10.23.2077 - Flashback

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"I can say without a doubt that there are an infinite number of universes. Some are just like our own... but for one or two significant events, exactly the same." - Lex Luthor

The day had started off cold, it had been cold a lot recently, but he should've guessed today would've been different. His parents and his teachers were always warning him that the Chinese would attack, but he never thought much about it. After all, he was just a kid. So, when the sirens started blaring through the crowded walls of the vault he curled up into a ball and sought the happy place his mother taught him about. All of the adults were gathered around the tube screen and stood slack jawed as images of destruction happening across the country flipped across their eyes. Not wanting to witness the destruction the boy ran back to his family's cabin in the vault.

Opening the door to the place he called home he saw his father sitting on the bed with his head in his hands and his mother with tears in her eyes. Tugging at his dad's blue jumpsuit the boy climbed into his lap. The father smiled at his child the way parents do when they want to protect their kids from the whole world.

"What's happening papa?" The boy questioned.

"The reason we came down here is what's happening son," the father smiled faintly.

"When can I go back to school?" The boy asked, thinking they could finally go back to the surface.

"In a little bit," the man lied. Before anyone else in the room could say another word the intercom system crackled to life.

"Attention all vault dwellers, we are under attack! We need all able bodied persons to the commons area immediately! This is not a drill, we are..." the speaker cut out as the roar of some creature obviously ended the announcer's life.

Turning his son towards him he put a small metallic object into his hand, "son, this is your great great grandfather's dog tag. He served in World War II, his name was Jason Forger and we've passing this down for generations. I'm giving this to you, because I might not make it back. Remember who you are son, you are a Forger. We do not give in, we do not give up, we survive."

The child could only utter one word as his father left him forever, "dad..."

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