Love Hotel Series - Byakuya Togami

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*Makoto POV*

I slowly wake up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Almost immediately, I recognize the plush bed of the Love Hotel.
I sigh deeply, pushing myself into a sitting position. There's no one in here this time.
I look at my surroundings, wondering if I have to do something in order to prompt the fantasy.
The moment I stand up, the door swings open, and someone steps inside.
The door slams shut behind Togami as soon as he's passed the threshold.
We stare at each other for a long time, neither of us really knowing what to say. Eventually, Togami scoffs and rolls his eyes at me, crossing to the other side of the room.
Wow... he's still mean in his fantasy... good to know I guess...
He stays where he is with his back turned to me, almost as if he's looking through a window.
I'm at a loss for what to say. He's obviously upset, but I just can't seem to figure out how to comfort him.
I'm close to just leaving the room, when Togami turns his face to me ever so slightly.
"Of all the things my father has put me through, I never imagined an arranged marriage would be one." He grumbles.
My entire body freezes. So that's his fantasy? An arranged marriage? As the room goes back to silence, I take some time to think.
If I'm the person he's being forced to marry, I must come from a rich family. I'll need to act a bit more refined if I want to keep this fantasy going.
I think I can work with that.
I straighten my posture, mimicking the boy in front of me.
"I sincerely apologize if this is a bother to you." I try to model my speech pattern after him too, throwing a little Ishimaru in there as well.
Togami barks out a laugh, running a hand through his hair and turning to look at me.
"You're sorry, are you?" He strides toward me, and I fight the urge to take a few steps back.
"I'm not so petty as to blame someone else for my father's decisions." He says sternly, poking my chest with his index finger. He looks me up and down, realizing how close he's gotten to me.
Byakuya straightens posture, and steps away from me. He folds his hands behind his back and looks down at me.
"I hope you can say the same." Is he... teasing me?
I give him a bright smile as I sit back down on the bed.
We stay silent for a while, neither of us able to think of something to say. Byakuya purses his lips, shifting his weight from one foot to the other awkwardly.
"What's your favorite color?" I blurt, desperately wanting the silence to end.
Byakuya looks at me inquisitively, raising one eyebrow. An embarrassed blush rises in my cheeks.
"W-Well I just thought, since we're engaged and everything, that we should get to know each other?" I stutter, my upright and proper act dissolving.
Byakuya's face almost, almost, betrays him with an affectionate smile. But as soon as I noticed it, it was gone. He turns his face away from me.
I guess I'm gonna have to try a little harder then.
"Green." He says suddenly. I'm at a loss for what to say, as he turns to face me again.
"My favorite color is green." I stare at him for a while, a daft grin plastered on my face. I truly didn't expect him to answer. Heck, I didn't even think he had a favorite color.
I takes me a bit to notice the expectant expression on Byakuya's face. I shame my head a little, breaking myself free from my thoughts.
"Oh! Right. Me." I say awkwardly.
"I'm afraid mine's the basic answer: blue." I scratch the back of my neck as I speak. Part of me thinks that he might make fun of me. Call me a commoner or something.
Instead, I notice a small blush creeping onto Byakuya's cheeks and ears. He crosses his arms, walking towards the bed and sitting down next to me with a huff.
He seemed almost frustrated with himself. I debate putting a hand on his shoulder, for some form of comfort, but ultimately decide against it. Byakuya isn't a touchy person.
"I was so prepared to hate you." He mumbles. My eyes snap to his face, fixated on the floor.
I've never seen him this... vulnerable.
"I wanted to hate you, even." His hands grip the sides of the bed.
"Arranged marriages are never happy ones. One look at my mother and father and you'd know that's true." My heart clenches, and I instinctively put a hand on my chest.
"I was expecting you to be cold, detached, maybe even condescending." He says, digging his fingers into his blond hair in frustration.
"And yet here you are, being friendly, and positive, and so... nice." Byakuya spits out that last word as if it were a curse.
I'm at a loss for what to do. No gesture I make seems like it will help in this situation. And even if I could find my voice, I have no idea what I could say.
Byakuya lifts his head to look me right in the eyes, his burning gaze making me gasp ever so slightly.
Neither of us really pay attention to just how close we are, and my hand seems to move on its own as I intertwine my fingers with his.
Byakuya's cheeks go pink at the action. His head moves forward, just a little, before he backtracks, indecisive.
The corners of my mouth pull into a smile, and I make the choice for both of us.
I tilt my head just so, and gently press my lips to his. It's just a little kiss, but Byakuya seems to have no idea what he's doing. His entire body tenses, and he squeezes my hand a bit tighter.
So softly I barely notice it, he starts to kiss me back. I can feel him lean into me, and my free hand moves to rest on his shoulder.
It seems to last forever, and yet ends all too soon. Byakuya pulls back from the kiss, looking at me with awe. I give him a bright smile, and he returns it.
It's a real, genuine smile that leaves me breathless.
Happiness is such a good look on him.
After a moment, Byakuya clears his throat, standing up and straightening his tie.
"Ahem... well, that should be sufficient practice for the wedding day." He says in fake confidence.
He starts heading towards the door. He's almost through the doorway when he looks back at me.
The smile is back, and his cheeks are dusted pink.
"I'll see you tomorrow." A flash of a wink, and then he's gone.
I flop on the bed with a goofy, lovestruck grin.
I'm really gonna miss this version of Byakuya.

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