Chapter 9: Five Months Later

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Third Person POV.

Five months later, Jennie's tummy got bigger. It's hard for her cause she's carrying 3 babies, yeah it's just not twins, it's triplets.

Eunwoo and Rosé is helping her, they became bestfriend in the past 5 months.

It's Taehyung and Irene wedding day, they kept texting her to attend but how can she attend when her heart can't stop hurting when he's happy and soon to form a family. It will only affect their children, and stress her out.

These following days, she keep asking herself if she's deserve all of this. She keep thinking that it's all her fault why she is in this mess. Maybe it's a beautiful karma for her.

'Jen, your friends are still calling you, are you sure you're gonna ignore them?'. Rosè asked. She turned around and stare at her phone, she picked it up and Rosè assumed that she's gonna answer it but she did the opposite. She turn off her phone and broke it.

'They don't need me there, I guess my family are happy when i'm not around, I don't want to ruined it'. She answer and continue to stare at the broken phone while fixing her childrens belonging.

'Why?? They are your family, no family would be happy if their daughter is away from them'. Rosè insisted, and Jennie's tears fall down slowly until it become a damn waterfalls.

'I wish the opposite too Rosè. I dream of being treated correctly, being love by your own mother and father, to not have a competition with your sister. I wish that too'. She cried, Rosè hugged her, she didn't know what happened to Jennie before she met her.

'We're friends for over a months now but I feel like i'm still a stranger to you'. Rosè said. Jennie stop crying and feel bad for her friend. But she can't tell her friend her awful life, she don't want to pitied her.

'I don't want to talk about them Rosè, I might stress out it's not good for the baby, and they are my only treasure right now'.

Rosè understand and help Jennie to feel better so they can start packing the babies things. In few months their gonna know what gender will be her babies.

'Jen, when your kids develop their mind and they will be asking you, who's their father. What are you gonna do?'. Rosè asked, confused and concern. She's in a big trouble when that day comes.

'I don't even know Rosè, maybe Eun woo can be their temporary father while I figured it out'. She said and Rosè looked down, Jennie notice her sudden action.

'Don't tell me your having feelings for Eun woo?'. She teased her, forgetting the drama they had minutes ago. Rosè blushed and denied it, but Jennie figure it out that she's having her eyes on Eun woo.

Suddenly, the door swung open and reveled Eun woo who's handsome as usual with his suit and brief case. He's temporarily taking care of Jennie's company until she's ready to take it over. They are business partner since then.

'How was our Queen of the triplets??'. He teased her, you can feel the love on his voice. That's why Rosè shut her feelings away. He kissed her forehead and smile looking at the children's things. He feels like it's his own children.

'I'm okay, it's my sister's wedding and I intentionally broke my phone because it's annoying'. She pout like a puppy and his face become serious.

'Irene..'. He whispered while looking at the window. Jennie hears it and turn to him.

'You know my sister? Kim Irene?'. Jennie asked. Rosè is confused of what are they talking about, she feels lost again.

'Kim Irene, she's the famous model right? Of course I know her'. He coughed and walked out of the room. Jennie looked at the door suspicious, it's Eun woo nature to turn back when he's angry or sad. She needs to find out.

'You're thinking again jen, it's bad for the babies'. Rosè said and stood up ready to leave the room but Jennie stop her.

'Rosè can you help me?'. Jennie asked and Rosè forehead crunched. Rosè walked towards her and Jennie explained it.


They are eating their dinner silently. They think that Eun woo is still angry and they didn't speak a word to him.

'Why so silent?' Eun woo asked. Jennie and Rosè look at each other. They shooked their head.

'Did we upset you?' Rosè asked, ad they started their plan to provoke him. Eun woo is confused and he remember Jennie's question.

'No, of course not. You two didn't do something to upset me'. He smile and they continue to eat.

FAILED, he pretend to not remember what happened hours ago. But Jennie is eagerly to know what is their relationship. The way he said Irene's name is something, there was hatred and sadness.

The dinner went smoothly, Rosè is with her in the garden and Eun woo is in his study room. They put a blanket to lay on and Rosè help her to lay down because her stomach is big than a balloon.

'You know? You and Eun woo are still mysterious to me. I know your name but not what you've suffered. It feels like both of you suffered in deep pain'. Rosè said while looking directly to the stars. Jennie smiled because she's so honest.

'Yeah I suffered a lot, the feeling that you don't know yourself anymore'. Jennie said while touching her tummy.

'What do you mean by that?'. Rose asked.

'I woked up one day, I don't know what happened to me the other day. My doctor says i'm suffering in selective amnesia, i'm still looking for that piece to be able to be complete again'.

'But my parents kept it away, they never told me that I was suffering in that kind of amnesia. They kept it like it's nothing to me, i'm living my life questioning myself for being incomplete'.

'Sorry to hear that jen, yes you suffered in the hands of your parents but you have your own life now, your having three angels'. Rosè smiled and Jennie feel relieve.

She's gonna be a great mom and dad soon.



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