12.25.2290 - To Whom It May Concern

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"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides..." - Ezekiel 25:17

Shaking his head the old captain of the NCR 41st squadron of Utah knew that this would be the last of Nate Forger he ever saw. Gripping the old world Bible in his right hand he stared at the highlighted quote of Ezekiel 25:17 and chuckled to himself. Turning his attention to his left hand he began reading the letter that had bookmarked the page in the Bible.

"To Whom It May Concern, I have decided that I need answers. I need answers as to why a member of the Brotherhood of Steel had my brother's Bible and if he is dead or not. As well, I hereby formally declare that the war for Utah is over, it has been revealed that the last stronghold of the Brotherhood of Steel is at Vault 37. This Vault is the same place that my brother vanished to 6 years ago. Most likely, the NCR will raid this place and bring peace to Utah, but I must get there first and discover the truth of what happened to my brother. I hereby leave all my possessions to a pretty lass named Kate. Furthermore, I will be the righteous man brother and I will avenge you."


Crumpling the paper in his hand and closing the book, the captain turned towards the throng of men who had gathered behind Him, awaiting orders. "Begin packing up camp, we begin our final assault in 6 days," the captain said, turning to face his men and saluting them, for the NCR, for Nate and for Lyle.

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