Chapter 20

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Taehyung POV.

I drown myself everyday with my work. I want to finish it all to find Jennie.

Suddenly my door burst open, and I saw Suga catching his breath. I just watched him to finally calmed down and out of nowhere he slammed my desk.

"I'm busy hyung, and don't break my desk". I calmly said and he straighten his posture.

"Jennie is in Korea, Tae. I doubt you didn't watch the news because you're so busy middling your work". And this time I can't hear anything, even though hyung is still scolding me. I still processing what I heard, my lady is finally back.

"I can't describe how happy I am, hyung this is what I've pray for". But he smiled weakly, what's wrong?

"But she's not alone, Tae. She has children and I think husband". My world crashed for a moment, what children and husband? I feel tears streaming down on my cheeks. Am I too late?

"What how? No! so, she didn't remember anything about us?". Damn why heaven make me suffer. Irene should be suffering, she started it.

"I just know that her memories are coming back but not all of them, it's different between you two. You gained your memories easily but her's are still processing". I grabbed my hair in frustration, with my teary eyes I want to see her.

"Hyung I want to see her". I plead and he shook his head.

"Don't be obvious, Tae. Irene might know that you gained your memories 5 years ago". He's right we're planning something to bring Irene down.

"Then I will visit Kai, so that I'll see her". I said.

"You're using Kai to see Jennie? Isn't it too much Tae?". I shook my head, of course I'm not using him.

"I have my responsibility, he's still my son". I quickly packed my things and go straight to Irene's house.

I called Kai that I'm coming over and he's cool with that. He said he want me to meet his cousins. And I know it's Jennie's children.

My hand is sweating, I don't know why. Maybe because finally I'll be reunited with Jennie. But still I can't explain why I'm acting weird.

I park my car and saw Kai in the playground with two other kids. When Kai saw me he smiled an run towards me, I miss this boy so much.

"Daddyyyy I miss you". He said and I picked him up and hug him. I spent my time in the office, I didn't spend much time with my boy.

"I miss you too". I said and put him down. He grabbed me and happily walked towards the little table where the two kids playing.

When suddenly the little girl look at us, she really look like Jennie. And the boy he really look like Kai a lot. My heart beats faster, I'm happy and nervous at the same time.

"Hi Kai's appa, i'm Blaire and this is my twin Jaiden". They bowed and I smiled. Jennie really is a good mother, she taught her kids good manners.

"I'm worried about mom, dad. She's not coming home since she leave the house yesterday". Kai loves Irene very much, even though Irene never treated her like her child. I noticed it once when I'm about to leave but I found Irene screaming at him.

Kai really is my son, I tested it when he's still little because of Irene's betrayal and lying state, I can't trust her anymore.

"You can call me uncle or taetae. Oh and by the way I'm Kim Taehyung nice to meet you". I smiled even if I'm nervous this is actually weird. I'm having butterfly in my stomach, really weird.

I only had this feeling when I'm with Jennie and Kai.

"You look familiar". The little boy blurted while staring at me. Kai and Blaire are confused.

"I've seen your face before, I think mommy has a picture of you". That's it, is it a sign that Jennie is still thinking of me?

"Do you mind me asking? But who's your Dad?". Before he answer Jennie came out of nowhere. She's pale and nervous, why is she acting like this unless she gained her memories.

"T-Taehyung?" She's shocked while asking me, I badly want to hug her. God knows how much I longing for her touch but for the sake of my plan, I can still wait until no one stand between us.

"Nice to see you again, Jennie". I smiled but still she's just staring at me. I don't know what's running in her mind.

"Are you here for Irene? She's n---". I cut her, I'm not here for Irene, I'm here for you. I badly want to say that to her.

"I'm here for my son, I want to spend time with him. And I want to befriend with your babies". I touch their hair and simply get a strand of a hair. I have this feeling that they are mine.

"Uhm okay, bye". She hurriedly held her children's hand and got inside the house. I place the hair in a plastic.

"Is that Blaire's hair, dad?". Kai asked and I just smiled and told him to stay quite about what he witnessed just now.

"Where do you want to go? Do you want to meet your uncles?". I know how he badly want to play with them. And all my friends are crackheads.

"Yes please, but I want Jaiden and Blaire come with us". I saw sadness in his eyes so, we decided to ask for Jennie's approval.

We went inside and Kai is convincing Jennie, and the twins give her puppy eyes. No one can resist that.

"Don't worry Jennie, Lisa is also there. And my friends is responsible, we will be here exact dinner". I don't know why Jennie is still hesitant but after 10 minutes she said yes.

She told me that if anything happen, I'll call her. So we exchange numbers, great day for me.

A Gap In One's MemoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz