Chapter 7: The Fruit Of Sins

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Jennie POV.

After I heard the truth that they kept from me, I ran outside and Rosé is keep calling me but the word of the doctor hurts me a lot. And now, i'm having a babies alone, no one's gonna take good care of me like I seen on the dramas. And it's Irene and Taehyung's wedding, I suppose to attend their wedding but the truth made me choose not to attend and never comeback to that place again.

On my way in my room, I saw Eunwoo's eyes red. Is he crying? Maybe we need each other comforts. I faced him but he looks away.

'You okay?'. I asked, worriedly. We became good friends for one day.

'I would lie if I say i'm okay'. He gave me half smiled, and tears fall down.

'Do you wanna talk about that? You have me'. I comforted him while I cannot comfort myself, what a shame.

'When I looked at you, I remember her'. He's sobbing and i'm confused, is he connected in my past life?

'Who--'. My words cut when I woman shouted my name. It's Rosé she's running like a mad dog and Eunwoo immediately go back to his room. Now what?

'Hey bitch--'. She shouted and all people looked at her. I grab her into my room and facepalmed. This girl really?

'No cursing words please'. I said and I touch my tummy. She looked at me and looked at my tummy that's not really quite big.

'No wayyy, i'm gonna be a auntie?' She's jumping like a kid and mess in my room, that's why you should not let a cheerful girl more happy.

'Yahhh, how can you be an auntie when you mess everything like a kid?'. She stop and looked at me seriously, gosh she look scary when she's serious.

'So you accepted the child in your tummy'. She sat and looked at me. Is she my stalker? Why everyone knows me too well.

'Of course, this is my blood and flesh. And why are you acting like that? Ypu know me before?' I asked and walked towards her. She stood up and smile, yahh she looks like a psycho.

'Based on your face when you go out in that doctor office, I couldn't think of more. Maybe you're just shock and it's normal'. She explain slowly and clean her mess.

It's not about the babies why I act like that. It's my condition. I should forget about that I might stressed out and lost my babies. I little break won't hurt.

'So who's the father? Is he the one you talked a while ago? That crying man, is he dumping you and your kid?'. She's asking to much, and how can I say that the father of my babies is married already?

When she got no answer from me, she on the television and it's a grand wedding. Wow, maybe they're famous and rich, the venue is too beautiful. It's my dream wedding with my dream man.

My eyes we're glue to the bride and when they finally switch the direction on the groom my heart broke and my body froze. It's their wedding, Irene and Taehyung's wedding. I grab the remote and off the television.

Rosé look at me confused, yeah she don't know and it's awful.

'What's wrong, is there a ghost on the wedding, you look like you saw one'. She said and laugh.

'Not just a ghost, I saw bunch of demon'. I said and she laughed.

'What? Demon's are not allowed in church, they'll get burn'. She said and laugh, hays.

'Really girl? Do you know that people and you act like there something happened?'. She asked. And I just put my hands on my face. This is getting worse.

'That groom is the father of my babies'. I said and her eyes widened and cough.

'Wait father? Babies?'. I just nodded. There is no way i'm gonna let my children know about this, yeah it's selfish but I don't want them to get hurt. It's complicated, I'll considered it an excuse right now.

'What's you gonna do about that?'.


'Nothing? You'll gonna hide it, you can't hide it forever you know that'. She said and I broke into tears, this is too much to take. He's not gonna accept our babies, he's gonna build one too with Irene.

'Maybe, when our path crossed and my mind where settle, of all happened to me, i'll make things right, when that day come'. I rub my tummy and Rosé pat my back.

This is going to be hard for me, and how will my life goes on, when i'm trap in a cage that full of nightmare.


Maybe I can update everyday HAHAHA will see.🥵❤

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