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The whole place is busy for the upcoming soon to be newly married. While Jennie is preparing herself to look presentable. She's just meeting her future brother-in-law. She looked at the mirror and kept herself look intimadating. Jennie is known as a model and a business woman. Every guy adore and wished to be with her.

The clicked of her heels sounded in the whole place. The gal made her way to the living room with her sweet smile that every guy fall inlove with. Taehyung looked at her and he observe her every curve. Those adorable gummy smile shine while looking innocent. Her sister made her way towards the gal, Kim Irene (I replaced her surname to Kim if you don't mind, and don't hate me, I love Irene so much, she suit this role)

"Baby sis, you look so hot". Irene approach her and she just rolled her eyes. She hates calling her baby, will she looked like a baby but she's a grown up lady now.

"I'm not a baby anymore". She whined and pout. The lad looked at her shocked but he hide it right away. He don't know that a KIM JENNIE is such a baby, he don't know that he's feeling something towards her. He shaked it off and focuse on their upcoming wedding.

"And by the way, this is my fiancee, Kim Taehyung". She introduced and the two shook hands. The lad feel warm and safe with her touch, as they pulled out, he feel empty. What's happening to me? He thought.

"Of course I know, he's that famous billioner". The conversation cut when their parents called them. Irene cling into the lad's arm, but Taehyung feel irretated. The gal noticed him, she felt worried for her sister, many questioned filled in her mind. What if he was forced? But my sister said they are madly inlove with each other she thought.

"So when is the wedding?" Their mother asked. Irene noticed Taehyung being air headed so she decided to answer.

"Next year, mom". She answered and continue eating. Their parents is so happy for the both of them. They fit each other, and they wished for all the best for their daughter.

"How about you, Jennie? How's your lovelife?" Their mom gazed to her. She left out of laughed and drink some water.

"I'm still waiting". She answered and munched her food. The gal is busy working her ass off. No one would dare confessed to her, she looks scary and she will reject you right away. The lad sighed in relief, he don't know what's going on him, but he's glad that she's single. He felt bad for his feeling towards the gal, he have Irene now but he wanted to be with Jennie too. He love Irene but Jennie just brought a whole new world for him, that he don't feel when he is with Irene.

"Yahh! You have many suitors but no one catch your taste? Hey love do you have friends that available to Jennie?" She asked her lover. He looked at her in disbelief but hurriedly hide it.

"They're all taken, I guess?" He lied, he know that Yoongi is still single. He don't want to give her lover.

"I don't care about men, my priority is to work and chill". She said. They all looked at her in disbelief. She's going to club when she felt stress at the same time chill.

"I want to have a grandchild with you". His father said. The gal choked and her whole face are red, she's blushing and hide her face. The lad was amused by her actions, she's so freaking cute.

"DAD I don't know what to say". She's embarassed infront of her brother-in-law. They all finished their food and chill at the living room, drinking wine.

"Omygad, I have appointment this night, I forgot". Irene exclaimed and grab her bag upstair. Irene is also a model but not a business woman. She disclined her parents order.

"We either, and Taehyung please take care of Jennie". Her mother command. Jennie stomped her feet and whinning.

"I can take care of myself". She said but no one answered her. They all looked busy and they immediately go outside.

"Love, i'm going now. You can sleep on my room". Irene said and kissed his lips. The gal looked away in disgust. She envy her sister for having Taehyung.

She jumped on the couch leaving Taehyung at the door. She gulped the wine and feel tipsy. She's saying nasty word that make the lad turn on. She sway her hips not knowing her actions due to the alcohol. She landed to Taehyung, but the lad can't take it anymore, he need to release.

They got into her room and slammed her to the door. He crashed his lips into her, the gal immediately pulled away.

"It's not right, Taehyung. You're my Brother-in-law". She complained but Taehyung seems deaf and kissed her passionately. Her sweet lips that he's craving for. His hand landed on her ass and squeeze it making the gal gasped.

"A-Ahhh". He took the chances to slide his tongue and explore inside her. His placed wet kisses in her jawline and then sucked her sweet spot. She left out of soft moan while tilting her head sideways. She wanted to pushed him but her body saying the opposite. His hand explore in her body finding the zipper on her dress. He zipped it and the dress drop on the ground.

She wrapped her legs in his torso and he walked in her bed. His boner puking in her crown that add more pleasure. He grab her left breast and played with it same goes to the other one. Her back arched and he unclaspped her bra.

"Taehyung-ah, p-please". She moan and he love the way she moan his name. He sucked her breast and touch her crown along with her undergarments. He's teasing her and her eyes rolled back.

"Please what?" He asked going down in her crown. She gasped when she feel his breath in her private part.

"P-Please do whatever you want". She moan, and that's it she's losing her virginity to her brother-in-law. He smirk and pulled her undergarments with his teeth. He's eyes looked at her, she feel ashamed but she need him now. He eat her and her back arched. She grab handful of hair and pushed it towards her.

She feel her stomach switched and he feel it. She cummed in his mouth and the lad eat her juice not wasting single drop in it. He climbed up and kissed her, tasting herself in his mouth. He pulled her cock and pulled his boxer, his tip is in her entranced. He kissed her forehead with full of gentle and care.

"I'll be gentle". He reassure her and the gal nodded. He kissed her and pushed himself into her. She scratch his back because of the pain and pleasure. When he's fully in her, he let her adjust. He kissed her neck living hickeys, he started to move and they moan.

"Ugh, so tight. F-Fuck". He moan, and fasten his pace. Her bed squick and her breast bounce, and for him it's the beautiful view.

"I'm cumming". She moan and he hit her g-spot. She groaned and wrapped her legs in his waist. She cum and make it easier to him to thrust. He cum inside her and laid down. He looked at her, sleeping soundly.

"Why is she tired when I do all the driving". He chuckled and put her head in his chest. He drift to sleep and hugged her waist.


Yeah, Taennie shippers, party people.

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