Chapter 4

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"David Cameron" he said as he answered my question.

"Who?" I asked him as I raised my head up and gave him a puzzled look.

"Ah long dark guy!" he said as he looked at me.

"Ah.... oh! That David Cameron?!" I asked as my looks got more puzzled.

"Ah yeah!" he replied as he gave me a "not needed at the moment" smile.

"God I don't believe that! You are kidding me, right?" I asked him as I faked a laugh.

"Ah! No I am not!" he replied as he raised his eyebrows.

"I seriously don't believe it! I mean his elder brother a gate keeper! I mean seriously! He don't look like that he have such a background, he looks rich; I mean super rich!" I said as my voice got wild with excitement.

"Pepper, it's not always true; what you see. I mean you cannot believe on your eyes, that much. A person; not every time have a lifestyle, like they appear" he said as he gave me s pice of advice too; and it was that I should not judge people by their appearance.

"But he is such an attitude person, so much ego and all" I said innocently.

"Well not excatly, now let it be. We are on our destination, so now let it be. Let's now be back to us. Ok?" he asked as he looked at me.

"Yeah! Sure! It will just be us, nothing else! No more David talks!" I said as I kind of promised him.

And with these words of mine our conversation came to an end. I was still amazed by his words and statements.

I was very puzzled, but I decided that I wouldn't ask any other question or even talk to him about it.

"So where are you parking the car?" I asked him innocently, breaking the silence that layed between us.

"Well, in a place where I find it later!" he said, and as he said he routed his head all around, looking for a place to park his car.

And then he soon found one, it was just in front of the gate.

"I guess that place will be great!" he said as his eyes got fixed at the place

"Yeah! Sure!" I said in a cheering voice.

And as I said he drove us to the point; and parked his car. As he parked his car we slowly opened the door and made our way towards the automatic sliding door which, straight let us in.

"A table for two please" I asked the receptionist.

"Sure ma'am! Please follow me" she said as she lead us our way towards a table.

"Here's your table ma'am" she said as she pointed towards a table.

"Thank you so much" I said and as I said we made our way towards the table.

He pulled a chair out for me, and as he did that; I settled myself on the chair and as I sat he settled himself on the chair which was right in front of mine.

"What will you have?" he asked as he picked up the menu card.

"Ah..... coffee, will be cool!" I exclaimed as I looked at him.

"Which coffee?" he asked as his eyes got engrossed in scanning the menu card.

"Hmm" I said as I too picked up a menu card.

"What?" he asked as he raised he heard up.

"Nothing just one Irish coffee for me. What about you?" I asked as I told him my choice.

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