10.23.2087 - Solitude

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"Do not wish for your destruction, it will come eventually." - Anonymous

Ten years, it had been ten years since he lost his parents to the Deathclaws. He shuddered to recall the memory that still haunted his dreams even today. The world was a lonely place now. Everyone in the vault was dead, except for him. Even if the now fifteen year old boy wanted to leave he couldn't. The world above was still being ravaged by radiation.

Kicking the head of a dead Deathclaw the boy sat down on the cold floor of the vault. After the initial attack that killed everyone, all the Deathclaws had just dropped dead as if by magic. The only reason he was still alive was because his mother had had the quick thinking to hide him in a broken vent. From there he watched as his mother's limbs were torn from her body as if she was a toy doll.

The silence consumed him and tore away at his insides. It drove him mad to think he was lucky to be alive. Why would a life of solitude and loneliness be considered fortunate? Out of frustration he wrapped his hands around the dog tag on his neck and threw it into a corner. Pounding his head on the table he screamed aloud. As the wave of insanity passed across him he realized he still needed the tag, despite his anger at his father for leaving him. Picking himself up he scrambled over to the direction he threw it in. From the shadow's of a corner came a hand, a human hand, with his dog tag clutched in it. Furrowing his eyes he peered closer into the shadows and realized he wasn't alone. Sitting in that dark dingy corner was a girl, about his age with brown eyes and brownish hair. Maybe it was his need for companionship, but he could swear this was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Taking the dog tag from her hand he peered at the book next to her and was startled to find she was doing arithmetic. Settling down next to her he smiled at her, "Hi, what's your name?"

"Barnes," she smiled.

"I'm a Forger, do you think we could be good friends?"

Her eyes lit up and he saw a smile that he would never forget.

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