The Beginning

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He got down from his car and took off his shades, he then buttoned up his coat. He marched towards the huge shiny glass door, which opened as he went closer to it. As it opened he walked through the hall. He then made his way to the reception.

"How may I help you, sir?" asked the receptionist with a big smile.

"Can I meet Miss. Ana Sharpay, please? I have an appointment with her" he said as he smiled back at the receptionist and pulled his BlackBerry out of his pocket.

"I am afraid you may not sir" she said as she pressed her lips into a straight line.

"Why not?" he asked and as he placed his palms on the counter and gave her a puzzled look.

"Sir, because, she just left a few minutes ago. I think you can wait for her in the waiting room if you want" she said as she bent towards him.

"Sure I can wait! But can I wait in her cabin please?" he asked as he smiled.

"Sir I am afraid you can't. I can't send you to her cabin directly. She'll be angry if I do so" she said as she gave him a worried look.

"But she knows me, very well, actually. I am Ethen, I am an old friend" he said as she pressed his faked a smile.

"Oh I am so sorry sir, I didn't knew that" she apologised as she bend her head.

"So may I know the way to her office?" he asked as he accepted her apology.

"Yeah sure. You first go straight and then in the left, you will find some stairs, you need to climb them and the first one on the left of the stairs is her cabin" she said as she navigated him and pointed her finger towards the direction.

"Thank you!" he exclaimed as he thanked her.

"You're welcome sir, and have nice day" she said as she nodded at him and gave him a huge smile.

"Hm" he hummed, he followed her leads. He first went straight, then on the left hand side he found the stairs and then he climbed them and as he climbed the last stair, he entered my cabin.

It was a huge room with a lot of files spread on the desk. It had interior of French style. It had a huge bookshelf which had many novels on it, it had every type of novels present. They all were arranged in an order which made it look tidy. There on the table laid my black coloured laptop and a shiny yellow book which grabbed all his attention. He picked it up and sat comfortably on the black couch which stood there, just stuck to the wall. He slowly opened the book and started reading it. He opened the first page and took a deep breath. It started from:-
"Dear dairy,
You have known me for a very, very long time. And you know much about me. As you know many people have came in my life and they have tried to solve the mystery of my life. And many people came in my life. They all had many questions in there minds. And they all found an answer to their convenience. But today I will answer all the questions. Today I will revel my journey. Today I will Unfold the tale of my life.
This is An Unfolding Tale.

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