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January 28th; 18:48

The coldness of Canada's winter made you shiver as you got inside your house. A warm and comforting smell greeted you. You hung your coat and took your boots off your feet.

" Hey mom! I'm back from the interview." You said as you walked towards the kitchen.

" How did it went?" She asked you as you stared at the table.

" Why all of this?" You pointed the food on the table. She giggled and washed her hands.

" It's been a while since we've actually eaten together, you know a good meal? So I decided we were having a comfort food date tonight, you and I." You smiled. " PLUS you need to tell me about that Eren guy, you seem to care a lot about him." You chuckled.

Since your father's death, things have been rough, but your mom always managed to make you smile. Losing your father made your connection with your mom more meaningful. In the beginning you were only thinking about what you had lost, but as the days went by, you wanted to be grateful of what you still had. You've got better by thinking that way. It gave a sense to your life. The only missing part was, Eren and the other back in college. You missed them.

You sat and served yourself. You started talking to your mom about how you and Eren had met, how you guys became close. Talking about him made you feel butterflies in your stomach.

" Ok, but what about the real things now, how do you feel around him?"

" I feel like I'm home, like he has been the missing piece to the meaning of my life. When I look at him in his emerald eyes, I see a happy future. I really don't know how to express it, but now that I've met him thinking of a future without him by my side seems impossible."

" Awn, you really love him, don't you?" You nodded and took another bite of your moms delicious meal.

" But since I left, he has been ignoring me." You looked down to your plate. " Apparently, his anxiety is worst since then too..."

" Oh honey... Don't blame it on yourself..."

" I can't help it, I hurt him..."


February 4th

Your three friends were all standing up, shook. You had explained all you thought was happening.

" So you're telling me?!" Annie screamed.

" Yeah, he might love me back." You smiled at the thought of it. " BUT it's not sure, he haven't said anything yet. He's still kinda of ignoring me. Since last two weeks ago, when he was drunk, we haven't talked. I kinda want to do it, but-"

" You should go back." Berthold said in a low voice. " You should go back, and tell him in person." He said louder that time.

" Yeah, Bert's not wrong." Reiner agreed. " If you really love him, you should go back and tell him. Take the damn risk! And even if he didn't love you like that, he still need you, as much as you need him." He paused and put his hand on your shoulder. " Eren seems to be an amazing guys, a broken one sure, but you're the one who's going to bring him trust in love again."

" I wish I could but, I used the photoshoots money for gifts and all I had left went in a one way flight for here... I gave my CV to a few places, but by the time I get enough money he-" A knock on your door interrupted you. Annie opened it and your mom got in with a gift. All of them smiled and you stayed still, confused.

" He-ey honey." She got in and laid the gift on your desk. Your mom looked at Berthold. He cleared his throat.

" OK, so we know it's already the end of January, but we all got you a gift." He started.

" You've talked about staying here, but all of us know it's not what you should do." Annie continued.

" And we knew about your financial problems, bla-bla boring adult talk." Reiner chuckled than continued. " So we got together to get you a late Christmas gift." You mom handed you the gift.

" I'm looking forward to meet that Eren boy, Y/n." You opened the box and saw a check and a plane ticket back to your college. Your eyes watered and you laid the gift next to you.

" THANK YOU SO MUCH!" You hugged them all. " I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!" You cried.

" That that as a gift from your father too, the check is from him." Your mom said pointing at the check. You looked at it.

" 15,000$ WHAT THE HELL!" You looked at them shook.

" That's only a part of what he wanted to give you, but the rest is for when you'll buy a house for you future family." You smiled and looked at a picture of your dad you had on your desk. ' Thank you dad, I love you...'

" I suggest you getting ready mentally, cause your flight is in one week." Berthold said laughing.

" Wait! But how will I t-" Suddenly you had a brilliant idea. " Hange."

February 10th; 10:56

Hange's pov

I was at my desk, talking to the phone, when Petra came in with a coffee.

" Thank you so much, Petra..." I whispered covering the microphone.

" I also shared you an email, it's for you." I nodded and went back to my call.

" Yes, exactly! NO, No... I don't think Mr Yeager has anything planned on the 13th, so we'll do it then! OK perfect! See you then." I hung up and took a sip of my coffee.

" Now let's see what that email is about..." I said looking in my reception box.

*Petra Ral shared an email with you from (Your e/address)*

"Hey Hange, it's Y/n.

I hope you're the kind of person that checks their emails often. I don't know if that email is your business or personal one, but oh well.
It has been 45 days since I left for Canada, I really miss you guys. With the help of my hometown friends and my family, I can afford coming back. I will be back on the 11th, so tomorrow.
Now, I've heard you had a small apartment near the college for your work and I was wondering if I could stay over at yours for two or three days? If not, it's fine! I'm planning to surprise Eren for Valentine's day and I know you like surprises, so I thought you could help too. But you need to keep it a secret from everyone.

Anyway, I can't wait to see you again! "

After I had read that, there was a huge smile on my face. I responded with:

sorry not really professional of me^, but you sure can stay at the apartment. I'll tell get rid of Petra somehow so you can use her room. hehe

I'm impatient to work on that plan of yours, everything to see my little Eren happy. See you tomorrow Y/n :)"


A/N: I had a writer block during this part, I'm sorry if it's not as good.

See ya next CHAPTER

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