Chapter 17

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JUNE 16, 2021
The twins birthday.

Jennie POV.

When my door burst open, I quickly hid our passport in my bag. I looked at the person who enter my room, it's the twin, Blaire is jumping on my bed while Jaiden is scolding her.

'Mommm it's our birthday, our we going to the orphanage?'. She asked happily.

'Of course, and it's Grey death anniversary too'. When I said that Blaire stop jumping on my bed. She walks towards me and hug so did Jaiden.

'I know brother Grey is with us mom, he's still with us'. I hugged the two of them and kisses their forehead. Suddenly my phone rang, and I answer it.

'Hello Jennie Kim speaking'. I said and I mouthed 'go downstair', they nodded.

'Jennie....'. It's my mother, who hated me so much. Why is she calling?

'Why mother? Is my freedom card is expired now?'. I sarcasticly said. I arrange my bag with the twins extra clothes for later.

'I investigate about you, and I found out about my grandbabies. Please come home, my grandson will be happy if he know he have a cousin'. Grandson? Irene's child? Ow of course we're just two.

'I'm planning to go back there, as soon as I celebrate my kids birthday here for the last time'. She still my mother, and I even praying for this day to happen.

'Thank God, stay safe and go straight in the house'. I hang up, and go downstair. They are eating along with Eunwoo.

'Who called mommy?'. Jaiden asked. I sit and eat with them.

'It's your granny'. Jaiden coughed and I worriedly give him water. Aish I shouldn't had told them, look what happened.

'So we're going back to Korea mom? I read your diary, but your mother'. I sighed it's good thing I didn't write about Taehyung.

'What is it brother, is she a monster like in the fairytales? Brother Grey Angelo, please tell God to protect us from evil'. Blaire blurted while praying.

'Yes she's evil'. Jaiden said and Blaire shake in fear.

'Maybe she change? All people can change just give them a chance'. I said and took the dishes away. I wash them and put them in the shelf.

'Your mom is right, just give your granny a chance, there's no age for forgiveness'. Eunwoo said and held their hand and go outside, I took the bag and locked the door.

We are going to the cemetery, we brought flowers for Grey. As we arrive we put the flower in his grave and I touched his stone that his name in it. We shared our experience talking to Grey. The twin says that we are going to Korea to meet their granny.

After that we bid goodbye, I will come back here every year Grey, don't worry.

We drove off to the orphanage, Eunwoo says he want to go to Korea as well. He need to beg for forgiveness to Lisa. We plan that Eunwoo will be the father of the twins, so that my mother won't know about Taehyung and I affair.

We arrive and all the kids where wearing a birthday hat and holding a balloon. The celebration went well, the twins enjoy the party, all my coworkers and staff sent a gift and a message. And we donated for the orphanage, until we come back here again.

Mrs. Kim POV.

Today is my lucky day, I knew where is Jennie and the most shocking is she have a twin.

After I call her, I regret what I did to her in the past few years. They said she's a great mother to the twin.

'Granny is happy'. Kai said and sit beside me, he's dress up maybe they have a father and son bonding.

'Guess what Kai Andrew, I found Jennie and she have a twin children'. I said and he jump excitedly.

'Kai Andrew I say behave, that not what I taught you'. Irene said, Kai stop and bow down.

'He's just a child, Irene. It's natural for him to act like that. Don't be so strict about that'. I said then my husband arrive with Taehyung. Irene grab Kai slightly and smiled at Taehyung. Aish.

'We have a family bonding mom, we're coming back for dinner'. Irene said and kiss my cheeks then Kai too, they bid goodbye and walk away.

Seojun, my husband look at me. He read my mind that's why I love him.

'I found our daughter Seojun, Jennie with her twin'. He look at me suspicious.

'You didn't care about her since then? I cared less because you said so. It hurts to saw my daughter alone, like she don't have a family. Instead we ask for forgiveness, you send her away from us. What really is your plan? Yeri.

He walk away and left me dumbfounded. I just want her to be cool for a moment. If she stay here, she will stress her self out. I know i've been selfish and have a favoritism, but I blame myself that our family is like this. Like a white and black painted all over our chapter.

I hope Jennie finds in her heart to forgive us, i'm ready to say why i'm being rude to her since birth.

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