Chapter 10: What Is Irene To Eun Woo

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Jennie POV.

I'm bored, and i'm all alone in our house. Eunwoo is at work and Rosè is in her photography class. Rosè insisted to drop her class to take care of me but I got angry, I don't wanna be a burden to them. They have their own life before they met me.

'I guess I will go to Eunwoo's room to investagate'. She smirk and slowly walked towards his room. I know it's bad but I am so curious. Maybe it help my memories to come back.

As I open his room, the dark aura welcome you. It's red and black theme, I can't blame him, it's a beautiful color. My eyes locked up in the one frame with a girl in it. It so small so I walked closer to it.

I was shocked when I found out that, that the girl in the frame is my sister, Irene. Her photo when she was in highschool. The frame is all cracked up. It was like it fall or intentionally broke.

'Jennie?'. I turn around and I saw Eunwoo's terriefied and angry face. I fucked up big time. I suddenly let go of the photo and my eyes got blurred. What's happening to me? My babies....

Before I closed my eyes close. Eunwoo's face is soften and he carries me out of the room, and it all went black.

Eunwoo POV.

I'm afraid to lost someone again, It's not intentionally to fall for Jennie. And i'm afraid that she'll know the whole truth about my relationship with her sister. I come back to reality when someone tap me.

'Eunwoo-shi, are you with Jennie?'. The doctor asked. I nodded twice and he smiled, I hope nothing happpened to Jennie and the babies.

'Relax Eunwoo, everything is under control, she's safe with the babies. Just don't let her overthink again, it might lost her babies.'. He said and I thank him. I walked towards the room and I saw Jennie slowly open her eyes.

'Eunwoo? H-How's my babies?'. She's rubing her stomach and she realize that they still in her womb. She looked at me and I smiled.

'You're really a naughty preggy hahaha'. I teased her but she keep her serious face. I stop laughing and exhale. It's time for her to know all the truth it's her right.

'Why do you have Irene's photo?'. She asked, so this is the moment of truth. I needed someone to know my pain, for able to me to move on.

'Irene and I are used to be couple in highschool, but we keep it lowkey. I'm poor back then, your parents standard is too high, so we keep it a secret'. She's not answering so I continue my story.

'We are madly inlove with each other, but something happened they caught us. They brought me to an empty warehouse along with Irene and your parents'.

'Where am I that time?' She asked me, I didn't even know that she's have a little sister.

'She didn't mention you in her stories. She just told me how her life living like a princess'. I noticed pain in her eyes, so I touched her hand to comfort her.

'That time, they gave a lot of money to my parents. They accepted it, it all because we're lacked of money and we need it to survive. And for the exchange I will not be able to talk to her anymore'. I continue. Yes! I pursue my dream to be a business man to get her back, for many years I realize that it's not worth it and she's already married.

'My sister is a bitch, you know? She didn't even fight for you?' She asked and I shooked my head. When we're officially over, she bullies poor student and many of them drop out.

'Maybe i'm really not belong to their family, yes i'm biological child but I feel like i'm not'. She said teary eyes. I stop her, it's not good for the babies.

'Stop overthinking, Jen. Let them be, and prove to them even if they treated you like shit you can still be a lovable mother'. I assured her.


'Jennieeeeyahhh, I said stop overthinking look at you, you're in this nasty smelly hospital'. Rosè angerily said and walked towards us. This girl really.

'That's why I don't want to leave you aloneeee. You're such a naughty pregnant woman'. She keeps blabbering, like a mother scoldimg her child. Jennie show her adorable gummy smile, it's better to see her like this.

'You two, let's skip work and focus on our pretty preggy friend hahaha. How was that sound?'.

'Awesomeeee'. They both agree. Maybe we focus on Jennie for a while so that she'll deliver the baby in a good condition. That sounds fun.

'Why so concern today ha, Eunwoo'. Jennie teases me, and it's time for me to fire back.

'I don't want the babies looks like they been stress out hahaha, I want them to be healthy that's it'. I said and she whinned. Adorable.

'Eunwoo, I wanna go to the cafe where I had my crazy cravings'. She pleaded. Her cuteness is to much to handle.

'Yeah, and let's have babies gender reveal'. Rosè said and they both got excited. They were both so hype that I forgot I got a call in the company. The guy looks like he's not going to give up for finding Jennie. Maybe he has a connection in her parents company where he can find possible contact to where jennie is.

'What are you thinking, Eunwoo?' Jennie asked and Rosè gave her a sliced of apple.

'I got a call from the office, a man asking if you were in paris'. It seems like Jennie froze from her bed, maybe it's bad for her this news. It's looks like she's ignoring someone.

'Who is it? Maybe it's one of my friend who's calling me during Irene's wedding'. She pretend to be okay but the guy who called he never mention his name.

'Mian Jen, but he didn't mention it'.

Who's is that guy? Maybe the babies father or a closest friend.


It's 11:03 pm, I need to rest i'll continue it tomorrow. I'm sleepyyy. Byeeee

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