Arguments and Confessions.

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The pool at her house is not used enough, so she's happy when they all manage to get together on a day off. Her usual crowd is hanging around the backyard, there's some background music playing in and there's amazing food being cooked by her eniste, who's taken over the grill. 

Yet, all Hande can focus on is her phone that beeps every once in a while with a new message from Kerem.

They've been almost inseparable since that night at Gamze's house but today he had a meeting and he couldn't reschedule. He promised to show up at some point during the day though, so after a while Hande sets her phone down and gets in the pool with her friends. 

"You know, I thought Kerem would be here today." Her sister says nonchalantly before Hande rolls her eyes playfully. 

"Gamze...Stop it." 

"I'm just saying." 

"Oh, come on,'re trying to tell us you're not a thing yet?" Dilara asks teasingly. "You two act like you've kissed." 

"We have kissed!" 

"Please, don't you even dare." 

"I'll be honest, okay." Hande laughs lightly, shrugging. "I don't know what's going on and it's probably for the better. I don't want to overthink the whole thing. I'm just enjoying it." 

"I like that. Just see how it goes." Gamze says easily. "Is he coming today?" 

"He said he would." She shrugs, trying to act unbothered when in reality she knows how much she wants him around. 

It's scary, she doesn't remember having these thoughts about any of her previous relationships, at least not so early on, not when they're still figuring out what they want. 

She is four glasses of wine in when her phone beeps on the table, but she's so annoyed that she doesn't even bother to check. 

It's almost 10 PM and everyone has left her house, only Gamze and Caner are still in the kitchen helping her clean up. 

She knows that it's him right away and she's too tipsy to hide how she's really feeling about him not showing up when he said he would. He'll have to wait until tomorrow when her filter is back and she can be rational. Maybe if he gets lucky, her annoyance will wear off by then.

"Sis, it's okay. I can finish up washing the remaining dishes. Go home, Mavi looks exhausted." Hande murmurs easily, a weak smile on her lips as she hugs her sister close, kissing the side of her head as a goodbye. 

"Are you sure?"

"Of course! I'll finish up the dishes and whatever else tomorrow." 

"Okay. Love you." 

"Bende. Text me when you get home." 

A few minutes later, Gamze is saying goodbye from the front door while Hande is putting some of the wine glasses back to their place on the pantry. Funnily enough, her sister closes the door but Hande hears steps coming from the living room. She arches an eyebrow, wondering if she forgot something and turns around to question her. 


She blinks several times as she comes out of the shadows. There's a small frown on his face as he stares at her. "What are you doing here?" 

"You invited me." 

Hande sets the glass she was holding on the counter carefully, trying not to snap at him. Taking her time with her reply. "Evet. I invited you." She sighs, arms folding over her chest. "At 2 pm, I invited you." 

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