Love Hotel Series - Aoi Asahina

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Summary: Aoi's Romantic Fantasy


*Makoto POV*

I slowly wake up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Almost immediately, I recognize the plush bed of the Love Hotel.
Before I have a chance to get my bearings, The door is kicked open by none other than Aoi Asahina. She has a bright, enthusiastic smile on her face, and she doesn't bother closing the door before making her way towards me.
I sit up hastily, swinging my legs over the side of the bed so that I can face her.
Hina stops right in front of me, standing with her hands on her hips and her chest puffed up proudly.
"And so, the crew is off on another voyage!" She loudly proclaims. "With a cast off that successful, the rest of the trip'll be a piece of cake!"
I blink at her for a moment before I catch on, and quickly return her smile.
I'm guessing she's a ship captain in this fantasy. That really does make a lot of sense. A part of me even wonders if there will be any romance in this story. Maybe Hina's ideal is the sea.
"I'm glad that things went smoothly." I say, trying to imitate her excitement. Hina sits down next to me and wraps an arm around my shoulders.
"Well, I obviously couldn't do it without my First Mate!" She ruffles my hair a little. "You're the only thing keeping this crew together, I swear." Hina giggles.
I blush a little at the praise, waving her off. Considering the experiences I've had with the Love Hotel, Hina's upbeat attitude is refreshing, and definitely contagious.
She lets me go in favor of leaning back on her arms. She closes her eyes and heaves a sigh.
"I'm really gonna miss that port we were docked at, though." She laments. She lays down on the bed, eyes still closed. "Especially the food."
I laugh as I lay down beside her.
"Yeah, I'm gonna miss it too." I say. Hina's eyes flutter open, and her beaming smile drops. She crosses her arms over her stomach, turning her head away.
"Hey, can I ask you something?" She says. I nod cautiously, humming inquisitively. Hina starts to fidget with her hands, picking at her fingernails.
"The girls at the port," she begins, "they were really pretty..."
Ah. I see what's going on. I shrug as best I can in this position.
"Yeah, I guess they were." I respond. I keep my tone indifferent, as if these girls were only a passing thought.
"And they really took a liking to you..." She continues, still looking away from me. I run a hand through my hair.
"Did they?" I chuckle. "I didn't really notice." Hina seems to perk up a bit at that comment, but she's still restless.
"Well, I was wondering... if any of them caught your eye." She lets her hands fall limp on her stomach. "And maybe... that's why you wanted to stay so badly."
"Not really, no." I respond without hesitation. Hina's head snaps in my direction, her eyes wide and her lips parted slightly.
"Wait, seriously?" She gasps. She sits back up, and I follow her. "Why not? I mean, those girls were drop dead gorgeous!"
I smile at her fondly. I pluck up all my courage, and all my knowledge from romance manga, and take one of her hands in mine.
"Why would I pay any attention to them, when my captain is the prettiest, funniest, most amazing girl I've ever met?" I gush.
Hina covers her mouth with her free hand, looking away from me with her eyes shut tight and her cheeks beet red. I hear a muffled squeal, and I have to purse my lips to contain my giggle.
She eventually finds the will to tear her hand away from her face, but she won't meet my eyes.
"I didn't... I had no idea that you..." she stutters, not able to finish a thought. She shakes her head, trying to compose herself.
"Well then, why did you want to stay so badly?" She demands, finally meeting my eyes.
I scoot a little closer to her, and thank whatever gods that may or may not exist for my middle school anime phase.
"I wanted to stay... because you looked like you were having so much fun." I reply. That seemed to catch her off guard.
"I thought that maybe you were wanting to settle down there, and I wanted to stay wherever made you happy!"
Hina blinked at me a few times before she smiled, her eyes beginning to tear up. My stomach drops, thinking that maybe I did something wrong.
"A-Are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry!" I say quickly.
Hina laughs heartily, turning away from me to wipe the tears away with her sleeve.
"You just don't get it." She sighs. Hina intertwines our fingers as she scoots even closer, leaving barely any room between us.
She looks directly into my eyes, so intensely that I feel I could drown in her deep blue gaze.
"You say you want to be wherever I'm happy?" She says. I'm too stunned to respond, or even nod or shake my head.
"But I'm happy wherever you are." Her voice is barely above a whisper at this point, as if she's sharing a small secret with me.
It takes me a while to process what she's saying. Once I do, I can feel my face warm, and I bite the inside of my lip to contain my goofy grin.
We're so close together now, I can feel her breath against my lips. I tighten my grip on her hand, and try to find my voice.
"W-Well... I guess that makes two of us." I say, mimicking her quiet tone.
Hina beams at me, her cheeks and ears flushed a bright pink. Her eyes dart down to my lips, and before I can understand what that meant, my mind is wiped clean with the soft press of a kiss.
It's gentle, and soft, and shy. The kind of kiss that you want to giggle into, that makes the butterflies in your stomach migrate to your chest.
Hina pulls away first, leaving me breathless and giddy.
"I-I've wanted to do that for a really long time." She says. We dissolve into a fit of laughter, laying back down on the bed with our hands still locked together.
The whole thing felt so innocent, so pure. It was rejuvenating, in a way. I find myself wishing I could stay here forever. Laying in a comfortable bed, with Hina's hand fitting so nicely in mine.
My wish is quickly shattered, however, when Hina sits up abruptly. Her eyes are wide and her expression curious.
"What's wrong?" I ask. Hina groans, flopping her head onto my shoulder.
"The crew wants me out on the deck." She replies. Even so, it takes her a long time to disconnect our hands and stand up.
"I have to go see what they want, stay here." She says. I can feel the happy feeling in my chest deflate as she walks to the door.
Something brings her to a halt, and I giver her a confused expression as she starts back towards me.
Hina leans down, taking my face in both of her hands and tilting it up. And with that, she gives me one last little peck on the lips.
She pulls back with a mischievous grin.
"I'll see you later, First Mate." She says before jogging out the door.

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