Never Not

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"Do you think it looks okay there?"

"It looks really, really good." Hande murmurs as her boyfriend shows her one of the frames he'd just picked up, featuring photos of them from the Hello! magazine photoshoot. Completely unseen photos that they'd decided to keep to themselves because they were their favorites or seemed to intimate to share with the world considering they were supposed to be hiding. "Why don't you move the one that you have of you, Melis and your parents to on top of the fireplace, where everyone can see it? And put that one of us on that wall by itself?"

He loved photos and usually framed some of his own photos from his Leica camera to hang them around the house, so it wasn't unusual for him to move them around until he was satisfied with how they looked. Hande, however, findsit entirely too precious that he is adding their pictures to his collection, although he already had some polaroids of them on the fridge, it feels so much more serious when they were in frames, hanging on walls where anyone could see them.

"That's a great idea." He arranges them how she asked him to while Hande pets Hector on her lap and plays around with him, always finding it amusing that he had such a small dog as his companion. Hector is just like his dad though, he irradiates personality and is entirely too adorable and luckily for her, seems to adore her. "Did you see the ones in the envelope? Those are from my Leica, I think you'll like them."

Hande lifts her head at that, trying to see where said envelope is and finally finding it on top of the dining table and moving off the couch to get them. Before she can open it though, Kerem comes from behind her and slips his arms around her gently. "You didn't tell me you printed these ones." She says excitedly. His photos on his camera are always special in her opinion because they show how he looks at things and in a way it feels like she sees more of him in them.

"They're a surprise." he murmurs with a small grin. Hande smiles and turns her head a little to place a sweet kiss on his jawline and leans back against him as she takes the photos out of the envelope. her smile widens, dimples out on display as she inspects every single one. They're a collection of moments, even some selfies of them, Hande holding Hector or one of her dogs, Hande playing with Mavi and then there's some photos that Hande took after he taught her how to use the camera; Kerem playing the guitar shirtless in bed, Kerem and Caner helping Mavi use her scooter.

"Askim," Hande whispers as she shakes her head, she doesn't even know what to say when she sees photos of her painting at home, or drawing on her sketchbook wearing one of Kerem's sweatshirts. She didn't even realize that he took pictures on most days so it's beautiful that she can see it now. The way he sees her is so gorgeous that sometimes she doesn't know how to handle it.

"That's my favorite one." His fingers caress her bare mid-riff gently as ever, taking advantage of her wearing a crop top and Hande isn't complaining one bit. She loves that he always wants her close, she loves when she can tell when his touches are more about being physical or about feeling close to her. They're so in sync that she feels like he can read her mind.

"Really? Why that one?" she inspects the photo intently, it's a photo of them that she thinks one of his friends took when they hung out at he and his wife's home once, it has Kerem leaning against a pool table and Hande slipping her arms around his neck and smiling as Kerem nuzzles his face against her neck. She remembers vividly how shy they were after the flash made them realize it wasn't just them in the room anymore.

"Because it's us." he says easily as ever. "We didn't even know he was taking that."

Hande grins and sets the photos down on the table again before she turns around in his hold and kisses him gently, her hands moving to the back of his head to bring him down and closer to her. "Do you have copies of these? I mean, can we print a second batch?"

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