National Dog Day - Ishimondo

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Summary: Mondo gets his boyfriend a present for national dog day
*Taka POV*
I'm awoken abruptly by my boyfriend whispering excitedly in my ear.
"Taka! Taka wake up!" I roll over tiredly, struggling to open my eyes.
"Mondo? What's going on?" I mumble, still half asleep. Mondo smiles wider and bounces a little on the bed.
"It's dog day!" He exclaims. I sit up groggily, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.
"Dog day?" I ask. "I've never heard of that holiday before." Mondo nods, grinning from ear to ear. He reminded me of a child on Christmas.
"It's a whole day where we celebrate dogs!" I chuckle and kiss my smiley boyfriend on the cheek.
"So what shall we do for 'dog day', love?" Mondo hopped up from the bed and, if possible, smiled even wider.
"Hold on! Wait right here!" He said before sprinting from the room. I bite back a laugh and get up, deciding to get dressed. Mondo's always loved dogs. In fact, not long ago he had a little Maltese named Chuck. My smile falters as I think of the little white dog. He had to be put down for some reason, Mondo never talks about it. He was so depressed that he hardly even spoke to his brother. I shake the negative thoughts from my head.
'Today's going to be fun. Don't think about dead dogs.' I think to myself. Just as I finish putting on my uniform, Mondo comes back into the room.
"Okay, follow me!" He grins, waving for me to hurry up. I chuckle and shake my head, wondering what he has planned. He takes my hand and leads me to the living room, where I see...
"You got a puppy?!" A little German Shepard pup was sitting very politely on the couch. As soon as I made our presence known, it got up and bolted to us. I quickly kneel down and start petting it, giggling as it licks my face. To be honest, I love dogs almost as much as Mondo... almost. Mondo joins me on the floor, beaming at us.
"I found her yesterday and brought her to the vet. It looks like she was abandoned." He frowned. I gasp in shock and hug the puppy closer to me. What kind of monster would just leave this little ball of sunshine? I shake my head and go back to loving on the little dog. I look down at the red collar around her neck.
"Aww! Hi Bobo!" I squeal, picking her up. I look up to my boyfriend and give him a small peck on the lips.
"I love her!" Mondo smiles and his eyes light up, seemingly getting an idea.
"We can make it a tradition that every dog day, we get another dog!" He exclaims excitedly. I laugh and pay him on the shoulder, still holding Bobo.
"Love, I adore you, but absolutely not."

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