05.30.2284 - Hope.

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“If you're reading this... Congratulations, you're alive. If that's not something to smile about, then I don't know what is.”  - Chad Sugg

Nate was getting worried, his brother had been longer than he usually was. It was just supposed to be another run to replenish their dwindling water supplies. He brushed the dust off of his hands and onto his already dirty casuals. If his brother didn't make it back tonight he would be sleeping in the cold again. It wasn't the first time Lyle hadn't come home the same day he left, but never had he not come back from a water run.

Just as Nate was ready to shut the door to the cave the two brothers lived in, the radio in the back crackled to life.

"Attent..." The radio buzzed, "any surv... listening. The NCR will b... mounting an expedition north into uncivilized land. Please prepare for our arrival."

Nate couldn't believe what he was hearing. The NCR was coming to rescue them. Lowly wastelanders and they were going to be rescued.

"Hey kid, you won't believe what I found," Lyle said entering the cave.

"Neither will you," Nate smiled back.

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