make things worse, her grandfather refused a hospital visit. He claimed that Kyoko should be used to injury by now, and there was no reason to spend money for a hospital bed.
Kyoko really didn't mind too much. She worked in law enforcement, injuries like this happened quite regularly. Besides, she had gotten quite good at patching up her own wounds.
She finally made it to her door, and began fiddling with her keys. She was starting to feel dizzy, and that was never a good sign.
Before she could even touch the doorknob, however, a familiar voice startled her into dropping her keys.
"Kyoko, darling? Are you feeling alright?" Celeste chirped. Kyoko sighed, annoyed. Despite her near perfect senses, Celeste always managed to surprise her.
The detective reluctantly turned around to face her. Celeste was wearing a cute set of black pajamas, and her clip on drills had been taken off. The raven haired girl's eyes widened as she saw the state Kyoko was in.
"I'm fine, Celeste. Thank you for asking." Kyoko replied, grunting with effort as she bent down to pick up her keys. Celeste made a sound somewhere in between a laugh and a squeak.
"I beg to differ!" She said indignantly. "I mean no offense by this, my dear, but you look simply horrid."
She was right, of course. Kyoko looked as though she had gotten into a knife fight with a middle aged man on meth, which she had.
She had several small cuts on her arms and torso. Her nose was bleeding, and her eye was black and swollen. She had a busted lip, and a cut on her forehead that was bleeding pretty heavily. To top it off, there was a small patch of blood on her right side that was getting bigger each passing second.
Despite all of this, Kyoko's pride got the better of her. She straightened her posture, fighting back a hiss of pain.
"I assure you, I'm fine." She said sternly. When she looked back at Celeste, she found the other girl's eyes had hardened, and her jaw had set. Celeste just made a firm decision, and that was never a good thing.
Celeste placed her hand commandingly on the detective's forearm, and began guiding her towards her own dorm across the hall.
"It's quite rude to refuse help when offered." she said, passive aggressiveness dripping from her voice. Kyoko stumbled beside her, struggling to keep up with her quick pace.
"You didn't offer me anything." She grumbled under her breath. If Celeste heard it, she didn't acknowledge it.
Celeste opened the door to her dorm room, and all but shoved Kyoko inside. She closed the door behind her, ordered Kyoko to sit on the bed, and disappeared into the bathroom.
Kyoko really wasn't able to help herself, and instead of simply sitting of the black canopy bed, completely collapsed. She didn't allow herself sleep, however, and chose to occupy her attention by looking around the room.
Fancy. Out of her impressively large vocabulary, fancy was the only word Kyoko could use to describe Celestia's dorm room.
A large, black chandelier illuminated the blood red walls. There were expensive paintings on every inch of the wall, and Kyoko counted five mannequins with intricate outfits set on them. There was even a large coffin leaning - beautifully decorated - on the wall.
Kyoko sat up on the bed and looked down at her own dirt and blood stained clothes, feeling very out of place. She stayed in tired and uncomfortable silence until Celeste walked back in the room, carrying a first aid kit.
"I'm terribly sorry that took so long," She said. "It's been quite a long time since I've had to use this."
Celeste sat on her knees beside Kyoko, and opened the box.
"If you would lift your shirt please." She commanded. Kyoko huffed and did as she was told, revealing the long slash down her side. Celeste paused for a moment, staring at the cut before making an annoyed sound and gathering her supplies.
"I can't believe this!" She muttered under her breath.
"What happened? What could have possibly done this to my dear Kyoko?"
The other girl stayed silent, barely able to contain her blush. The two had been friends for a while now, and recently Kyoko had found herself thinking of the red eyed gambler far more than what was considered normal. The poor girl was entirely unfamiliar with such feelings, and found herself completely helpless when around Celestia.
And she hated it.
She was snapped out of her thoughts by Celeste pushing her shoulder gently, holding a rag wet with disinfectant.
"Lay down please." She said politely. Kyoko let herself be pushed down onto the plush mattress. It seemed like the softest thing ever. Despite herself, Kyoko let her eyes slip closed.
She had nearly completely dozed off, when she was snapped back awake by the sting of disinfectant on her wound. She very nearly cried out, grimacing and screwing her eyes shut.
"Oh dear I'm so sorry! I should have warned you I was going to start cleaning it." Celeste apologized. Kyoko took a few steadying breaths before opening her eyes.
"Are you alright?" The black haired girl asked. Kyoko stared for a little too long before nodding. Celeste nodded back.
"Alright. I'm going to start." She said. Kyoko braced herself, and this time didn't react too much to the pain. This went on for a while, the silence only broken by Celestia's words of encouragement.
"You're doing very well, dear."
"Do you need a break?"
"I know it hurts, it's almost over."
Kyoko hated this. She hated being taken care of. It made her feel like a small child, helpless on her own. So why, pray tell, did she absolutely melt at those kind words? Why did she become putty in the other girl's gentle hands?
Kyoko was so caught up in her own thoughts, she barely even noticed the bandage being carefully placed on her now clean wound.
Celeste then moved closer, bending toward Kyoko's face. She stared at Kyoko for a bit longer than necessary.
"Just examining my injuries." Kyoko told herself. Though even her thoughts were uncertain.
The gambler quickly cleaned and bandaged the lilac haired girl's lip, nose, and forehead before moving away, packing up the first aid kit.
"There we are!" Celeste chirped. "That was much easier than I thought it would be." Kyoko attempted to push herself up, but found that her arms were nearly incapable of moving at all. Celeste took note of this, and her eyes softened.
"You poor thing... you must be exhausted." Her voice was soft and sweet as she brushed her fingertips over the detective's cheek. It took every ounce of self control Kyoko had not to lean into the kind touch.
She tried again to lift herself into a sitting position, but stopped when Celeste started to move.
Celeste shifted so she was sitting on her knees behind her. Kyoko was about to ask what she was doing, when the other girl placed the detective's head in her lap.
Kyoko, caught by surprise, simply stared awestruck at the gambler. Celeste gazed into lilac eyes as she ran her fingers through Kyoko's long hair.
"It's alright Kyoko." She purred. Her words were barely above a whisper, as if they were only for the detective to hear.
"Accepting help now and then does not make you weak, my dear." Celestia continued. Kyoko had to force herself to listen, the position she was in making her head fuzzy.
Her breath hitched as Celeste gently grazed her bandaged lip with her thumb. All the while, the red eyed girl simply marveled at the face now turning pink with tired embarrassment.
"I know this must be quite a foreign concept to you, but please... allow me to take care of you for a little while." Celeste finished, stroking Kyoko's cheek ever so gently.
Kyoko thought, still barely awake. It wasn't as if she had a choice but to obey. She was so exhausted she couldn't even lift her arms. Relaxing was truly the best option for both of them.
Besides, it couldn't be that bad. The detective found that falling asleep in a beautiful girl's lap was a very welcome concept.
In the back of her mind, she thought about what would happen the next day. It would be quite impossible to hide her affection for the other girl after this, and an in depth conversation would need to take place.
"Well," she thought to herself. "I suppose that's something for future me to deal with."
And with that, Kyoko gave in. All of the tension in her body evaporated, and she unconsciously leaned into every warm touch as her eyes slipped closed.
Celeste smiled softly at the girl in her lap.
"There's a good girl." She murmured.
That was the last thing Kyoko heard before finally slipping into unconsciousness.

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